Who's that from перевод на испанский
1,286 параллельный перевод
I cannot believe I'm asking advice from somebody who's wearing that hat.
No puedo creer que le esté pidiendo consejo a alguien que usa ese sombrero.
I think the starts of friendships are certainly things that have happened, but, uh... for me, instead of who's the better person it is about who played the game better, and I'm hoping you just respect my having approached the game from that perspective from early, early, early on.
Creo que realmente ha ocurrido que comiencen amistades, pero para mí, no se trata de buscar la mejor persona sino quien jugó mejor, y espero que respeteis haberme metido en el juego con esa perspectiva desde muy al principio.
The general sentiment in the jury box is that this contest has degenerated from a contest of who's the most deserving into a contest of who's least objectionable.
El sentimiento del jurado es que esto ha degenerado de ser "quién se lo merece más" a "quién es menos censurable."
Bugging out with those bugs, in from the deep, swimming- - for somebody who's still really learning how to swim, you took that on heartily- - and then today, I think it says a lot about you that you still feel that confident that you aren't going anywhere.
Por no comerte esos bichos, por nadar como alguien que está aprendiendo a nadar, y hoy, creo que dice mucho de ti lo que acabas de decir el que te sientes seguro de que no irás a ninguna parte.
Es asunto mío porque yo seré el que reciba la llamada de que la maldita asistenta te ha encontrado colgado de las vigas con una erección, joder.
That's comin'from a guy who wears a full-length lime green jumpsuit to work every day.
Lo dice un tipo que va a trabajar a diario vestido de overol verde.
That's a lot from the guy who pretends to be "Shaft"... as opposed to taking shaft.
Es un elogio viniendo de ti, que vas de duro... pero te mola que te lo peten.
We have several witnesses who have attested that the dead woman's fiancé, Mr. Edward Deverill, was on the train from London, and this didn't arrive until 10 : 20.
Tenemos varios testigos que declaran que el prometido de la joven, el Sr. Edward Deverill, se encontraba en el tren de Londres, que no llegó a la estación hasta las diez y veinte.
She's the one who took Lucy away from you... so it's time that you get your own lawyer now.
Ella es quien te saco a Lucy... Es tiempo que consigas tu propio abogado.
I had been assured that he was a first rate policeman who could smell out a felon's guilt from a mile away.
Me habían asegurado que había sido un policía magnífico que podía oler a un criminal culpable desde muy lejos.
It wasn't from me, it's from somebody else, I knew who that is.
It no era de mí, es de otra persona, Yo sabía quién es.
Wow. That's a lot from somebody who didn't know how to respond.
No está mal para no saber que responder.
That was some guy who switched bodies with me and can we keep the S-E-X talk away from the baby?
ese fue un tipo que intercambio su cuerpo con el mio y podriamos dejar de hablar de S-E-X-O delante del niño?
We have been able to determine almost positively, uh, that this bubble was erected from beneath the stores... by the fierce and dreaded Mole People, who dwell in the earth's core.
Hemos estado en la capacidad de determinar casi positivamente, uh, que esta burbuja fue eregida desde abajo de las tiendas... por la feroz y temerosa Gente Lunar, quienes se hospedan en el núcleo terrestre.
Yet there's still part of me that's 1 5 years old still stuck back in Capeside. Still in love with this boy from down the creek who only sees me as a friend.
Pero hay una parte de mí que aún tiene 1 5 años que está aferrada a Capeside y que sigue enamorada de ese muchacho del arroyo que me Ve como una amiga nada más.
That's funny coming from you- - a guy who has nothing better to do than go to the zoo Saturday with some children.
Es cómico que lo digas alguien que no tiene nada mejor que hacer que ir el sábado al zoológico con unos niños.
That woman from the little brat school, she ordered a psychological evaluation, which means I'm gonna have to meet the school shrink, who's gonna label me a dangerous eccentric or something... stick it on my record.
