You asked me перевод на испанский
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That was why you asked me to come?
Por eso me ha hecho venir.
You asked me how I got my sight.
Me preguntaste cómo recuperé la vista.
No, you asked me to go up there and say that I know what happened, but I don't.
No, me pediste que subiera allí y dijese que sabía qué pasó pero no lo sabía.
You asked me to meet with you so that you could ask me to meet with someone else?
¿ Me ha pedido que me reúna con usted para que ahora me pida que me reúna con otro?
Mr. Liu, you asked me to come because you like me, right?
Sr. Liu ¿ me pidió venir porque le gusto?
It's lucky you asked me to take the kids to the park.
Fue una suerte que me pidió llevar a los niños al parque.
You asked me once who was in the photograph by his bed.
Una vez me preguntaste quien se encontraba en la fotografía junto a su cama.
It's so nice that you asked me for lunch, you know.
COMEDOR Es lindo que me hayas invitado a almorzar.
Marcus, you gave this to me, and you asked me to set a good example, but what we're trying to do here is something new, something...
Marcus, me diste esto, y me pediste que diera un buen ejemplo, pero lo que estamos tratando de hacer aquí es algo nuevo, algo...
I already told you everything I know the first 10 times you asked me.
Te dije todo lo que sabía las primeras diez veces que me preguntaste.
Oscar, you asked me not to seek contact with you.
Oscar, me pediste que no contactará contigo.
I got to say, I was kind of surprised that you asked me to have dinner.
Debo decirte que me sorprendió que me pidieras salir a cenar.
I'm glad you asked me that because I feel like it's high time for all of organized sports to recognize the inevitable, and fling open the doors to unfettered competition.
Me alegra que preguntara eso porque siento que es hora de que los deportes organizados reconozcan lo inevitable y abran las puertas a la competición sin restricciones.
You asked me for proof that Harry Clayton is crooked.
Me pidieron pruebas de que Harry Clayton es un corrupto.
You asked me to help and I helped.
Me pediste ayuda y te he ayudado.
You asked me for proof that Harry Clayton is crooked.
Me pediste una prueba de que Harry Clayton está torcido.
The first time we met, the first thing you asked me to do was pull data off a damaged laptop.
Cuando nos conocimos, lo primero que me pediste fue que sacara la información de un portátil dañado.
You asked me what I do, I said I brought them here, I brought them there.
Preguntas qué hago y digo que los cuido.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you when you were drunk... it was bad timing by me, I...
Lo siento, debí imaginar que cuando estás borracha... es mal momento para mí, yo...
You should've asked me.
Debiste haberme preguntado.
Doctor Michaels asked me if I would speak with you.
El doctor Michaels me pidió hablar contigo.
You asked if she left a note.
Me preguntaste si había dejado una nota.
Which is why I've asked to speak to you all today, to share my message.
Motivo por el cual se me ha pedido que hable hoy aquí, para compartir mi mensaje.
- Yeah, you know, you've asked me that six times today.
- Sí, bueno, hoy ya me lo has preguntado seis veces.
File you asked about.
El expediente que me pediste.
Uh, I hate that you even asked me that question.
Odio que crea tener que preguntarme eso.
Vernon asked you to discredit me, and you locate the ideal report.
Vernon te pidió que me desacreditaras, y tú localizas el informe perfecto.
I asked you if there was money in our house and you lied to me
Te pregunté si había dinero en nuestra casa y me mentiste
Well, Magita, what would you say if I asked you to join Masha and me later upstairs?
Magita, ¿ qué te parece si te invito a subir después con Masha y conmigo?
I have asked you not to roll your eyes at me a lot.
Te he pedido que no me voltees los ojos.
Before he did, he asked me to deliver a message to you.
Antes de hacerlo, él me pidió que le entregara un mensaje.
E.A.D. Shaw asked me to tell you that you've been reinstated, effective immediately.
La directora adjunta Shaw me pidió que te dijera... que fuiste reintegrada con efecto inmediato.
I asked you to come with me because you're brave like my brother and sometimes you actually make me feel safe.
Yo te pedí que vinieras conmigo porque eres valiente como mi hermano y, a veces realmente me hace sentir segura.
I asked you if I could do an off-book investigation on Wilcox, but you shut me down.
He preguntado si podía hacer Una investigación fuera del libro sobre Wilcox, pero me apaga.
I asked you here because I hoped you'd join me.
Te he pedido que vinieras porque espero que te unas a mí.
You know, I wouldn't have thought so, but... if you would've asked would she rather quit pin-up modeling or leave me I would've said she would've quit, so maybe I don't know her that well.
Sabe, no habría pensado así, pero... si le hubiera preguntado si prefería abandonar lo de modelo pin-up o dejarme, yo hubiera dicho que habría renunciado, así que quizás no la conozco tan bien.
The station said you asked for me.
En la comisaría dijeron que preguntó por mí.
These are the entire records you had asked for..
Los registros completos que me pidió...
You asked for me, sir?
Usted preguntó por mí, señor?
Didn't you say that he asked you a question?
¿ No me dijiste que te hizo una pregunta? Eso fue personal.
The other night, you told me that Jesus asked you something.
La otra noche me dijiste que Jesús te preguntó algo.
He asked, "Who do you say that I am?"
Me preguntó "¿ Quién dices que soy?".
Maybe you didn't understand me, I asked for the new timeline, Gideon.
Quizás no me hayas entendido, he pedido la nueva línea temporal, Gideon.
I shall get happy, Mr. Constantine, when you have delivered to us what we have asked you to deliver.
Me alegraré, Sr. Constantine, cuando nos entregue lo que le hemos pedido que nos entregue.
To that end, I've asked our witch Ariane to conduct an assessment. Tell me, Ariane, when you looked into their hearts, what did you see?
Para ello, he pedido a nuestra bruja Ariane que haga una valoración.
If you had just given me what I asked for...
Si simplemente me hubieses dado lo que te pedí...
I wanted to tell you where I went but I was asked not to.
Quería decirte a dónde fui, pero me pidieron que no lo hiciera.
I saw them in town... and they... didn't want you to know that they were getting close to getting back together so they asked me not to tell you.
Los vi en la ciudad... y ellos no querían que supieras que estaban a punto de volver juntos, así que me pidieron que no te lo contara.
But then when I confronted Darhk about it, he told me that if I didn't do everything he asked- - everything he told me to do- - he'd have you killed.
Pero entonces me enfrenté a Darhk por ello, me dijo que si no hacía todo lo que me pedía... todo lo que me dijo que hiciera... te mataría.
You know, you're awfully flippant for a man who's asked a great deal of me.
Sabes, eres muy frívolo para ser un hombre que me pidió mucho.
Well, you know, like, Sophie asked me why you're not sleeping at home.
Sophie preguntó por qué no duermes en casa.