Just let him go перевод на французский
539 параллельный перевод
Just let him go on thinking that I'm living with you and Anita.
Laisse-lui croire que je vis avec vous.
I don't want to make any trouble, just let him go.
Je ne veux pas faire d'histoires.
Then I figured, just let him go bust and I'll be around...
Je serai là pour... Me remplacer.
But you can't just let him go free.
Mais vous ne pouvez pas Ie laisser libre.
I know you are angry, but just let him go.
Votre colère est légitime mais il regrette ses actes.
Just let him go.
Épargnez-le, je vous en supplie!
Just let him go.
Laissons-le partir! Venez!
But how could you do it? How could you just let him go like that?
Comment as-tu pu le laisser partir comme ça?
- You can't just let him go.
On ne peut pas le libérer si facilement. En effet.
Just let him go
Laissez-le partir.
You just let him go! ?
Pourquoi l'avez-vous laissé partir?
HE'd been drinking, and I just let him go.
Il avait bu et je l'ai laissé partir.
Sir, you just let him go
Vous le laissez partir comme ça?
- And we just let him go off.
- On l'a laissé partir.
Whatever it takes, just let him go.
Quoi qu'il t'en coûte, laisse-le faire.
Let's just let him go.
Laisse-la partir.
They think he killed Manny Arnold, that you let him go just out of friendship.
Ils le croient coupable, et votre amitié vous aurait empêché de l'arrêter.
He's just got enough for another ticket, let him go!
Il a juste assez pour rentrer, laissez-le!
Is tried to prevent you from divorcing him, any crazy way he could, just because he loves you too much to let you go.
C'est avoir voulu empêcher votre divorce par tous les moyens, parce qu'il vous aime trop pour vous voir partir.
- Now, look, Jerry... - Just a minute. Let him go on.
Robles, laissez-le parler.
It would just be simpler if you would let him go.
Il serait plus simple que vous le laissiez aller.
I just wanted him to let me go.
Je voulais qu'il me laisse partir.
I said, let's go, just to make him mad.
Pour l'asticoter, je lui ai dit : "Vas-y donc!".
He kept on about going into the army until we just had to let him go.
Il est parti rejoindre l'armée. Il a bien fallu céder.
Just taste it. Ask him to let go of my hand! And I won't eat food!
Ramu, dis-lui que je refuse de lui parler et de manger.
Would you ask them to let my horse go, just let him loose at the bridge,
Demandez-leur de détacher mon cheval. Qu'ils le laissent sur le pont. Il saura rentrer tout seul.
They won't bring him back, Mr. Richards, but I just couldn't let you go on blaming Matt Cabot for destroying him.
Elles ne le feront pas revenir, M. Richards, mais je ne pouvais plus vous laisser accuser M. Cabot de l'avoir détruit.
I couldn't let a letter like that just go any place, so I told him the truth.
Alors, je lui ai dit la vérité.
If I catch a man robbing my house do I let him go just because he got to the sidewalk?
Si un homme me cambriole... et se sauve, ne puis-je l'attraper dans la rue?
Just let's go, before I punch him in the face!
- Allez-nous-en, parce que je vais lui casser la gueule.
The boy will just go to the reformatory for a while. Why let him die?
Tu sais bien que vous allez tous sauter, le gosse s'en tirera avec quelque temps de maison de redressement, pourquoi veux-tu le faire mourir?
Really, if I had any reason why I want to kill myself just looking at him now, and that reason would be gone let's go back
Vraiment, si jamais j'avais penser à me tuer rien qu'à regarder ça, cette envie me passerait allez, rentrons
You're just gonna let him go?
Tu ne vas pas le laisser partir?
Let's just go see him.
We can't let him go just like that.
Sun Hao, on ne peut pas accepter ça.
Why don't you just let him go, Michael?
Laisse-le donc partir, Michael.
If anybody tried to rape me, I'd just pretend to go along with it and then grab a heavy object and let him have it.
Si on me violait, je ferais semblant de céder et puis je prendrais un objet très lourd et je l'assommerais.
I just didn't let him go. He's a man, he does what he wants to.
C'est un homme, il fait ce qu'il veut.
So finally, she wouldn't let him go to the bathroom After 30 minutes, and he just got
Une demi-heure plus tard, il n'avait toujours pas pu y aller.
Let him go to sleep! Can't you see he's tired? He's just finished working.
Bon sang, laisse-le aller se coucher [br] Il est fatigué, il a bossé toute la nuit.
Let him go. - Just because he's got long hair doesn't mean you can do all that.
C'est pas parce qu'il a les cheveux longs que vous pouvez faire ça.
Well let's just go. Let's get the hell out. Send him a telegram.
Allons-y, tu lui enverras un télégramme.
- Why can't you just take him to another place and let him go?
- Emmène-le ailleurs! - Non.
Just let him go.
Just like I said, they let him go. I'll call you later.
Je l'avais bien dit, ils l'ont libéré.
So why don't you just drop your gun and let him go.
Lâche ton arme et laisse-le partir.
Just set the prisoner free and let him go home.
Libérez le prisonnier et laissez-le rentrer chez lui.
Just let him sleep, we'll go look for the cart, right, let's go!
Laisse-le dormir. Nous, on va essayer de retrouver le tonneau
- Just shoot him and let's go.
- Bute-le et on se tire.
Just go over there and say that to him. Go on. Let's see what happens.
Vous voyez le type à ma gauche, avec le manteau noir?
- Let's just go bust him out.
- Allons Ie tirer de Ià.
just let it be 17
just let go 57
just let me in 37
just let me know 201
just let 17
just let it go 244
just let me die 21
just let me go 210
just let us know 30
just let me explain 72
just let go 57
just let me in 37
just let me know 201
just let 17
just let it go 244
just let me die 21
just let me go 210
just let us know 30
just let me explain 72