And at that point перевод на французский
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It's not doing the same act or the same type of act... but playing that number and at that point in the number doing this. If you don't do it or if you don't smash your amp up at the end... people get disappointed.
Ce n'est pas de faire le même spectacle, mais de savoir que si dans un morceau, vous ne cassez pas votre ampli à la fin, le public est déçu.
And at that point I just felt, "That's it."
Et là, je me suis dit : "C'est terminé."
And at that point, he will indicate to you to light the candles of the boys. - All right.
Il vous fera alors signe d'allumer les cierges des garçons.
And at that point, we'll pick up the money and the supplies we need to make the last leg of the hike.
La cachette est là. Là on prendra l'argent et le ravitaillement pour la suite.
I have seen that someone with whom I thought myself on a level preferred to seek the community of the lump ; I have heard that even a Kandinsky sees only evil in the actions of Jews and in their evil actions only the Jewishness, and at this point I give up hope of reaching any understanding.
J'ai vu que celui avec qui je croyais avoir même niveau, a recherché la communauté du pot ; j'ai entendu qu'aussi un Kandinsky ne voit dans les actions des Juifs que du mauvais et dans leurs mauvaises actions que du juif,
That I am, man, and I can see that you're not at all disappointed, of course, so I'll come straight to the point, as I like to do.
C'est bien moi, et je vois que vous n'êtes pas du tout déçu, alors je vais aller droit au but, comme toujours.
We will then finally halt at a determinate point in space and suppose that God creates so much material around us again that our imagination on whatever side it extends absolutely cannot see one single place, any space that has remained empty.
Nous nous arrêterons alors en un point déterminé dans l'espace et on imaginera que Dieu crée à nouveau autour de nous tellement de matière que nous sommes incapables de discerner un seul endroit ou un seul espace qui soit resté vide.
You point that thing at me once more, I'll make you eat it fingernail and all.
Pointe encore ce doigt vers moi et je te le fais bouffer, ongle compris.
If you were Amboy and you had this buy going down, and you knew that we knew, wouldn't you try to take us out, or at least try to lose us?
Si tu étais Amboy, que tu étais sur le point de faire affaire et que tu savais qu'on le sait, n'essayerais-tu pas de nous semer?
I was wearing the mink coat that the pelican gave me 5 days before but then, at some point, I felt like a high-class whore and then I got very gloomy and I thought :
Je portais le manteau du vison que le pélican m'a donné il y a 5 jours en revanche, sur ce point, je me suis sentie comme une prostituée de premier ordre. Puis je suis devenu très sombre et je pensais :
Then grab the that are more beautiful and healthy... and at this point is the solution.
Vous sélectionnez ensuite les plus beaux et les plus sains... et à ce stade, vous avez la solution.
He mentioned the word "duel"... and said something about his seconds ; faced by Johann Sebastians passiveness... he mentioned the word "dog," and said something about a bitch. At that point,...
qui prononça le mot "duel"... et de "témoins" ; devant la passivité de Johann Sebastian... il prononça le mot "porc" et parla de sa marraine...
And also point out that last year Americans shot more than seven billion photographs at a record of $ 6.6 billion for film equipment and processing.
L'an dernier, dans ce pays... ont été prises sept milliards de photos... et dépensés 6,6 milliards de dollars en développement et pellicules.
Well, to be brief, folks, stationed at each and every point, there will be an official selected by our impartial race committee to see that there's no hanky-pankying going on.
Bien, pour faire court, aux points de contrôle se tiendront des juges, sélectionnés par notre comité impartial, pour vérifier qu'il n'y a pas de tricheries.
Isn't that remarkable? Believe me, it is remarkable. I looked up at the 16th floor 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for a year and five months.
Le bordel est géré à Ia manière d'un camp, fonctionne à Ia perfection, prospère, et enrichit Saitz à un tel point qu'iI achète sa première maison, Ia remplace par une neuve, sur Ie chemin qui l'amène tout droit ici,
At that point, a release form will be issued and Tsutomu will be out in no time, so you can just wait here.
But it is told by the fishermen... and their fathers and grandfathers... that when the fog returns to Antonio Bay... the men at the bottom of the sea... out in the water by Spivey Point... will rise up and search for the campfire... that led them to their dark and icy death.