Esa mujer de la escuela de los enanos, pidió una evaluación psicológica. Eso significa que tendré que ir al loquero de la escuela que me catalogará como "excéntrica peligrosa" o algo así, y lo pondrá en mi expediente.
I wasn't sure why they bothered me so much, those stupid clippings from my dad about total strangers who were my age who happened to know exactly what they're doing with their lives, as if that's all that matters.
No estaba segura por qué me molestaban tanto. Esos estúpidos recortes de mi papá sobre extraños de mi edad que saben exactamente lo que hacen con sus vidas...
It's just that I'm on vacation with my girlfriend, Claire, a woman who by all conventional measures is perfect for me, and yet I've just had a vivid sexual dream about someone who differs from her entirely.
Es solo que estoy de vacaciones con mi novia, Claire, una mujer que convencionalmente es perfecta para mí, y aún así tuve un vívido sueño sexual con alguien totalmente diferente a ella.
She was leaving tomorrow for Canada and there's a letter from her sister in Toronto, which blows out the suicide, doesn't it? Is that the man who found her?
Ella se iba mañana a Canadá y hay una carta de su hermana de Toronto que apaga de un soplido lo del suicidio, ¿ no es así?
That's some tough talk coming from a man who wears a basket on his head!
¡ Quién diría que eso lo dijo un hombre que tiene una cesta en la cabeza!
That's a little hard to buy, coming from somebody who cruises for dick on the Internet and has unsafe sex with prostitutes.
Eso no se lo creo a uno que busca hombres en internet y tiene relaciones con prostitutas.
If you're one of the thousands of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, you already know that it's no laughing matter.
Si es usted uno de los miles de hombres que padecen disfunción eréctil ya sabrá que no es un chiste.
If you're one of the thousands of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, you already know that it's no laughing matter.
Si usted es uno de los miles de hombres que sufren de disfunción eréctil usted ya sabrá que no es una broma.
If we find one from someone who's been through the initiation, antibodies may... - That was four years ago.
Janet, eso pasó hace cuatro años Las probabilidades de que...
That interview's gotta be worth at least 20, 30 million bucks in contributions from people who think you'll distribute dime bags of Hawaiian sens at junior high schools, along with condoms and fornication manuals.
Esa entrevista valdrá al menos 20 millones en donativos de gente que crea que distribuirá papelinas en los institutos, junto con condones y manuales de fornicación.
And that's when he's gonna give everyone's favorite answer from a president who has announced that he has MS, "I don't remember."
Y dará la respuesta favorita. El presidente anuncia su esclerosis y responde : "No recuerdo".
From who? From the man that's supposed to be buried in that coffin.
Del hombre que debería estar en el ataúd.
That way, you establish who's boss right from the get-go.
Así dejas claro quién es el jefe desde el principio.
But when we pinpoint who it is... that was fronting that operation- - and we do believe it's someone from your office- - we'll get Mr. Nagel.
Pero cuando sepamos quién fue la pantalla de esa operación. Y creemos que es alguien de su oficina. Tendremos al Sr. Nagel.
Who you see or what you do outside my house is your concern, but there's one thing I won't have, and that's gentlemen followers in a single lady's room. You'll have no trouble on that score from me, Mrs. Best.
pero hay una cosa que no tolero pretendientes en la habitación de una señorita no tendrá ese tipo problemas conmigo señora Best
Hey, who's that broad from last night?
Hey, ¿ Quién es la chica de anoche?
Listen, I'm just calling to tell you that we've got a response from a theatrical agent who's very interested in meeting with you.
Te llamo para decirte que obtuvimos una respuesta... de un representante teatral que está muy interesado en conocerte.
She married some CEO from Century City who doesn't know... and that's the way she wants to keep it.
Se casó con un presidente de Century City que no sabe... y así quiere que permanezca.
Bunny, Rachel is the choreographer I was telling you about who's renting that commercial space from us down in SoHo, using it as a studio.
Bunny, Rachel es la coreógrafa de la que te hablé que nos alquila ese espacio comercial en el Soho y lo usa como estudio.
That's the knife from the man who took Tally.
