But why перевод на французский
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You know, I'm not trying to be shady, but why does she deserve to get married, and I don't?
Pourquoi elle mériterait plus de se marier que moi?
But why do I feel so nervous?
Mais pourquoi je me sens si nerveux?
Apparently not, but why did Neith tell us that he was?
Apparemment non, mais pourquoi Neith nous dire qu'il était?
- Yes, but why rush into it?
- Mais pourquoi se précipiter?
I'm not supposed to do this, but why don't you keep your gear for one more day and bring it back tomorrow?
Euh, je ne suis pas censé vous dire cela, mais pourquoi ne garderiez-vous pas votre équipement encore une journée. Ramenez-Ie moi demain.
But, uh - - but why?
Mais euh... mais pourquoi?
The only known patient to survive the acute phase of the virus into an asymptomatic latent phase is Thomas Graham, but why?
Le seul patient connu survivant à la aiguë du virus dans une phase latente asymptomatique est Thomas Graham, mais pourquoi?
But why else would he leave her?
Mais sinon pourquoi l'aurait-il quitté?
But why would she do that?
Mais pourquoi est-ce qu'elle ferait ça?
But why would Ben kill Peri?
Mais pourquoi Ben tuerait Peri?
But why don't you two have dinner anyway?
Mais pourquoi vous ne dîneriez pas tous les deux?
But why don't I go get Tucker for you?
Pourquoi n'irai-je pas chercher Tucker à ta place?
But why did you just leave without talking to her?
Mais pourquoi es-tu parti sans lui avoir parlé?
But why is the mother so horrible?
Mais pourquoi la mère est-elle si horrible?
But why would she?
Mais pourquoi le ferait-elle?
But why?
- Yeah, but why us?
- Mais pourquoi nous?
There is some unravelling of the mind, yes, but why make up this story of the workhouse if it were not so?
Elle est dérangée, oui, mais pourquoi inventer cette histoire?
I didn't find any food, but why do you have so many ACE bandages?
Je n'ai pas trouvé de nourriture, mais pourquoi as-tu autant de bandages élastiques?
BUT Why?
Mais pourquoi?
But why did you never talk to us?
Mais pourquoi tu nous en as jamais parlé?
Yeah, but why did you never talk to us?
- Bien oui, mais pourquoi tu nous as jamais rien dit?
But why?
Mais pourquoi?
But, Monty, why...
Mais, Monty, pourquoi...
But I can see why the unsub drew Malik out here alone at night.
Mais je peux voir pourquoi le unsub a attiré Malik ici seul la nuit.
But... why do you want to die?
Pourquoi veux-tu mourir?
Yeah, but also, but also, why pin it on him?
Oui mais pourquoi faire ça?
And I get why you're avoiding it, I do, but he's gonna die.
Je comprends que tu l'évites mais il va mourir.
Why, thank you, neighborhood watch, but I don't think it's worth the risk.
Merci, voisin vigilant, mais ça n'en vaut pas la peine.
I understand why you did it, and I know I shouldn't blame you, but I do.
Je comprends pourquoi vous avez fait ça, et je sais que je ne devrais pas vous blâmer, mais je le fais.
But that's why I needed to talk to you.
Mais c'est pour ça que je devais te parler.
Anyway, in the past, I've attended with my wife, but this year, I thought, "Why not enjoy myself?"
J'y ai déjà été invité avec ma femme, mais cette année, j'ai pensé, "Pourquoi ne pas m'amuser seul?"
But people assumed I was the owner, and I thought... why not?
Mais les gens croyaient que j'étais la propriétaire, et j'ai pensé... pourquoi pas?
But now you know why I have to keep finding out what happened to Peri.
Mais maintenant tu sais pourquoi je dois continuer à chercher ce qui est arrivé à Peri.
I didn't want to believe it at first because you're such a sweet guy, but then I figured out why someone like you would be part of a cult.
Je voulais pas le croire au début parce que tu es un garçon si gentil, mais après j'ai découvert pourquoi quelqu'un comme toi ferait partie d'une secte.
But if Spence really is guilty, why did Ben have to manipulate him into confessing?
Mais si Spence est vraiment coupable, pourquoi Ben a-t-il dû la manipuler pour qu'il avoue?
But look, why don't you do me a favor?
Pourquoi ne pas me rendre service?
But uncle understood very well why Geeta and Babita, had suddenly become so weak.
Mais mon oncle savait comment elles étaient devenues si faibles, si vite.
Sir, I had put her on a diet, but, I don't know why it hasn't reduced.
Je l'ai mise au régime, je ne comprends pas...
She needed the files, which is why I went to Ohio, but the records show that she backed out of testifying.
Il lui fallait des documents, donc je suis allé dans l'Ohio, mais les rapports montrent qu'elle s'est rétractée.
You're just saying that so I won't tell Wes, and I won't, but at least tell me why I shouldn't.
Je ne dois pas en parler à Wes, je ne le ferai pas mais dites-moi pourquoi.
I can't say why over the phone, but it involves Philip, so call me back.
Je ne peux rien dire au téléphone, mais ça concerne Philip rappelle-moi.
Don't like him, but at least be honest about the reason why.
Ne l'aime pas, mais soit au moins honnête sur la raison.
I was drunk and mad and stupid, but I told her I wouldn't tell anyone else, so it doesn't really make sense, right, that it's related to why she's gone?
J'étais bourrée, en colère et bête, mais je lui ai dit que je le dirai à personne d'autre, donc ça n'a rien à voir avec sa disparition, si?
And I cannot help but wonder why this is so.
Et je me demande pourquoi.
Hey, I am very angry at you, but now I'm feeling a little lightheaded because the air conditioner's still not working, it's hot, and I'm hungry, so remind me why?
J'arrive pas à croire que tu ne m'aies pas soutenue. Je suis très en colère, mais je suis un peu étourdie car la clim ne marche toujours pas, il fait chaud, et j'ai faim, donc redis-moi, pourquoi?
I can't help but wonder why a speedster needs a car.
Je ne peux que me demander pourquoi un speedster a besoin d'une voiture.
But that's not why he should stay on.
Mais ce n'est pas pour ça qu'il devrait rester.
I do understand why you don't trust us, but what is the alternative?
Je comprends votre méfiance, mais quelles sont les options?
Not for some time, no. But I understand why it must be.
Mais je comprends pourquoi.
I don't condone attacking anyone, but we can't just dismiss why they're doing it.
Je ne tolère pas d'agression de quiconque mais on ne peut pas rejeter la raison pour laquelle ils le font.
but why not 79
but why me 74
but why are you here 25
but why now 44
but why you 19
but why here 30
why not 13238
why would you 271
why are you silent 31
why is 26
but why me 74
but why are you here 25
but why now 44
but why you 19
but why here 30
why not 13238
why would you 271
why are you silent 31
why is 26
why don't you answer me 30
why are you calling me 64
why are you here 2118
why are you leaving 72
why not me 94
why aren't you sleeping 26
why would i care 20
why do you ask 743
why are you like this 89
why don't you come along 19
why are you calling me 64
why are you here 2118
why are you leaving 72
why not me 94
why aren't you sleeping 26
why would i care 20
why do you ask 743
why are you like this 89
why don't you come along 19