Such as yourself перевод на французский
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By contrast, he reserves his affection for the seagoing personnel, such as yourself.
Par contre, il donne toute sa sympathie au personnel navigant, .. dont vous étiez.
I've been thinking I might yet find redemption in the company of some peerless paragon of manhood and virtue such as yourself.
Je songeais que je me rachèterais peut-être en Ia compagnie d'un parangon de vertu et de virilité comme vous,
Even a plausible attempt carried out with in all innocence by a reputable psychiatrist such as yourself.
Même à une tentative, faite en toute innocence... par un psychiatre réputé comme vous?
The mighty Miles bids you know that he did purchase a maiden from scum such as yourself some years ago.
Le grand Miles te fait savoir qu'une fois, il a acheté une vierge à un fumier comme toi.
It's a pleasure to talk to a man in authority such as yourself, sir.
C'est un plaisir de parler à un homme d'autorité tel que vous, monsieur.
Today's scientists, such as yourself, are called, sages.
De nos jours, les scientifiques tels que vous sont appelés des sages.
Why would a man of the people such as yourself have problems in your profession?
Donc, pourquoi voulez-vous, un homme simple comme nous, avoir des problemes dans votre carriere?
Yes, well, what we normally suggest For a beginner such as yourself Is that you put your alarm clock back ten minutes in the morning
Bon, ce que nous suggérons en général à un débutant comme vous, c'est d'avancer votre alarme de 10 minutes le matin pour pouvoir vous réveiller, regarder l'heure, et utiliser la phrase.
It's very serious imprudence, because it is by acting like this that those such as yourself have ruined astrology and have destroyed all its connections with medicine.
C'est une imprudence extrêmement grave, car c'est ainsi que l'on a ruiné l'astrologie et détruit toutes ses relations avec la médecine.
No matter. We have always room for a gentleman such as yourself.
Ce n'est pas grave. ll y a toujours de la place pour un gentleman comme vous.
That is for the Rylans to decide... and not for a dangerous and evil child such as yourself.
Oh ça c'est au Rylans seul d'en décider... et non un enfant dangereux et maléfique comme tu l'es devenu.
- Thank you. With an eminent food critic such as yourself, the pleasure is all ours. No, no.
They weren't athletes such as yourself, but they certainly weren't weaklings.
Ce n'était pas des athlètes comme toi, mais certainement pas des gringalets.
Mr. Bodewell, I know that "a suicidal person"... such as yourself...
M. Bodewell, je sais qu'une "personne suicidaire", comme vous,
I know just the one for a cultured man such as yourself, sir.
Je sais exactement qui envoyer à un homme cultivé comme vous.
I wish I could say this under more pleasant circumstances, but it's an honour to meet a great painter such as yourself.
J'aimerais vous le dire en d'autres circonstances. Je suis fier de rencontrer un grand peintre comme vous.
We wanted you to know what a privilege it's been for us to work with a criminal genius such as yourself.
On voulait vous dire à quel point on a apprécié de travailler... avec un génie criminel comme vous.
A beautiful desert bloom such as yourself should be on the arm of the most powerful man in the world.
Une rose des sables comme vous... est digne de l'homme le plus puissant au monde.
It is uplifting to know that a sister such as yourself still takes pride in her race.
Ça réchauffe le cœur de voir qu'une sœur comme toi est fière de sa race.
Our purpose is to assist troubled people, such as yourself.
Aider des personnes dans le besoin, comme vous, est mon seul et unique but...
How could you keep such a secret to yourself this long?
Comment as-tu pu garder tout ça pour toi, pendant si longtemps?
Do you know yourself? Your script analysis is emelentary level, you don't even know how poor your acting is, you're the world's biggest idiot there ever was! As such, when the script comes out, don't even change one thing about it, and just read it properly!
Est-ce que vous vous connaissez? Vous êtes le plus idiot que le monde n'ait vu! Lisez-le juste attentivement! compris?
A wretch, posing as a friend... false promises, lies, deceit so palpable... that it would have fooled no one but a young girl... such as you, yourself, Mrs. Wyatt, in your maidenly days.
Un misérable, se faisant passer pour un ami à coups de fausses promesses, de mensonges, de duperies évidentes qui n'auraient trompé personne sauf une jeune fille telle que vous, Mme Wyatt, du temps où vous l'étiez.
So stay here, with that woman you earned for yourself by such fine means.
Reste avec la femme que tu as si bien gagnée!
And a very neat trick it was to divert suspicion from yourself but it struck me as odd that the man who murdered both Musgraves with such a sure hand should have missed so badly in your case unless of course, um, you yourself were the murderer.
Excellente diversion pour vous blanchir. Mais ça m'a étonné que l'auteur de deux meurtres parfaits ait été aussi maladroit dans votre cas. À moins, bien sûr, que vous ne fussiez l'assassin.