Ese es el cuchillo del hombre que se llevó a Tally.
Who's that from?
¿ Quién lo hizo?
I called a friend of mine, Angelo Badalamenti, who's a composer from New York City that I had worked with in the past.
Llamé a un amigo mío, Angelo Badalamenti, que es un compositor de Nueva York con el que había trabajado anteriormente.
That's what the Gavilleros were fighting over... foreign companies buying property from people who don't even own it, then kicking the campesinos off their land.
Por eso peleaban los Gavilleros. Las corporaciones compran tierras a gente que es la dueña. Echan a los campesinos de su tierra.
all of us we'll be there, sure... It's better if she gets it from one who knows how to impart news like that.
Estaremos todos allí, pero alguien le tendrá que decir las malas noticias.
beautiful people that he got a thrill from it and we get to the restaurant and Sinatra who was terribly paranoid he's saying
Entramos a un restaurante y Sinatra que era muy paranoico aclara :
Lucid comes from Lucifer and Lucifer, from Lux and Ferous... meaning'the one who's got the light','the one who makes Light that gives inner vision'.
Lúcido viene del Lucifer y El Lucifer, de Lux y Ferous... significando'el uno quién es consiguió la luz','el que hace Ligero eso da la visión interna.'
John Doe falls from the sky, puts you to that in Germany the hands, and then it is the only person who to see the suspect's car.
John Doe cae del cielo, te pone a esa niña en las manos, y luego es la única persona que logra ver el coche del sospechoso.
A call from Leskovic, who says he's head of the NNB, whatever that is.
Llamó un tal Leskovic, dice ser jefe del NNB, sea lo que sea.
Hey, you guys, I was just next door... and you know that weird kid from school who's always saying he can fly?
Hey, chicos, Estaba justo en el cuarto de al lado... y ustedes conocen ese chico extraño de la escuela que siempre esta diciendo que puede volar?
Oh, and who's that, uh, chick from crouching tiger?
¿ Quién es aquella chica de Tigre y Dragón?
My Apollo's different from the original one... in that he's not your ultimate, sort of heroic type... who always seems to act in the best interests of those around him.
Mi Apollo es diferente del original... en eso no es tu tipo, mas heroico... que siempre parece actuar en el mejor interés de quienes lo rodean.
That could easily be watched by Ma Ginger's - excuse me-nosey cousin who lives only yards from the turn off.
Eso puede ser fácilmente vigilado por la prima.. entrometida - disculpe- de Ma Ginger's que vive a metros de la curva.
To Tom's pop, the old doctor, who imagined he had a new ailment every single day and was thus increasingly addicted to the simpler coordination tests from his medical school days, she had to be severe, telling him that there was nothing wrong with him.
Con el padre de Tom, el viejo doctor, que imaginaba que tenía una nueva afección cada día y se volvía crecientemente adicto a los más simples test de coordinación de sus días de universidad, ella tenía que ser severa, diciéndole que no tenía nada malo.
Last Friday I came home, and there's a message on my machine... from my boyfriend, who... says that we shouldn't be together anymore.
El viernes pasado llegué a casa y había un mensaje en mi contestador de mi novio diciendo que ya no deberíamos estar juntos.
It's plaster... that was added by a committee who had complaints from local townspeople.
Es yeso... agregado por un comité que recibió quejas de los vecinos.
who's that 2692
who's that guy 128
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that lady 20
who's that woman 20
who's that for 26
from 995
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
who's that guy 128
who's that man 35
who's that girl 108
who's that lady 20
who's that woman 20
who's that for 26
from 995
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from new york 38
from time to time 154
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from where 295
from what i hear 195
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from new york 38
from time to time 154
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from where 295
from what i hear 195
from you 300
from the start 66
from here on 55
from the past 16
from your wife 16
from this moment 32
from this day forward 62
from me 297
from the beginning 207
from us 65
from the start 66
from here on 55
from the past 16
from your wife 16
from this moment 32
from this day forward 62
from me 297
from the beginning 207
from us 65