Which is odd перевод на испанский
166 параллельный перевод
Which is odd when you look at the ground.
Lo que es raro cuando miras al suelo.
'Many solutions were suggested for this problem,'mostly concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper,'which is odd, because, on the whole,'it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.
Se sugirieron muchas soluciones para este problema, pero la mayoría relacionadas con el movimiento de pequeños pedazos verdes de papel, lo cual es raro porque, en general, no eran los pequeños pedazos verdes de papel los que eran infelices.
The thought never crossed my mind which is odd because I've always wondered about that myth.
Ni se me pasó por la cabeza. Y eso que siempre me he preguntado si el mito es verdad.
But our Monsieur Comeliau requires proof, which is odd, really, because I know for a fact he believes in God.
Pero Monsieur Comeliau pide pruebas, lo que es raro, en realidad, porqué sé, fehacientemente, que cree en Dios.
Which is odd, because of what you said...
Lo cual es raro porque... usted dijo...
Which is odd because the second book came quite effortlessly.
Lo que es raro porque el segundo salió con facilidad.
There's some who still keep a safe distance, which is odd for me,'cause I've always been sort of a people person.
Algunos aún mantienen las distancias, lo que para mí es incómodo... porque yo siempre he sido muy sociable.
There's no nervousness about her, which is odd for a blackmailer.
No es para nada nerviosa, raro por tratarse de una chantajista.
None of the defendant, which is odd, since he was there.
No del acusado. Cosa rara, ya que estuvo ahí.
Which is odd for a writer, of course.
Lo que es raro en un escritor, claro.
I know there aren't any songs about him. Which is odd, for a rebel.
Sé que no hay canciones que hablen de él, lo que es raro tratándose de un rebelde.
Which is odd, because he's a friendly guy.
Siempre. Y es muy triste, pero muy amable.
Which is odd, if being the same perp.
Es raro, si es el mismo autor del crimen.
But, honey, I've got to know what happens next. I'm addicted to these stories... which is odd, because I don't have an addictive personality.
Pero siempre supe que algún día podría mirarte a los ojos, y decirte cerda.
I'm addicted to these stories... which is odd, because I don't have an addictive personality.
Y es raro, porque no tengo personalidad adictiva.
- Met with a client last night in the oil fields, which is odd, because I bagged for this guy six years. Big money. He never wanted to meet before.
- Me encontré anoche con un cliente en los campos de petróleo, lo que es raro porque trabajé para este tipo por 6 años... mucha plata y nunca quiso encontrarse antes.
More precisely, NOTHING on the other side, which is odd.
Más precisamente, nada en el otro lado, lo que es extraño.
or maybe to spare them the trauma... which is odd unless the killer knew them personally.
Lo cual es raro, salvo que el asesino los conociera.
Or he fakes them. Which is odd.
- O que los finge.
She's awesome. She actually likes me, which is odd.
Es fantástica y le gusto de veras, lo que ya es raro.
Which is odd for several reasons, but especially because it was his day off.
Que es raro por diversos motivos especialmente porque era su día franco.
I know we haven't which is odd, considering that you've met my dad you've met my mom, Captain Oats, the list goes on.
Sí, ya sé que no la tuvimos. Lo que es muy raro para mi, considerando que tú conoces a mi padre a mi madre e incluso conoces al Capitán Oats. Y la lista sigue y sigue.
Every Tribal we've come to, you've gotten votes. Then today, you're leading the tribe, which is odd to me, and then even weirder, nobody listens.
Y luego hoy, estas liderando la tribu, lo cual me sorprende, y luego mas raro aún, nadie te oye.
Which is odd, considering it should only smell like bleach.
Lo que és raro considerando que debería oler sólo a lejía.
Which is odd, because we ´ ve discovered that you did receive a call that night.
Lo cual es raro, porque descubrimos que sí la recibió.
Which is odd, because you've done nothing but describe him for the last three hours.
Qué raro, no has hecho otra cosa en las últimas tres horas.
Which is odd.
Es extraño.
I got from the suspect's footprints are about a half an inch deeper in the heel than they were in the toe, which is odd.
Que encontré del sospechoso son 1 cm más profundas, En el talón que en la punta y eso es raro.
Liver temp is 98 degrees which is odd unless she's running a fever
Temperatura del hígado 37º lo cual es raro a menos que volara de fiebre.
Which is odd, since it was all fiction that got us there in the first place.
Lo que es una paradoja, fue toda una ficción lo que nos dio.
You have complained about everybody in the office, except Dwight, which is odd because everyone else has had run-ins with Dwight.
