And who was that перевод на французский
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And who was that?
Et qui ca peut être?
The songs are excellent, and the direction, and who was that boy that played Joe DiMaggio?
Et, Maman. Les chansons sont excellentes, et la direction, et qui était l'homme qui jouait Joe DiMaggio?
And who was that officer?
Et qui était cet officier?
And who was that?
Et c'était qui?
If your mom was one of those people who went to see a psychic because, um- - her stomach was bothering her and the psychic told her that it was nothing, that it was just a- - a touch of gastritis.
Disons que votre mère est une de ces personnes qui vont voir des voyants parce qu'elle parce qu'elle a souvent des maux de ventre, et que le voyant lui dit qu'elle n'a rien, que ce n'est qu'une une légère gastrite.
And it was a telemarketer that called you from the pay phone? Who stopped at the Chevron to make a late night sale?
Et c'était un agent de télémarketing qui t'a appelé d'une cabine téléphonique, qui s'est arrêté à la station-service pour faire une vente en pleine nuit.
And don't know to this day that it was you who got him through the gate.
Et je ne savais pas jusqu'à aujourd'hui que c'était toi qui lui avais fait passer de l'autre côté de la porte.
He was ashamed that's how he treated - the only people who put their trust in in him. His daughter and me.
Il avait honte d'avoir déçu les seules personnes au monde qui lui avaient fait confiance :
And who was responsible for that?
À qui la faute?
It is in surveillance video and pictures like this of the explosive-laden vehicle just moments before it was parked, that police hope to find the man, who wanted so badly last night, to leave a body count in Times Square.
C'est via les caméras et photos de surveillance comme celles de la voiture chargée d'explosifs, seulement quelques instants avant qu'elle ne soit garée, que la police espère trouver l'individu, qui voulait tellement faire un carnage la nuit dernière à Times Square.
For the past 15 years I was taking an aim in the dark... and who would've guessed that the bulls-eye was Mandwa!
Depuis 15 ans, j'avance dans le noir qui aurait cru que la réponse était à Mandwa!
After that, I started dating Rob, who was my last boyfriend before I met my husband, and then Kenneth quit the restaurant.
Après ça, j'ai commencé à sortir avec Rob, qui était mon dernier petit ami avant que je rencontre mon mari, Alors Kenneth a quitté le restaurant.
Sorry about that. Back there. You walked away, and I was just wondering why I was being rude to someone who loves the same writer I do.
Je suis désolé, car avant, tu es parti et je me demandais pourquoi j'ai été désagréable avec quelqu'un qui aime le même auteur que moi?
Well, when I first got, you know, got a hold of the shelter, they put me on the phone with Jonathan Dorian who said that he worked for the, a shelter, and that he was the one who was talking with Nicholas
Quand j'ai eu le foyer au téléphone, j'ai d'abord parlé à Jonathan Dorian. Il travaillait au foyer. Il avait parlé à Nicholas qui lui avait donné tous les renseignements sur sa famille.
That made it all the more compelling for us to make sure that we did everything right in terms of er... establishing who he was and getting him back to his family.
Du coup, il était impératif que l'on fasse tout le nécessaire pour savoir qui il était avant de le rendre à sa famille.
So now the problem was that they had the sister and the embassy official that were swearing that I was Nicholas Barclay and there was the police and the prosecutor and the judge who were not convinced at all.
On avait un problème. La s ur et l'attaché de l'ambassade juraient que j'étais Nicholas Barclay, alors que la police, le procureur et la juge n'étaient pas convaincus.
I let them know that I was very sorry about what had happened and we were going to locate the people who had done this and put an end to the trauma that he had been through.
Je leur ai dit que j'étais navrée de tout ce qui était arrivé, qu'on allait retrouver les agresseurs et mettre fin au traumatisme qu'il avait subi.
remember that La Païva was a courtesan, and hierarchically, a lioness is a confirmed courtesan who chaperones young courtesans.
n'oublions pas que la Païva était une courtisane, et que dans la hiérarchie, une lionne est une courtisane confirmée qui chaperonne les courtisanes débutantes.
You one of those girls who's all dark and mysterious, then she takes off her glasses and that amazingly scary ear spike and you realize that, you know, she was beautiful the whole time.
