Intensive care перевод на французский
362 параллельный перевод
Move him to intensive care!
Mettez-le en soin intensif.
He just went into intensive care, we're all waiting for him to wake up.
nous attendons son réveil.
- Disappeared? He was in intensive Care, but there's no record of his whereabouts in the hospital.
Il était en réanimation, on ne sait plus où il se trouve.
Tell him we'll put her in intensive care.
Il faut la mettre en réanimation.
Within an hour, the patient became unresponsive and diaphoretic and was raced up to Intensive Care, with an irregular pulse of 150, blood pressure 90 over 60, respiration rapid and shallow.
Rapidement, il perdit connaissance et transpira beaucoup. On l'envoya d'urgence aux soins intensifs avec un pouls irrégulier de 150, sa pression sanguine à 9 / 6 et la respiration courte et faible.
The resident on duty in Intensive Care compounded the blunder by treating the old man for pulmonary edema.
La personne de garde aux soins intensifs aggrava la situation en soignant le vieil homme pour un œdème pulmonaire.
Well, he's been out of intensive care about seven and a half hours now.
Il est en soins intensifs depuis 7 h 30, maintenant.
- Intensive care, but she'll pull through.
- Soins intensifs, elle s'en remettra.
He's in Intensive Care.
Il est en soins intensifs.
Intensive Care. stand by.
Nous avons une urgence.
Take her down to Intensive Care.
Emmenez-la au service de réanimation.
A cop is in Intensive Care because you put Jerry Konig on the street.
Un flic est en réanimation parce que vous avez libéré Konig.
This is an intensive care unit.
On est aux "soins intensifs", ici.
Your, uh, daughter started to respond after you left yesterday... and so we've moved her out of the intensive care unit.
Votre fille a commencé à réagir, après votre départ. Elle a quitté les soins intensifs.
Intensive care ward.
Des soins intensifs.
I see no reason not to transfer her to the intensive care unit.
Je pense qu'il faudrait la transférer en réanimation.
Excuse me, I have to go to intensive care now.
Excusez-moi, il faut que j'aille en salle de réanimation.
Dr. Cambert, report to intensive care immediately.
Dr. Cambert, présentez-vous à l'unité des soins intensifs. Dr.
I'm still in intensive care.
Je suis encore en réanimation.
Well, he's out of intensive care, back in a private room.
Il n'est plus en USI, mais en chambre particulière.
The day after I rolled out of intensive care,
Je sortis des soins intensifs le lendemain.
Another rocky marriage is headed for intensive care.
Un mariage pourri va aux soins intensifs.
ThE baby's in intensive care and Mrs. Colby isn't in any Condition for visitors.
Le bébé est en réanimation et Mme Colby n'est pas en état d'avoir de visites.
"Needs intensive care".
"Soins intensifs".
The Chief of Police needs to be in intensive care.
Le préfet de police doit être admis en réanimation.
Marshall is listed as critical and under intensive care.
Marshall est en réanimation. Son état a été jugé critique.
She's in intensive care.
Elle est en réanimation.
"Who wouldn't be?" So they took her to intensive care.
Alors, elle passe aux soins intensifs.
[Woman On P.A.] Mr. Barry Bristol, please report immediately to Intensive Care.
M. Barry Bristol, venez sur le champ aux soins intensifs.
He was in intensive care for eight weeks.
Il a passé deux mois aux soins intensifs.
They say he's in intensive care.
Il est en soins intensifs.
To the intensive care unit. Hurry!
Vite, aux soins intensifs!
Charity Hospital, give me intensive care.
Hôpital de la Charité? Passez-moi les Soins lntensifs.
He's gonna need special intensive care when we get out.
Il aura besoin de soins spéciaux, une fois sorti de là.
We'll have to move him back to intensive care.
Il faut qu'on le ramène en soin intensif.
He's in the intensive care ward at Our Lady of the Worthless Miracle.
Il est en soins intensifs à Notre Dame du Miracle Vain.
Unfortunately, he's not dead. He's in intensive care.
Malheureusement il n'est pas mort, il est en réa.
The night before Vera was cured, a patient of Dr. White Cloud's recovered from a stroke in intensive care.
La nuit avant que Vera ne guérisse, un patient du Dr. White Cloud a récupéré d'un A.V.C aux soins intensifs.
Well, great news. Last night, while you were in intensive care, I finally got peeped by the real peeper.
Hier, quand tu étais aux soins intensifs, le vrai voyeur m'a enfin matée.
Well, great news. Last night, while you were in intensive care,
On est prêts à partir.
- Intensive Care.
- Soins intensifs.
The nearest neonatal intensive care unit's in L.A.
Le centre de soins intensifs néonatals le plus proche est à L.A.
Call ahead to intensive care to set up life support. With a little luck, we can save this guy.
Il y a de faibles signes vitaux mais on a peu de chances de sauver ce type.
I was on a gurney being rushed to intensive Care in excruciating pain.
On m'emportait en soins intensifs et je souffrais terriblement.
My husband's in intensive care.
Mon mari est três malade.
She should've been in the intensive care unit.
Elle aurait dû être en soins intensifs.
I spent 40 minutes trying to find an orderly to take her to intensive care.
J'ai passè 40 minutes à trouver un infirmier pour l'emmener en soins intensifs.
Meaning she better pray that maid makes it out of intensive care.
Mieux vaudrait pour elle que la domestique s'en tire.
Cleanup crew, you are needed in Intensive Care. That was pretty nasty what you let that creep do to me yesterday.
C'était méchant de m'avoir envoyé cet idiot hier.
Where's intensive care?
Les soins intensifs?
They're all in need of intensive psychiatric care.
Il leur faut tous un soutien psychiatrique intensif.
care 163
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carefully 201
careless 29
carefree 22
caretaker 29
careful what you wish for 32
care to elaborate 27
careful 3883
carey 38
career 87
carefully 201
careless 29
carefree 22
caretaker 29
careful what you wish for 32
care to elaborate 27
care to share 17
care bear 25
careful now 97
careful with that 75
careful there 39
carefull 16
care to join me 55
care to dance 35
care to join us 35
care to explain 32
care bear 25
careful now 97
careful with that 75
careful there 39
carefull 16
care to join me 55
care to dance 35
care to join us 35
care to explain 32
care for a drink 32
careles 24
care to comment 25
care to join 18
intense 108
intent 17
intentionally 17
intentioned 20
intense music 31
careles 24
care to comment 25
care to join 18
intense 108
intent 17
intentionally 17
intentioned 20
intense music 31