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Is she breathing перевод на французский

95 параллельный перевод
- How is she breathing?
- Comment elle respire?
Is she breathing?
Elle respire?
Is she breathing? Weak respiratory effort.
- Effort respiratoire faible.
- Is she breathing?
- Elle respire?
I didn't. Is she breathing?
- Elle respire?
"Is she breathing?" "Don't worry about it."
"Elle respire?" "Bon alors, t'en fais pas."
Is she breathing?
Elle respire bien?
- Well, is she breathing?
- Elle respire? - J'en sais rien
Is she breathing?
Est ce qu'elle respire?
Is she breathing?
- Elle respire?
Hey, pete, how's she doing, is she breathing?
Hé, Pete, comment va-t'elle, elle respire?
- Is she breathing?
- Vite. - Est-ce qu'elle respire?
Is she breathing? - I can't feel her pulse.
- Je ne sens pas son pouls.
Is she breathing?
Est-ce qu'elle respire?
John, is she breathing?
John, respire-t-elle?
Oh my God is she breathing?
Est-ce qu'elle respire?
Is she breathing now?
On la met sous respirateur.
♪ Is she breathing?
" Is she breathing?
♪ is she breathing?
" is she breathing?
Is she breathing?
Est-ce qu'elle réspire?
- Is she breathing?
- Elle ne respire pas.
Oh, my God. Is she breathing?
- Elle respire?
Hurry, is she breathing?
Vite! Elle respire?
She is breathing strongly, like this
Elle respire fortement, comme ça...
She is breathing heavily then silence.
Elle est haletante. Puis le silence.
She is breathing normally.
Elle respire normalement.
She's breathing well, and her blood pressure is stable.
Elle respire bien, et la pression artérielle est stable.
The baby is very sick. She's having trouble breathing.
Le bébé a du mal à respirer.
If you wanna stay breathing, you better tell me, Melvin... where the fuck she is and who the fuck, Melvin... is the insidious mastermind behind this plot.
Si tu veux rester en vie, tu ferais bien de me dire... Melvin... où elle est et qui est... Melvin... le cerveau insidieux qui a manigancé ce complot.
She is a living, breathing woman, who, for reasons that I can't begin to fathom, has fallen in love with you.
C'est une femme bien vivante, qui, pour une raison qui m'échappe, est amoureuse de vous.
She is moving, she is breathing in relationship to this dancer.
Elle se déplace, elle respire en relation avec ce danseur.
She is breathing on her own... and she's not in any pain.
Elle respire toute seule... et elle ne souffre pas.
Of course she is breathing...
Bien sûr qu'elle respire...
Well, she said that your father is A... walking, breathing miracle.
Elle a dit que ton père est un... miraculé qui marche et respire.
She is not breathing.
Elle ne respire pas.
Oh gee, now i get why she is worried about me breathing from my diaphragm!
Oh, maintenant je comprends pourquoi elle était inquiète en respirant de mon diaphragme!
She has a pretty severe lack of surfactant in her lungs, but she is breathing steadily with a ventilator.
Elle a une carence de surfactant pulmonaire. Mais elle respire bien avec un respirateur artificiel.
She is breathing.
Elle respire.
Um, yes, she is breathing now, but she has asthma.
Oui, elle respire maintenant, mais elle a de l'asthme.
Um, yes, she is breathing now, but she has asthma.
Vous ne pouvez pas continuer à vous en vouloir.
What happened is she stopped breathing for a little while, turned blue and passed out in my arms, which was...
Elle a arrêté de respirer et s'est évanouie dans mes bras.
- Is she still breathing?
- Elle respire encore?
She is in recovery now and we are assisting her breathing, but she's stable, and all indications are she's gonna be just fine.
Elle est sous respirateur en salle de réveil mais son état est stable. Tout porte à croire que ça va aller.
But she leaves me ten grand, I'm think is great, a little breathing room here.
Mais elle me laisse 10 000 $, je me dis "Génial, un petit pécule pour voir venir."
Is she still havingtrouble breathing?
Des problèmes respiratoires?
[voice shaking ] Once you turn off the respirator... [ sniffs]... there is a chance even... even if it's just a less than one percent chance, that she'll start breathing again.
Quand vous éteindrez le respirateur, il y a une chance... même si c'est juste... une chance minime, qu'elle recommence à respirer.
She's breathing and her pulse is steady.
Elle respire et son pouls est stable.
Oy vey. Is she having trouble breathing?
Elle aussi a du mal à respirer?
And your grandmother is talking trying to be cheerful, you know, as she does but the only thing I could remember is him breathing.
Et ta grand-mère se met à parler. Elle essaie de me réconforter, tu sais comment elle est. Mais tout ce dont je me souviens, c'est de la respiration de mon père.
She needs the air time. The opposition is breathing down her neck.
Elle devrait s'exprimer, l'opposition est sur ses talons.
- She's breathing on her own, which is a good sign.
Elle respire seule, c'est bon signe.

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