Es-tu une fille fermée et mystérieuse, le genre qui enlève ses lunettes et son clou d'oreille effrayant pour révéler sa beauté?
However, the opportunity to press the case of the people of Scarrow with Paul Clark and the others at PetroFex, who will ultimately be making the decisions regarding their future, was one I felt that I had to grasp.
De toute façon, il est indispensable que j'appuie la populaton de Scarrow et Paul Clark et ses collègues de PetroFlex seront, quoiqu il en soit, responsables de décisions lourdes de conséquences pour l'avenir de cette communauté.
It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin.
{ \ fad ( 1000,500 ) } Blood and Fangs Team { \ pos ( 192,240 ) } C'était leur mère qui était dans le cercueil.
If Frank killed his wife for the reasons that you just laid out, he would have known that it was her who he was killing, and he wouldn't have passed a poly, face-blind or not.
Si Frank a tué sa femme pour les raisons que vous venez d'énumérer, il aurait su que c'était elle qu'il tuait, et le détecteur de mensonges aurait marché, qu'il voie les visages ou non.
a moronic, right-wing nut job who thinks the tea party was founded to lower the yacht tax and who also seems to not quite understand that evolution isn't an idea but an actual fact, but who cares?
Ce cas va faire scandale. Ça pourrait être un désastre. Je vais accepter cette affaire.
Your vice president... a moronic, right-wing nut job who thinks the tea party was founded to lower the yacht tax and who also seems to not quite understand that evolution isn't an idea but an actual fact, but who cares?
Ton vice président... un débile, qui pense que le tea party a été fondé pour diminuer la taxe des voiliers et qui ne semble aussi pas tout comprendre
Because you said you were my kindred spirit, and I wanted to believe that there was someone out there who understood me.
Vous avez dis que vous étiez mon âme soeur, et je voulais croire qu'il y avait quelqu'un pour me comprendre.
And she gave it to me, and she said that one day I would meet a child who was strong enough.
Elle me l'a donné, en disant qu'un jour je rencontrerais un enfant qui serait assez fort.
And that was what also compelled me to really wanna search them out, no matter, you know, how long it took me to find somebody who had a number for these guys.
Et c'est ce qui m'a comme contraint à partir à leur rencontre, aucun souci, tu vois, avec le temps que ça prendra de trouver quelqu'un qui a le numéro d'un de ces gars.
The only other face available was that of a trapeze artist who bounced off his net and landed on a station wagon.
Le seul autre visage disponible était celui d'un trapéziste qui en rebondissant de son filet a attérit sur un break. - Ou est Hagerman?
The people I work for, they want the world to know the wrong that was done here, and the people who did it, charged.
Je travaille pour des gens qui veulent que ce qui s'est passé ici se sache et que les coupables soient condamnés.
We asked if you knew anyone who wanted your partner dead, and you said no, but that was a lie, wasn't it?
D'après vous, personne ne voulait sa mort, mais c'est faux.
Like, if you spent two years building your dream car and then you started to notice that is was also the dream car of a certain type of person. Like people who are... I don't know.
Passer 2 ans à fabriquer la voiture de tes rêves puis t'apercevoir que c'est la voiture dont rêve un certain genre de personne, des personnes qui sont... disons pour simplifier, des violeurs...
And I'd also like to say if, for some reason, we find out that there was negligence that caused this accident, those who are responsible are gonna have the White House to answer to.
Et je voudrais aussi dire que si, pour une raison quelconque, nous découvrons qu'une négligence a causé cet accident, les responsables devront en répondre à la Maison Blanche.
There was this really, really old guy who lived on our block and we all thought that he looked like a troll so we'd always dare each other to run across his backyard, which seemed really scary.
Il y avait ce gars vraiment vieux qui habitait dans notre bloc, et on pensait tous qu'il avait l'air d'un troll. Alors on s'est toujours mis au défi de passer en courant dans sa cour, qui semblait vraiment effrayante.
You tell me me where he's been staying for the past month, tell me who else was targeted, and who he was with the day that he was killed.
Dites-moi où il a passé le mois dernier, donnez-moi ses autres cibles et avec qui il était quand il a été tué.
And that was a man who deserved to die.