Mais les pêcheurs... leurs pères et leurs grands-pères disent... que lorsque le brouillard revient à Antonio Bay... les hommes qui gisent au fond de l'océan... dans les eaux de Spivey Point... se lèveront et chercheront le feu... qui a entraîné leur mort obscure et glacée.
You scrape shavings off it with a stick that is split for a sharp edge. You take a handful of the shavings, point your thumb at your mouth and squeeze.
Il suffit de le gratter avec un morceau de bois aiguisé... d'en récupérer les copeaux, de pointer le pouce vers la bouche et de presser.
There is one point about which there is no doubt at all. And that is that ConSec was attacked.
Il y a un fait... sur lequel il n'y a aucun doute... c'est que Consec ait été attaqué.
And at one point, I noticed that Grotowski was at the center of one group... huddled around a bunch of candles that they'd gathered together.
J'ai vu Grotowski devant une forêt de bougies...
And then at a certain point, hours later... we returned to the singing of the song of Saint Francis... and that was the end of the beehive.
Plusieurs heures après, on a repris le chant en chœur et l'essaim d'abeilles s'est terminé.
I mean, you know... obviously, all ideas in science are constantly being revised. I mean, that's the whole point. But we do at least know that the universe has some shape and order... and that, uh, you know, trees do not turn into people or goddesses... and there are very good reasons why they don't... and you can't just believe absolutely anything.
Les théories scientifiques sont sans cesse remaniées... mais on sait en tout cas que l'univers a un ordre... que les arbres ne se changent pas en humains ou en dieux!
So open that she's inarticulate at night and you have to speak for her?
Au point de devenir muette et que vous parliez à sa place?
Just seemed to me that I'm not as interested and at this point...
Jack Reed est mon ami. Je ne laisserai pas ce salaud moisir en prison.
You just think about that hypnotism crap. White paper and a black dot to stare at!
Tu ne penses qu'à cette merde d'hypnotisme un papier blanc et un point noir à regarder!
This essay was a perfectly unexciting and routine thing up until the point of taking a look at the damage we had been done, that was kinda a little bit hard to realize, it was kinda inconceivable as to what we were looking at there.
Comme je l'ai dit, c'était un travail parfaitement banal. Puis où on a regardé les dommages causés. C'était...
Who can point at someone and say, "That man murdered that man!"
"Cet homme a tué cet homme!"
At half past 11 I was having my staff meeting... giving the hired help a pleasing stream of the old rancid... and in particular pointing out to Andreas that there was absolutely no point in making your curry de poulet vindaloo
A 11 h 30, je faisais ma petite réunion... en houspillant mon monde, selon les bonnes vieilles méthodes... et plus particulièrement André... à qui j'intimais l'ordre de ne plus préparer des "curry" relevés... au point de faire des cloques sur la langue.
He was screaming with pleasure, and at the highest moment of ecstasy, he just keeled over with that smile on his face.
Il hurlait de plaisir, et au point culminant de l'extase, il s'est effondré avec ce sourire aux lèvres.
I imagined that at that point I'd become a new man, with a strength and courage that I'd never known before.
À ce stade, je m'imaginais déjà comme un homme nouveau, doté d'une force et d'un courage que je ne me connaissais pas.
We are all sitting around here like we're at the Queen's Tea and that thing is on its way.
On était tous assis là, comme si on prenait le thé avec la reine, alors que cette chose est sur le point d'arriver.
And while you're at it, could you please check out a black spot on Jupiter that has been detected by satellite telescope.
Pendant que vous y êtes... examinez un point noir sur Jupiter détecté par satellite.
Well, if she and some boy are at that point in their relationship where they're gonna-you know -
Si elle et un garçon en arrivent à ce point de leur relation où ils vont...
And it would be imprudent to speculate on that at this point.
Il serait imprudent de faire des spéculations à ce stade.
So in the late fall of 1982, when I heard that Tap was releasing a new album called Smell The Glove and was planning a tour of the US to promote that album, I jumped at the chance to make the documentary, the, if you will, rockumentary that you're about to see.
Donc, en fin d'automne 1982... quand j'ai su que Tap sortait un nouvel album, Sens le gant... et projetait sa première tournée aux Etats-Unis en près de six ans... pour en faire la promotion... j'ai sauté sur l'occasion, il va sans dire... de tourner un documentaire- - ou mieux un "rockumentaire"... que vous êtes sur le point de voir.
