And all that stuff перевод на французский
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You do karate and all that stuff, don't you?
Tu sais faire du karaté et tout ça... n'est-ce pas?
You said you were gonna diversify and all that stuff.
Tu as dit que tu allais te diversifier, et tout ça.
Don't have to sidestep and all that stuff. "
Sans être obligé de biaiser.
And there was cows and all that stuff. It was like, to me, the Wild West.
Y avait des vaches... et tout, c'était le Far West.
And it was all "yippee kai-ay" and all that stuff.
Genre "Yipi-kai-yeah" et tout.
And all that stuff about me and thanking me and...
Et tout ce truc à propos de moi, et les remerciements...
About Casey and all that stuff? I don't care.
Toute cette histoire avec Casey, je m'en fiche.
You can forget about passports and all that stuff.
Oubliez les passeports.
Change names, countries, identity's and all that stuff.
Changer de nom, de pays, d'identité...
They specialize in fish and all that stuff.
Ils sont spécialisés en poisson et tout ça..
And all that stuff about ghosts.
Et sa fixette sur les fantômes?
Well, the obvious one, the birthplace of spaghetti and pasta, all that oily stuff.
Le plus évident. Le lieu de naissance du spaghetti, des pâtes et de l'huile d'olive, l'Italie.
Heaven, hell, and angels and all that kind of stuff?
Au paradis, à l'enfer, aux anges, à tous ces trucs?
They are dealing with their stuff and the energy they put out to the universe. That's a lot more valuable than being miserable all the time.
Ils diffusent de l'énergie dans l'univers... c'est plus précieux que se morfondre.
And then he takes me as a hostage. He made me carry this stuff, and he dragged me all the way up to that church.. You know, the big church on the top of the hill?
Il m'a prise en otage, m'a fait porter des trucs jusqu'à l'église, la grande sur la colline.
I'm gonna parlay the rest of this... my tedious job is to run you for wants and warrants and all that kind of stuff... if you would expedite your leaving.
Je vais résumer le reste de tout ça... mon travail est de vérifier l'existence de mandats pour vous et ce genre de choses... si vous voulez bien quitter rapidement.
And I just remembered all that stuff just now.
Je viens juste de me rappeler de tout ça.
You know, she's got a lot of stuff to do, and... that's why... if she's all... that's why.
Elle a beaucoup à faire et... c'est pourquoi... si elle est... C'est pour ça, quoi.
Yes. You're supposed to put all that stuff in a little box in your mind and lock it up.
Tu dois enfermer tout ça dans un petit coin de ton esprit... et fermer à clé.
Say you're not here, I come home, there's Rory and Dean in the dark... all alone, after 11 : 00. How do I handle stuff like that?
Tu n'es pas là, moi je rentre, il se trouve que Rory et Dean sont dehors dans le noir à 23 heures, comment je dois gérer ça?
But she ended up missing out all this romance stuff that they would've done, like eventually eloping and getting married in Las Vegas.
Ce qu'elle fit. Elle a manqué tous les trucs romantiques qu'ils auraient vécus, comme s'enfuir pour aller se marier à Las Vegas.
And then all that stuff with Dan...
Et toutes ces histoires avec Dan...
Gettin'this money. Trying to stay, you know, trying to stay up out the light. Up out the spotlight, the club, and all that kind of stuff, man.
Se faire du fric, essayer de... de rester dans la lumière, sous les spots, au club.
Well, thank you, Sy, I, uh... appreciate that... but I... you know, I really need to get all this stuff and get the hell outta here.
Merci, Sy, je... je vous remercie... mais vous savez, j'ai vraiment besoin de choisir ce truc et de m'en aller d'ici.
Why don't you take all that stuff down and get us a nice place on the beach?
Pourquoi tu ne descends pas tout ça pour nous trouver un bel endroit sur la plage?
And the stuff that's been going on, it all fits
Et ces choses qui vont se passer...
I'll get you home. Get all this stuff cleaned up and settle in and get you on that plane. Here you go.
Je vais vous ramener, ranger votre merdier, vous calmer et vous mettre dans l'avion.
The rec center called me this morning. And they said that they found her bag with all of her stuff in it.
Et ils ont retrouvé son sac et toutes ses affaires.
And all the pushers that come here for their stuff.
Et je dois supporter tous ces dealers.
That other stuff is just all ritual and punishment... and it's way too weird and way too serious.
Le reste n'est que rituel et punition, et c'est beaucoup trop étrange, trop sérieux.
Quand on a découvert que l'amiante remontait à travers le sol, l'usine a fermé.