As a matter of fact, if I'm not mistaken, you wore such a combination this morning yourself, Your Honor.
Et si mes souvenirs sont bons, vous aussi, ce matin étiez habillé ainsi.
HARVEY : I may be assuming, but isn't it possible that such an attractive young lady as yourself might have several gentleman friends? Mmm-hmm.
- J'imagine... qu'une femme aussi séduisante ne doit pas manquer de prétendants... qui ne doivent jamais oublier de vous saluer en passant devant votre vitrine?
Charming compliment from such a gourmet as yourself, Lord Horfield.
Charmant compliment de la part d'un gourmet comme vous.
Those of you who have found yourself on the brink of an adventure such as mine.. And pulled up in time, have my congratulations.
Je tire mon chapeau à ceux qui, au moment de franchir le pas, ont su mettre un frein à ce genre de relation.
Make yourself at home. I'm on the drive from morning to night... as you may suppose with such a family.
Mes pensionnaires me prennent tout mon temps.
Do you have such a high opinion of yourself that you can't sit at the same table as a whore?
Tu ne juges pas digne de t'asseoir avec une traînée?
To tell the truth, I sometimes still miss the conversation... of such gentlemen as yourself, Doctor.
A dire vrai, la conversation d'hommes tels que vous... me manque parfois, docteur.
Well, if you're in such a hurry to take care of them, why don't you go tackle the job yourself?
Si tu as si hâte qu'ils meurent, pourquoi tu ne t'en charges pas toi-même?
Lieutenant, there is such a thing as disciplining yourself.
Lieutenant, on devrait vous apprendre la discipline.
There's no such thing as a perfect crime. Speak for yourself.
Il n'y a pas de crime parfait.
He would tell you, if I may speak in his place not to crucify yourself on a shadow such as old resentment or impossible loyalties.
Il te dirait, j'en suis sûr... qu'il ne faut pas souffrir... pour de vaines idées.
Such as psychotics, as you yourself - vagrants, drunkards, and now a whore.
Vieil ivrogne, Va, vieux débris, tu m'as tout ramené.
With such a great... musician as yourself present I would take the inspiration from your example sire.
En présence d'un musicien aussi talentueux que vous, je vais m'inspirer de votre exemple, sire.
How could you make such an exhibition of yourself?
Comment as-tu pu t'exhiber comme ça?
You've never in your whole life... had such prurient thoughts yourself, is that it?
De toute ta vie, tu n'as jamais eu de pensées érotiques?
I hate to bother such a famous Nazi-hunter like yourself with such trifles as the rent, but it is the third of the month!
Je regrette d'importuner un aussi célèbre chasseur de nazis avec une vétille comme le loyer, mais nous sommes déjà le 3.
What little grief might have been expected from such a man as yourself? But what's done is done.
Je vois que vous vite oublié ce qu'on attendait de vous.
Such as, what is the exact relationship between yourself and the First American Financial Corporation?
Quels sont les rapports exacts qui vous lient au plus grand trust financier national?
You should just imagine how exciting it was going to be for me to sleep in a spare bedroom, reserved for important company such as yourself.
Nous avons crû mourir de peur!
Well nobody with such a fine fiery color as you're blessed with Mr. Wilson. But then I suppose it's only worth your while to put yourself out of the way for sake of a few hundred pounds.
Mais c'est sans doute inutile de vous importuner pour une histoire de 200 £.
You're in contempt, Mr. Fisher... and I sentence you to be incarcerated... until such time as you purge yourself of that contempt... and comply with the court's order.
Vous êtes outrageux, et je vous condamne à être incarcéré... le temps que vous vous disculpiez de cet outrage... et vous vous soumettiez à l'injonction de la cour.
Thank you. That's high praise indeed, coming from such a workmanlike detective as yourself.
Merci inspecteur pour cet éloge venu d'un homme aussi compétent.
If only the order of the universe were not so unfair to womankind, I would've been chosen to receive the gift and would not now be dealing with such a penis-wielding imbecile as yourself!
Si l'ordre de l'univers n'était pas si injuste envers les femmes, j'aurais été l'élue et je n'aurais pas affaire à un phallocrate imbécile comme vous!
I'm honored to enter the catholic church... On a ticket with such a man as yourself. I appreciate your coming.
Je vous suis très reconnaissant d'avoir accepté ce parrainage.
- Such as yourself?
- Comme vous?
A fine upstanding youth such as yourself, a person of your unimpeachable moral character is exactly what this kingdom needs.
Voilà exactement ce dont ce royaume a besoin!
such as 496
such as it is 39
such as what 21
yourself 387
yourself included 25
such is life 30
such a shame 83
such a gentleman 23
such a waste 37
such a pity 30
such as it is 39
such as what 21
yourself 387
yourself included 25
such is life 30
such a shame 83
such a gentleman 23
such a waste 37
such a pity 30