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Quite a few перевод на французский

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I've read quite a few of his books.
J'ai lu ses œuvres.
Il y a un certain nombre de personnes qu'il a découvertes, si on peut dire, et aidées.
I did make quite a few calls, but without much luck.
J'ai fait pas mal d'appels, mais sans succès.
I know quite a few people over in Glendale.
Je connais des gens à Glendale.
That's quite a few to push around.
Ça fait beaucoup de gens maltraités.
And they will be quite a few.
- Il va falloir en inventer beaucoup.
One must thus consider the mitigating circumstances, which are quite a few, and which work in favour of the defendants...
Il faut considérer les circonstances atténuantes, et elles sont nombreuses, qui militent en faveur des accusés.
I pick up quite a few bucks that way.
Ça me ramène pas mal de dollars.
His and quite a few others.
Lui et d'autres.
All right, it was quite a few years ago.
D'accord, c'était il y a quelques années.
- You've had quite a few crackups.
- Vous avez eu des problêmes.
He taught quite a few folks how to shoot.
Il a appris à tirer à pas mal de gars.
Well, we had cave-ins, quite a few of them.
On a eu à faire à quelques éboulements dans le temps
- She, of course, has quite a few friends.
- Elle, bien sûr, à beaucoup d'amis.
I'm one of the crew, and there are quite a few things to do if anything happened.
Je fais partie de l'équipage, et il y a pas mal de choses à faire si ça arrivait...
There are quite a few other calls, sir.
- Il y a encore d'autres appels, monsieur.
Yes, Ellie and I have done quite a few shows together.
Ellen et moi on a roulé notre bosse.
I mean, quite a few people would be willing to chance an arm for half a million.
Bien des gens prendraient un risque pour 500 000 livres.
No, I don't believe he ever did, but then, I hadn't seen Neal for quite a few weeks before...
Non, pas que je me souvienne, mais je n'avais pas vu Neal depuis des semaines avant...
Oh, yes, I saw quite a few ants this afternoon.
Moi, j'ai vu de drôles de fourmis cet après-midi.
Lately we've seen quite a few.
- Oui, plusieurs.
You wouldn't believe it, but quite a few people go there.
Vous ne le croiriez pas, mais des personnes viennent ici.
- There may be quite a few.
- Nous serons peut-être nombreux.
- Quite a few.
- Plusieurs.
There must have been quite a few men in between.
Il y a dû y avoir d'autres hommes entre-temps.
I gave him fifty bucks. There are quite a few of those in circulation.
Je lui ai donné un de 50, y en a beaucoup.
Nobody killed, quite a few injuries.
Pas de mort, quelques blessés.
That ought to bring in quite a few guinea pigs.
Ca devrait nous amener quelques cobayes!
There's quite a few people who don't agree with him, including me.
Plusieurs personnes, dont moi, ne sont pas d'accord avec lui.
Dixie's been hinting like that in quite a few spots.
Dixie a fait pas mal d'allusions.
Like quite a few others.
Comme quelques autres.
- Yeah, well you keep quite a few awake.
- Oui, peut-être, mais d'autres dorment mal.
- Quite a few.
- Pas mal.
Quite a few of the roofs need careful examination.
Il faut examiner les toits avec soin.
Quite a few men who have shown special qualifications are being picked.
Certains hommes aux qualités spéciales ont été choisis.
Quite a few.
J'en ai connu plus d'un.
You've known quite a few, haven't you?
- Vous en avez connu quelques-unes.
- Yes, quite a few.
- Oui, pas mal.
Miss Shannon, I'm usually a man of quite a few words but I'll try and make this as brief and tactful as possible.
Je suis, en général, trop verbeux. Mais je vais essayer d'être aussi bref que possible.
I got quite a few compliments on it.
On m'en a félicité.
Three dead - quite a few nicks.
- Deux morts. Quelques écorchures.
It seems there are other men, quite a few of them.
Il y aurait d'autres hommes. Un certain nombre...
We've got quite a few of your chums here.
On a quelques-uns de vos amis ici.
I don't want to say anything but there must be quite a few of these worn in Europe these days.
Il doit y en avoir pas mal en circulation actuellement.
A few years ago, Carlos, poor chap, went through quite a crisis.
Carlos, le pauvre, a eu une grande crise il y a longtemps.
A few points that aren't quite clear. Maybe you can help me.
Vous pourrez peut-être nous préciser quelques points.
This is... It's got something. I don't quite know what, but send a few bottles up to my room.
Je ne sais pas ce que ça contient exactement, mais déposez des bouteilles chez moi.
It was quite an uncomfortable thing to lie there in the dark, night after night knowing that you were only a few steps away.
C'était vraiment très inconfortable... d'être là dans le noir, nuit après nuit... en sachant que tu n'étais qu'à quelques pas de moi.
Are you quite certain this place was full of people only a few minutes ago?
Vous êtes sûre de ce que vous dites?
You marry a nice girl out in California. You think it might be quite a treat for her. You take the little girl East, show her the big city let her meet a few people.
On épouse une fille charmante en Californie, on l'emmène à New York pour lui montrer la grande ville et lui présenter des gens.
A few things I can be quite romantic about.
Je peux être romantique pour certaines choses.

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