Te has quejado de casi todos en la oficina, excepto de Dwight lo cual es extraño, porque todos han discutido con Dwight.
Which is odd, because I'm really enjoying this.
Lo cual es extraño, ya que realmente estoy disfrutando esto.
Yeah, the camera - but we also found an empty 35mm film canister and 11 rolls of used film, including the one in the camera, which is odd, because only nine were reported missing.
Sí, la cámara, pero también encontramos un envase vacío de 35 mm y 11 rollos de película utilizada, incluyendo el de la cámara, lo cual es extraño, ya que sólo nueve fueron denunciados...
It might seem odd to the uninformed. As lawyers, our job is to defend the accused, but when politics change, the accused change too, depending on which side of the fence you're on.
Como abogados, nuestro deber es defender al acusado, pero cuando la política cambia, los acusados cambian, dependiendo en que lado de la valla estés.
And if by chance, this odd character decides to retract, which is possible,
Y si, hipoteticamente, este personaje extraordinario se retractase, lo que es posible.
I'm having kind of an odd situation which is that...
Estoy en una situación algo especial, y es...
I couldn't really find the words, Pacey, which I know is odd considering the volume of words said during the course of our relationship- -
No hallé las palabras lo que es una rareza, dada la cantidad de palabras que nos hemos dicho Dawson y yo...
Kurt... there is another thing here which I think is quite odd.
Kurt. Hay otra cosa algo extraña.
I'm running a shop, which you lot think is odd.
Llevo una tienda, lo que muchos como tú piensan que es raro.
Which is really odd, because you never bring girls home.
Lo cual es raro, porque tú nunca llevas chicas a casa.
Which is why, given the odd chance such as tonight, I like to take a - a quiet walk and enjoy a leisurely smoke.
Por lo que, dada la rara posibilidad, tal como esta noche, me gusta tomar un... paseo y disfrutar lentamente de un cigarro.
Andrew's odd, but we love him just as we all love this city which I can now say from experience is the greatest city in the world.
Andrew es raro, pero lo amamos, así como todos amamos esta ciudad, la cual puedo decir, ahora por experiencia, que es la mejor ciudad del mundo.
You're an odd woman and I've never quite understood you, but you're extremely capable, and you run this office like a Swiss watch, and you're tall, which is reassuring.
Eres una mujer rara y nunca te he entendido del todo, Pero eres extremadamente competente, Y a gracias a ti esta oficina funciona como un reloj suizo y eres alta, lo cual es tranquilizador.
Which is really odd, because collusion is our business.
Sin connivencia, lo que es extraño, porque ése es nuestro negocio.
Heather doesn't come downstairs, which she says is odd because Heather told her she was in a hurry today and had lots of appointments so she goes hunting for her, and finds her lying here in the shower and can't, um...
Heather no bajaba a ella le pareció extraño porque Heather le dijo que estaba apurada y tenía muchas citas. Así que sube a buscarla la encuentra aquí tirada en la ducha y no...
Some say the Priory wait for the heir to reveal himself which is especially odd since legend suggests he may not know his own true identity.
Quizá esperan que el heredero se revele solo, lo cual sería raro ya que la leyenda sugiere que quizá no conozca su identidad.
The only difference is that haley will look fabulous in her wedding dress by clothes over bro's, which is kind of odd seeing as she's marrying a bro.
La única diferencia es que Haley estará genial, luciendo su vestido de "Clothes Over Bros", Lo que parecerá bastante extraño, porque se va a casar con un "bro".
You tried to kill Djaq because she is a Saracen, which, if I may say, is odd considering five minutes ago you were going to burn down a Christian church.
Intentaste matar a Djaq porque es una Sarraceno, lo que desde mi punto de vista es algo absurdo considerando que 5 minutos antes querías incendiar una iglesia cristiana.
Which is an odd name for someone so closely associated...
- Que digo, tú nunca sabes.
The first thing that strikes one as odd when looking at the history of marijuana, which is also known as cannabis, is how very much legal it once was. In fact, it wasn't only legal, it just happened to be one of the largest agricultural crops in the world, including the United States.
Lo extraño de la historia de la marihuana o cannabis, es que era tan legal, y no solo legal era uno de los más grandes productos agrícolas del mundo.
The kind of person who was going to invent the Boy Scout which was a very odd institution, I think is the sort of boy who would have been thrown on his own resources in a way at an early age.
Robert Baden-Powel nació en 1.857, hijo de un profesor de Geometría de la Universidad de Oxford, y el hijo número ocho, de entre diez hermanos.
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112