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Is she still here перевод на французский

147 параллельный перевод
Is she still here?
Est-elle encore là?
- What, is she still here?
Elle est encore là?
Is she still here?
Elle est encore là?
- Is she still here?
- Elle est encore ici?
Now why is she still here?
Que fait-elle ici?
- Yes. Is she still here?
- Elle est encore là?
Is she still here?
Elle est toujours là?
Is she still here?
Elle est encore ici?
Is she still here?
Faye est encore là?
Then why is she still here?
Pourquoi est-elle encore ici?
Why is she still here?
Pourquoi est-elle ici?
is she still here in town?
Est-elle toujours ici?
We got this call 45 minutes ago. Why is she still here?
- Pourquoi est-elle encore là?
- Is she still here?
- Elle est là?
- Why is she still here?
- Pourquoi elle est encore ici.
Is she still here?
Elle est encore la?
Ooh, is she still here?
Ouh, elle est encore ici.
It isn't likely that Aunt Jenny will be here to talk to you tonight at 5 : 00 as she is still ill.
Tante Jenny ne sera pas là pour vous parler à 17 h. Elle est encore malade.
Tell me, business - she is still good here?
Dites, les affaires - elles sont encore bonnes ici?
For when the sun is low... and the cold wind blows across the desert... there are those of Indian blood... who still speak of Pearl Chavez... the half-breed girl from down along the border... and of the laughing outlaw... with whom she here kept a final rendezvous... never to be seen again.
Quand le soleil se couche... et le vent froid souffle sur le désert... ceux de sang indien parlent encore de Pearl Chavez, La métisse du sud du long de la frontière, et du hors-la-loi rieur... qu'elle rencontra ici pour un dernier rendez-vous. Nul ne les revit jamais.
She is not gone. She is still here with me in this room, in this very room.
Non, elle est toujours ici, avec moi, dans cette pièce.
It is past 3 : 00 and still she is not here.
Il est 3 heures, et elle n'est toujours pas rentrée.
What she means is if somebody stays and moves around the fire, it'll look like we're still here.
Elle veut dire que... si quelqu'un tourne autour du feu, nous aurons l'air d'être là. Et Fuller ne peut pas bouger.
She is still here? - Everybody is asking for her today. - Everybody?
- Toi, garde la voiture et surveille la porte.
Yes, she is still here.
Oui, elle est encore là.
- That's right. She isn't still here, is she?
Elle n'est plus ici?
She is still here.
Elle se sert de moi pour revenir chez les vivants.
Thanks. If you will come with me, I will see if she is still here.
Venez, allons voir si elle est encore là.
So she is still here?
Comment, elle est encore ici?
Marquis de Geron. He has a sister and she is still here.
Il a une sœur, elle est encore ici.
Jin Lingzi is still not here? No, she isn't
- Jin Ling-Zi n'est pas là?
Yeah! Here she is, still alive!
La voilà, elle est vivante!
She took poison, you saved her and here you are. The game is still going on.
Elle a pris du poison, vous l'avez sauvée et le jeu continue.
She is still here...
Elle est encore ici...
Mademoiselle Saintclair is still here, is she not?
Mlle Saintclair est encore ici?
She is still here, and so am I.
Elle est toujours là et moi aussi.
I mean, what she's still doing here is anybody's guess.
Je me demande bien pourquoi elle n'est pas rentrée sur Terre.
She's not still here, is she?
Elle n'est pas encore ici? Non.
What is she still doing here?
Pourquoi est-elle encore ici?
Yes, good, she is still here.
elle est toujours ici.
But the good thing is, we can still see each other until she gets here.
On pourra se voir jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive.
I feel even she knows that her husband is no more... but she still comes here to please one man her husbands father -
Je pense que même elle, sait que son mari n'est plus. Elle vient toujours ici pour faire plaisir à son beau-père.
But the question still remains : If justice was served, then what is she still doing here?
Mais dans ce cas-là, si justice est faite, que fait-elle ici?
What is she still doing here?
Elle est encore là?
We had to move her in here. - Is she still running a fever?
- La fièvre descend?
If she is... still here... find her!
Si vous... C'est que... Retrouvez-la.
If Reki is still in a state of spiritual darkness at that point... she will remain here.
Si elle est toujours perdue après ça, elle restera ici à jamais.
Gami, I called mommy with all my heart but she is still not here
Gam-i, j'ai appelé Maman de tout mon cœur mais elle n'est toujours pas là.
- What is she still doing here?
- Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait ici?
But still, honey, what I think you're missing here is that, not only is she attractive, but she's strangely attractive.
Pourtant, chérie, je pense que tu oublies, qu'elle n'est pas seulement attirante, mais étrangement attirante.
Well, she said that you guys weren't happy that Lane is still staying here, which is weird because Lane has been practically invisible.
Elle a dit que vous n'étiez pas ravies que Lane soit toujours là ce qui est bizarre, vu que Lane a presque été invisible

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