And I guess we also know that you and your husband do not have a marriage based on mutual trust because you point that at us like we're the bad guys, which we are not.
On sait aussi que votre mari et vous ne viviez pas un mariage basé sur la confiance puisque vous nous pointez ça dessus comme si nous étions les méchants.
In that case, may I suggest we adjourn to the study for coffee and brandy, at which point I believe our unknown host will reveal his intentions.
Alors, installons-nous dans le bureau pour le café et le cognac, où notre hôte inconnu révélera ses intentions.
( Joey ) The point, Mr Tedesco, is that we are happy to let you continue the distribution ofour software. But, with a 50 per cent reduction in volume, and at a reduced fee.
Vous voyez, M. Tedesco, on veut bien que vous poursuiviez la distribution de nos marchandises, mais le volume sera réduit de 50 % et le tarif baissera.
As fortune would have it, Jack came into my life at that point, and his love of danger intoxicated me.
A ce moment, Jack a débarqué dans ma vie et son amour du danger m'a séduite.
The point is that I played this harmless trick on them, and now they're going to get back at me.
Je leur ai fait une petite farce, et ils vont se venger.
If you look at that man and say, "Here's a man with no cards to play who's trying to fold and cash in his chips," you missed the point.
Si vous le voyez comme un homme qui n'a plus aucune carte à jouer et essaie de se retirer du jeu, vous avez tout faux.
And it was at this point that something quite singular took place.
C'est à ce moment-là que quelque chose de tout à fait singulier s'est produit.
And at this point I should perhaps explain that during the course of my journey I have become separated... separated from the text of my speech.
Et maintenant, j'aimerais pouvoir vous dire qu'au cours du trajet, je me suis trouvé séparé... séparé du texte de mon discours.
I have only one thing on my mind at this point in my life, and that is to get out of this moth-eaten town.
Il n'y a qu'une chose qui compte pour l'instant... et c'est de m'en aller d'ici.
It was at this point in history that man first ventured from the caves and began to deal with an increasingly hostile environment.
HOMME DES CAVERNES À cette période de l'histoire, l'homme sortit de sa caverne et commença à faire face à un milieu de plus en plus hostile : l'environnement.
If you had made a study of the skies, as ancient seafarers did, you would realize that at a given date and time, each star marks a particular point in the... A particular... A particular point in the sky.
Si vous aviez étudié le ciel, comme les marins anciens l'ont fait, vous verriez qu'à une date et une heure précises, chaque étoile marque un point précis dans le... un point précis dans... un point précis dans le ciel.
The point is that now the Russians have made peace with the Kaiser, at this very moment, over three quarters of a million Germans are leaving the Russian front and coming over here with the express purpose of using my nipples for target practice.
Les Russes ayant signé la paix avec le Kaiser, ça veut dire que 750 000 Fritz vont quitter le front russe pour venir par ici... dans le seul but de s'entraîner au tir sur mes tétons.
And my instincts lead me to deduce that we are at last about to go over the top.
Et mon instinct m'incite à déduire de tout ça qu'on est sur le point de monter à l'assaut.
When you point your finger at some guy, and you say, this is the guy that can do the job, ain't the flashbulbs going?
Si on désigne un mec en disant : "Voilà celui qui peut faire ce boulot", ça ne fait pas crépiter les flashs?
It is a point of principle that I always keep my balance at £ 444, 4 s and 4 p.
J'ai pour principe de garder un solde supérieur à 444 livres, 4 shillings et 4 pens.
Look, Al, we all appreciate the fact that you're insane and that you need a relaxing hobby, but maybe this gardening thing is just a little too challenging at this point in your life.
On comprend que tu sois fou et que tu aies besoin d'un loisir, mais le jardinage est peut-être trop compliqué pour toi.
and at the time 25
and at the end of the day 45
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the end of the day 45
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at some point 42
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the moment 21
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at that point 168
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at that point 168
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all 124
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and above all 105
and all this time 50
and as you can see 106
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all 124
and all the while 36
and all that stuff 21
and all of a sudden 204
and above all 105
and all this time 50
and as you can see 106
and all of you 28
and actually 119
and also 645
and as for you 86
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and after 142
and as usual 32
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24
and actually 119
and also 645
and as for you 86
and all that 128
and afterwards 122
and after 142
and as usual 32
and all because of you 16
and all that jazz 24