Et c'était un homme qui méritait de mourir.
You know, there was a time when you would share everything that was going on in your life with me, and who was in your life.
Avant, tu me racontais toute ta vie. Ce qui s'y passait, avec qui tu étais.
And I told her weeks ago that I was seeing someone, but I left out the part about how that someone is the demon man-child who ruins lives.
Et je lui ai dit il y a plusieurs semaines que je voyais quelqu'un mais j'ai omis la partie où cette personne est le démon homme-enfant qui ruine des vies.
All you had to do was call that same burner phone, and whoever answered sent a man, a man without a face, who choked the life out of Laura Cambridge.
Vous avez juste eu à rappeler le téléphone jetable, et ils ont envoyé un homme, un homme sans visage, qui a étranglé Laura Cambridge jusqu'à son dernier souffle.
That's the number of surgeries I have completed since you left- - 26 flawless surgeries- - and in each one, I was a recovering addict carrying the brainless baby of her boyfriend who overdosed, so don't even for a second suggest that I can't compartmentalize.
C'est le nombre d'opérations que j'ai faites depuis que tu es parti... 26 opérations sans défauts... et pour chacune, j'étais une toxicomane en desintoxication portant le bébé sans cerveau de son petit ami mort d'une overdose,
We got your name from the sign-in sheet, and we were wondering if you can remember who was using that computer right before you.
On a votre nom d'une fiche d'inscription, et on se demandait si vous vous souveniez qui a utilisé cet ordinateur juste avant vous.
Gregory tells me that you were born in Richmond, Virginia, and your father was a tailor who stole from his clients.
Gregory m'a dit que vous êtes née à Richmond, en Virginie et que votre père était tailleur et volait ses clients.
I was at an antique fair down in Caledon, and I saw that young lady who was missing...
J'étais à un foire d'antiquité à Caledon, et j'ai vu cette jeune femme qui était disparue....
But I have a friend who went through the same thing, and she said that as awful as it was,
Mais l'une de mes amies a vécu la même chose. Et d'après elle, tout ça est déjà insoutenable.
But guys who party like that throw very big parties, and he was very impressed with the event and the event planner.
Mais les fêtards de ce genre font de grandes fêtes. Il a été impressionné par cette fête et son organisatrice.
I came back home and I took out my Rodriguez records and that's when I realised there was nothing on the record to tell us who he was or where he was from.
Une fois chez moi, j'ai sorti mes disques de Rodriguez, et alors, j'ai réalisé qu'il y avait rien sur le disque... pour dire ni qui il était ni d'où il venait.
At that stage I met Craig, who was the musicologist detective who had read my liner notes and who was also searching for Rodriguez.
Alors, j'ai rencontré Craig, qui était le détective musicologue ayant lu mes notes de pochette... et qui était également à la recherche de Rodriguez.
Regan ) I think to go from being the outcast to being, uh, who he really was. Because it was as though it was him again... and that was who he was, a musician on stage, playing for his fans.
Je pense qu'être passé... du laissé pour compte... à celui qu'il était vraiment... c'était comme s'il renaissait, et devenait qui il était :
Doug Kramer- - that's the name of the Building and Safety official who was supposed to accept the bribe
Doug Kramer- - c'est le nom de l'agent de Building Safety qui était censé accepter le pot-de-vin
She was having an affair with the man who killed my father, and she is living with him in the house that I grew up in.
Elle avait une liaison avec l'assassin de mon père. Elle vit avec lui dans la maison où j'ai grandi.
Who was the guy with the gun, and who are you, because your back seemed just fine when you went ninja on that guy.
Qui était ce type armé et qui êtes-vous? Parce que vous n'avez eu aucun mal à jouer le ninja.
The only one person who ever worked at Miami Metro ever took blood slides. And that was?
La seule et unique personne qui n'a jamais travaillé à Miami Metro qui ait jamais pris des échantillons de sang.
and who is she 20
and who the fuck are you 16
and who knows 137
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who is he 36
and who is that 45
and who's that 72
and who the fuck are you 16
and who knows 137
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who is he 36
and who is that 45
and who's that 72
and who's this 56
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who would that be 36
and who do we have here 19
who was that 1077
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who would that be 36
and who do we have here 19
who was that 1077