Is that so wrong перевод на французский
305 параллельный перевод
Is that so wrong?
Où est le mal?
Is that so Wrong?
C'est si mal?
Is that so wrong?
Est-ce très mal?
Is that so wrong? I wanted to tell you the day I was released.
Je te l'aurais dit quand on m'a relâchée
And is that so wrong?
Alors qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?
Why is that so wrong?
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de mal à ça?
Is that so wrong?
Ca schlingue, là-dedans.
Okay? Is that so wrong?
C'est donc si honteux que ça?
Is that so wrong?
Est-ce si mal?
That's all there is to that. Oh, you're so wrong.
- c'est comment tricher aux cartes.
Now that everything is going so right... before something goes wrong, you ought to take a little time off.
Maintenant que tout va si bien... avant qu'il ne se passe quelque chose, vous devriez prendre des congés.
- Why is that so wrong?
Pourquoi est-ce mal?
Mr. Kaji! You surely know how important that ore is to us. What's so wrong about beating the men?
Ce qui importe, c'est d'augmenter la production de charbon, pour contribuer à l'effort de guerre.
But it is one of the peculiar imbecilities of our time that we place a grid of morality upon human behaviour, so that the action of every man must be measured against an arbitrary latitude of right and a longitude of wrong in exact minutes, degrees and seconds.
Mais l'une des particularités absurdes de notre époque consiste à plaquer une grille de moralité sur le comportement humain pour que chaque action humaine soit mesurée arbitrairement selon une latitude de bien et une longitude de mal en degrés, minutes et secondes...
So that if anything is wrong with Plato, he does correct him. Let's see, that's, uh, 12.391... 634... 98098...
Ca fait 12,3 9, 1... 6, 3, 4... 9, 8, 0, 9, 8...
Is that so very wrong?
Etait-ce si grave?
One is to tell other governments straight away so that they can mobilize the Armed Forces and police to maintain public order. Then what happens if you find out Richter was wrong?
Les autres préféreraient ne rien dire, jusqu'à ce que l'observatoire ait confirmé qu'il n'y a plus d'espoir.
It is strange, Father Abbot, that since you came everything which had been so carefully planned has gone wrong.
TAVANNES : C'est étrange, monsieur l'abbé, mais depuis votre arrivée, tout ce qui avait été planifié avec tant d'attention a échoué.
So you feel that, just as you feel there'a reason for going on through the course this is the same way to try and deal with what you feel is wrong with the system in America?
De même que vous sentez qu'il y a... encore une raison pour continuer le parcours, vous pensez qu'il faut essayer de vous occuper de ce qui ne va pas dans le système en Amérique?
In times of social crisis and tension, in times when changes come so thick and fast that the individual can no longer place himself in his group, when he knows that something is wrong, but doesn't know what,
Dans un climat de crise sociale et de tension, quand les changements sont importants et rapides, l'individu ne trouve plus sa place dans le groupe.
That thing is so wrong.
Ils ont tellement tort.
Stealing cable is wrong, so I'm not watching it in the hope that others will follow my example.
Pirater le câble, c'est mal. Je ne le regarderai plus... en espérant que les autres suivront mon exemple.
So is that wrong?
Où tu veux en venir?
Look, sir, if Holmes and Watson are lovers, so what? Is there anything wrong with that?
Si Holmes et Watson étaient amants, où serait le problème?
So what i'm understanding here, correct me if i'm wrong, is that you're not giving me any money.
Ce que je comprends, corrigez-moi si je me trompe, c'est que vous ne me donnez pas d'argent du tout.
What's that? Is something wrong? I don't believe so.
- Quelque chose ne va pas?
Because the real wrong is that it was not right to know the wrong, And so righting the wrong cannot be right.
Car le vrai délit est de l'avoir vu illicitement et donc, le condamner serait condamnable.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I suggest that those of you with weak constitutions leave the arena, for this act is so dangerous that if the slightest thing should go wrong...
Permettez-moi de suggérer aux personnes émotives de quitter l'arène. Exercice si dangereux, que la moindre erreur...
- I think that is so wrong.
- Ce n'est pas bien du tout.
So though he knows the murder is wrong, he doesn't think that he murdered?
Bien qu'il sache que tuer n'est pas acceptable, il ne pense pas avoir commis un crime?
Come on. The only reason I tell you what you're doing wrong... is so you can do it better next time. Don't give me that look.
Ne fais pas cette tête.
Is that so wrong?
C'est défendu?
What's wrong with you! That is so funny!
C'est pas drôle!
So, Max, what I'm gonna suggest to you... is that we just go back into the bio lab now so that I can take a sample... so that I can see what I'm thinking is wrong, you know... that I got the wrong cells.
Alors, je propose... que nous retournions au labo maintenant... pour que je prenne un échantillon, qui prouvera que je me trompe... que ce n'était pas les bonnes cellules.
Is it wrong that I feel so good in this?
Pourquoi je me sens si bien là-dedans?
Seems wrong that I should die while the sun is still so bright.
Ca tombe mal que je meure, alors que le soleil brille autant.
So this is great. We both did spells at the same time, but we did it on the wrong people. So I think that we...
On a donc jeté un sort au même moment, mais sur les mauvaises personnes.
I know that this is so wrong.
Je sais que faire ça c'est mal.
That's enough so they don't have to keep talking to you,'cause they don't want to. Then they can feel good because they've been considerate enough to ask... and if, God forbid, something actually is wrong... they'll sit down, take time and listen, even if they don't want to.
ça les fait se sentir bien, parce qu'ils ont pris la peine de demander et que si quelque chose n'allait pas, ils prendraient le temps de t'écouter, même s'ils n'en ont pas envie.
So Petty Officer Plunket is wrong in believing that you bewitched her?
Le second maître Plunket a tort de croire que vous l'avez envoûtée?
You felt bad, so you tried to put them back on her feet but you got them on the wrong feet, is that right?
Vous avez voulu les lui remettre, mais vous les avez mises à l'envers?
Is that so very wrong?
Est-ce vraiment si mal?
I mean, I totally killed. That is so wrong.
Je ne vais pas te noter.
The going theory is that the three of you conspired to get Carrie White to the prom so you could humiliate her. Something went wrong and a lot of people were killed.
la théorie la plus plausible est que vous avez conspiré tous les trois pour emmener Carrie White au bal afin de l'humilier... et les choses ont mal tourné et beaucoup de gens sont morts.
That is so wrong.
Il se conduit mal.
That is so wrong.
Ça ne tourne pas rond.
Here, I engaged you and gave you the impression that I actually care, which is just so wrong!
J'ai donné l'impression que je m'intéressais mais c'est faux!
What is so terribly wrong about that?
Qu'y a-t-il de si terrible á ça?
What is so terribly wrong about that?
Qu'y a-t-il de si tennible á ça?
Does it make any difference that I might be one thing deep within? No matter how wrong or ugly that thing is... so long as I have fought with everything I have to kill it?
Quelle importance que j'aie au plus profond de moi une chose mauvaise et laide, si je me suis battu pour la tuer?
No matter how wrong or ugly that thing is... so long as I have fought with everything I have to kill it?
peu importe à quel point mauvaise ou laide... du moment que je me suis battu avec tout pour la tuer?
is that you 2352
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is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
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is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
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is that all there is 18
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is that all you've got 42
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is that your car 43
is that your daughter 28
is that what this is 151
is that all you got 152
is that what you want 740
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
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