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Who was that man перевод на французский

959 параллельный перевод
Who was that man?
Qui était-ce?
Who was that man?
- Qui était cet homme?
Who was that man?
Qui était cet homme?
- Who was that man? - Oh, I don't know.
Qui était-ce?
Who was that man out there?
Qui était cet homme là-bas?
- Who was that man? - White Suit?
Qui est cet homme?
" And there was not a man among us who did not think that death was certain,
Et il n'y avait pas un homme parmi nous qui n'a pas pensé que la mort était certaine,
The effect on Korean economy that Lee Young Ae, a top star in 60 countries, made is 3 trillion won. ( a little less than 3 billion dollars ) Ms. Lee Young Ae, even if she's now married with kids, she's still beautiful, of course. They may imagine "what if Bae Yong Joon, who is still single, was my man"
46 ) } FANSUB 48 ) } 한류
That man was Dr. Luis Rodriguez, who had come back from exile. And his child, now grown up and educated by Dr. Garramuño.
Cet homme et l'enfant, c'était le Dr Luis Rodriguez, de retour de son exil volontaire, et son fils qui avait grandi, élevé par son ami le Dr Garramuño.
It will be remembered that the host of last year's gala event was Chet Trask, who was later voted... the most popular man in college.
Pour mémoire, le dernier gala a couronné Chet Trask comme le garçon le plus populaire de la fac.
- Who did you say that man was?
Qui est-ce?
who the man was that you were looking for and that you found in that building.
À condition que tu me dises qui est l'homme que vous cherchiez et que vous avez trouvé ici.
I say, do you see chloe sitting down? She looks awfully queer. I think it's something to do with that man who was with dawker.
Tu as vu l'air étrange de Chloé... quand elle a vu l'ami de Dawker?
Was that the man who came into your house after the shooting? Carrying a revolver in his hand.
Est-ce cet homme qui est entré chez vous, un revolver à la main?
- That was the man who had ham and eggs.
C'était l'homme des œufs au jambon.
He worked with Robert FIorey, who at that time was slated to direct The Invisible Man.
Il l'écrivit avec Robert Florey, pressenti pour réaliser L'homme invisible.
Say, that case you worked on, that man who threatened to kill Wynant... What was has name?
Dites, dans cette autre affaire, l'homme qui menaçait de tuer Wynant, comment s'appelait-il?
The publishers did not see that my purpose was to write a moral lesson of the punishment that befell a mortal man who dared to emulate God.
Les éditeurs n'ont pas compris que mon histoire avait une morale, le châtiment infligé à un mortel ayant osé se prendre pour Dieu.
Was it a dream that once I knew a man of pity who said :
Ai-je rêvé d'un homme de compassion qui aurait dit :
Who was that man?
- Par qui?
I never thought that the rude man who broke into here was you.
Jamais je n'aurai pensé que c'était vous qui aviez pénétré ici.
Well, maybe that man who wanted to speak to you was...
Peut-être que l'homme qui voulait te parler était...
This man, charged with murder, is the Frederick Garrett who by the testimony of your eyesight, Miss Hooper was at home that Saturday afternoon and evening, then?
Cet homme, accusé de meurtre, est le même Frederick Garrett que vous jurez avoir vu chez lui ce jour-là?
You believe that the man who was buried as Dr. Rukh was not Dr. Rukh?
Vous pensez que l'homme qu'on a enterré n'est pas le docteur Rukh?
This is one of the many startling statements made by Longfellow Deeds... New York's new Cinderella Man... who went out last night to prove that his uncle, the late M.W. Semple... from whom he inherited 20 million dollars... was an amateur in the art of standing the town on its cauliflower ear. "
C'est l'une des nombreuses affirmations effrayantes de Longfellow Deeds... le nouvel homme-cendrillon de New York... qui est sorti la nuit passée pour montrer que son oncle, feu Mr W. Semple... de qui il a hérité 20 millions de dollars... était un amateur dans l'art de faire parler de lui. "
Does that look like a man who's life was empty?
ça a l'air de quelqu'un qui a une vie vide?
They all know how and why that man was murdered and who was back of it.
Ils savent tous pourquoi et comment cet homme a été tué et par qui.
And I am thankful indeed that seated here today in this courtroom... are honest, wise, unsulliedjurors... who recognize Krayler's kind for what it is worth, and who must know in their hearts that they must set this woman free - a woman whose only crime was the protection of her soul... against the avarice of this man.