And I'm the target of an evil law firm because I've spent the last three months living on a higher plane, fighting for the forces of good who wage a battle against demons and evilies and squishy bug babies because all that stuff's real, and that's the world I live in.
Je suis la cible d'un cabinet d'avocats diabolique... car je viens de combattre pour les forces du bien... qui mènent une bataille contre les démons et les trucs malveillants... parce que tout ça est réel et c'est mon monde.
All that stuff about particles and stuff, it's gonna blow them away.
Ce que tu as écrit sur les particules va les épater.
It has to look like Cole left in a hurry, that means packing up all his stuff and personal belongings.
Il faut faire comme si Cole était parti précipitamment, il faut emballer ses affaires.
They say all of the same stuff that he was spouting off about for years, about how all life is sacred, blah blah blah, and how the meek will inherit the earth, and you know what?
Les conneries qu'il débite depuis des années. La vie est sacrée, les faibles hériteront de la Terre...
I can get all that stuff and put it in a bag. - No, no, no.
Si tu veux, je peux mettre ca dans un sac.
Because everyone in that entire school thinks we did all this stuff, and we never even got to even do it, because you never even let me!
Tout le monde à l'école pense qu'on a fait tous ces trucs, et on n'a même pas pu les faire, parce que vous m'en empêchez.
I know all that stuff you said in your letter about wanting to leave Roswell and get away from it, but I know we can work everything out. [ELECTRICITY BUZZING]
Je n'ai pas oublié ta lettre où tu disais vouloir quitter Roswell et en finir avec tout ça, mais on doit pouvoir trouver une solution.
You guys, I miss walking into my apartment... with no one there and it's all quiet... and I can do that stuff you do when you're totally alone... things you would never want your boyfriend to see you do.
Ça me manque de rentrer dans mon appartement vide et calme et de pouvoir faire les trucs que je fais quand je suis seule, des trucs que tu ne voudrais pas que ton ami te voie faire.
But that's why we all become good at sewing. Making wing slits and stuff.
Voilà pourquoi on coud si bien, pour faire les fentes pour les ailes.
When the government was doing these experiments... This is all freedom of information act stuff... It was the beginning of the Cold War, and people were scared and willing to do anything, so they took these soldiers and filled'em with psychotropic drugs to see what happened, and I believe that your dad was one of those soldiers.
Le gouvernement faisait des expériences c'est le truc de la loi sur le libre accés á l'information... au début de la guerre froide et les gens étaient effrayés et prêts á tout donc ils ont bourré des soldats de psychotropes
I'd think about them once in a while, but I'd convinced myself that the stuff that happened with my dad when I was younger and in the jungle had just all been in my mind.
Je pense parfois á eux, mais je me suis convaincu que ce qui s'est passé avec mon pére n'était que le fruit de mon imagination.
Everybody's always talking about how bad experiences cause you to grow... and all that cliched stuff.
Tout le monde dit que les mauvaises expériences vous font grandir et toutes ces phrases clichés.
I wanted to let you know I understand you want to put all that embarrassing stuff behind you and just move on and have a fresh start.
, je voulais que tu saches que je comprends que tu veuilles laisser toutes ces choses embarrassantes et tout recommencer à zéro...
I wanted to warn your son about later, when his hair goes... and his hips and jowls, and all that human stuff.
Je voulais avertir votre fils sur la suite, quand ses cheveux tomberont... et ses hanches et sa mâchoire, et tous ces trucs humains.
All that stuff about the nature of reality and everything. It really touched me, you know?
Toutes ces choses sur la nature de la réalité... ça m'a vraiment touché.
All that running around and saving the day stuff, it's...
Cette histoire de héros... c'est du bluff!
I didn't want you to be part of that world... all those drugs and groupies and stuff.
Je ne voulais pas que tu fasses partie de ce monde... toutes ces drogues, groupies et autres,
And keep all that cuddly bear stuff to a minimum, okay, kid?
Tes câlins de nounours, tu te les gardes, petit.
Well, the thing is, she called me and asked me to dinner because she was feeling sad and missed you, all that stuff.
Bon. En fait, elle m'a appelé... pour savoir si on pouvait dîner ensemble... tu lui manquais et tout ça.
Getting rid of all this stuff that rests on the destruction of nature that separates us from nature, that has people on this treadmill to constantly work and constantly consume.
Se débarrasser de tous ces trucs qui reposent sur la destruction de la nature, qui nous séparent de la nature, qui forcent les gens à la routine de travailler sans cesse et consommer sans cesse.
and all the time 27
and all 124
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and all that 128
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and all of this 18
and all 124
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and all that 128
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and all of this 18
and all this 26
all that stuff 77
that stuff 41
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
all that stuff 77
that stuff 41
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192