Et je suis reconnaissant que ce tribunal ait... des jurés honnêtes, sages et droits... qui sauront identifier Krayler pour ce qu'il est... et qui dans leur coeur savent qu'ils doivent libérer cette femme - une femme dont le seul crime est d'avoir protégé son âme... contre la concupiscence d'un homme.
That was the man who defeated the Swedes on the Neva.
C'est celui qui a vaincu les Suédois sur la Neva.
A role so unimportant that Meyerboom gave it to a debutant who was, I believe, thirty-fifth props man.
Rôle si peu important que Meyerboom le distribue à un débutant qui était 35e accessoiriste.
But those who had the privilege of serving with him today... know that if ever a man deserved the name and rank of soldier... it was he.
Mais ceux qui ont eu la chance de servir avec lui aujourd'hui savent que si un jour un homme a mérité le nom et le rang de soldat, c'était lui.
- Yes. I wanted to talk to that young man who was just dancing here.
Oui, j'aimerais parler avec le jeune homme qui vient de danser.
Terrible thing, sir, that poor man who was here this morning.
C'est terrible, monsieur, ce pauvre homme qui était là ce matin.
Was that the act of a man who isn't in love?
Ce n'est pas l'acte d'un homme amoureux?
There was a lot of us who didn't believe what that man said.
Il y a des gens qui n'ont pas cru cet homme.
Know who that second man was?
Tu sais qui est ce deuxième homme?
Father, who was that strange man I saw leaving the house?
Père, qui est cet homme étrange que j'ai vu sortir de la maison?
Remember Doc told us about a man who thought coal... was the basis for a medical cure-all... and that scientists have been trying to prove it ever since?
Souviens-toi, Doc nous avait parlé d'un homme qui pensait... que le charbon était une base de guérison pour beaucoup de maux... et que les scientifiques essayaient de le prouver depuis lors?
You remember that story about the young man — I think he was a shepherd who was walking in the woods —
Rappelle-toi celui du berger qui se promène dans les bois...
Was the man a liar who said 1,000 years ago that man could fly?
Celui qui prétendait, il y a 1000 ans que l'homme pourrait voler, était-il un menteur?
Howard Rankin's the man, not Mr. Carter, who's made the Gazette what it is, and that's what Mr. Carter was going to tell that crowd when he was shot.
C'est Howard Rankin qui a fait de la Gazette ce qu'elle est devenue, pas M. Carter. Et il allait l'annoncer au public lorsqu'on lui a tiré dessus.
And a very neat trick it was to divert suspicion from yourself but it struck me as odd that the man who murdered both Musgraves with such a sure hand should have missed so badly in your case unless of course, um, you yourself were the murderer.
Excellente diversion pour vous blanchir. Mais ça m'a étonné que l'auteur de deux meurtres parfaits ait été aussi maladroit dans votre cas. À moins, bien sûr, que vous ne fussiez l'assassin.
Now not even Sir Henry knew that this man, Pettibone, who traveled under the name of John Grayson, was the real messenger. Pettibone?
Même sir Henry ignorait que Pettibone, voyageant sous le nom de John Grayson, était le vrai messager.
Oh one or two became badly worn and I told me housekeeper to give them to a man who was doing some work for me at that time.
1 ou 2 étaient trop élimées. J'ai dit à ma bonne de les donner à un homme qui travaillait pour moi - à l'époque.
That man who was just here.
Cet homme
My aunt told me that she had discovered a wonderful young man who was going to help her with her charities and that his name was Dorian Gray.
En termes dithyrambiques. Il joue souvent pour ses oeuvres de charité.
The mind of this man who had sworn... by all that was holy to aid and protect these people.
La conscience d'un homme qui a juré sur ce qu'il y a de plus saint d'aider ces gens.
One of my friends, who deluded himself that his was the ideal marriage, has recently discovered there's another man.
Un ami, persuadé que son mariage était parfait, a découvert qu'il y avait un autre homme.
- Do you know who that might be? - Aye. That was the man you saw me fighting with near the marshes, with a scar.
C'est l'homme avec qui je m'étais battu dans le marais.
The case is still open on the police books of a Connecticut city, and it may interest you to know that there are those who still believe the accused man was guilty.
L'enquête reste ouverte dans un commissariat du Connecticut et certains croient même encore Waldron coupable.
There was a man who told me all that once.
Un homme m'a déjà dit tout ça.

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