Things are great перевод на французский
353 параллельный перевод
Things are great, yeah. I've never been happier.
Tout va bien. Je n " ai jamais été aussi heureux.
Miss March, it would give me great pleasure if I could show you some of these things while you are here. If you would care to have so.
Mademoiselle, je serais ravi de vous en montrer... certaines pendant votre séjour, si cela vous agrée.
How can we do that when your science and inventions are perpetually changing life for us - when you're everlastingly contriving strange things? When you make what we think great seem small. When you make what we think strong seem feeble.
Comment pouvons-nous faire cela quand votre science et vos inventions changent constamment notre vie, quand vous inventez constamment des choses étranges, quand vous rendez petit ce que nous trouvons grand, quand vous rendez faible ce que nous trouvons fort?
"There are so many great and beautiful things... "... to discuss in this world of ours...
Nous pouvons parler de tant de belles choses.
To be... to be glad you're alive... to be grateful because people are kind to you... to be able to see some of nature's great wonders... the budding of the flowers in spring... the changing of leaves in the autumn... to be able to appreciate beautiful music... to be conscious of the beauty of tasting and feeling... and hearing only the things that are good for you.
Etre heureux d'être en vie. Etre reconnaissant pour la gentillesse des gens. Pouvoir observer les merveilles de la nature, les bourgeons au printemps, les feuilles qui changent en automne.
- There are a great many things you can't explain.
- Comme bien des choses.
It'll warm my heart to see the little things crawling around. A great honor. If there are five, I want three.
Quant au fiancé, mieux vaudrait ne pas trop tarder.
There are a great many things I don't know.
J'ignore beaucoup de choses.
- There are a great many things- -
- Il y a beaucoup de choses...
There are a great many things that you don't know about me.
Il y a beaucoup de choses que vous ignorez à mon sujet.
And there are a great many things you don't know about me.
Il y a beaucoup de choses que vous ignorez à mon sujet.
Praise and bless my Lord, and the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty... and serve him with great humility.
Louez et bénissez mon Seigneur, Rendez-lui grâce et servez-le en toute humilité.
I'm quite prepared to admit that I've made mistakes... and that there are a great many things that are the matter with me.
Je veux bien admettre que j'ai commis des erreurs. Et qu'il y a énormément de choses à me reprocher.
If you were in a calmer state it might work, but, as things are, the risk is too great.
Si tu étais plus calme, je pourrais les tenter, mais dans ton état, c'est risqué.
Dr. Weigand... You are a great nuclear physicist while I am a simple provincial botanist, but there are things I do not understand...
Professeur, vous êtes un émminent chercheur nucléaire, alors que moi je ne suis qu'un simple botaniste de province!
In Italy there are many things I find confusing, especially the great class distinctions.
Tout m'étonne chez vous. Vos différences de classe par exemple.
Adam's ribs with Hachinaya to Hapoleona. All great things are based on trust, without success.
Depuis Adam et sa côte à Napoléon attendant Grouchy..... les foirades étaient basées sur la confiance.
Great. With things the way they are, don't you think it'd be a good idea to get Martha out of here till the Indian trouble's over?
Vu ce qui se passe, ce ne serait pas une bonne idée d'éloigner Martha le temps que ça se règle?
Great things are beginning and I don't want to stay at home. They'd seize me here, anyway.
De grandes choses se préparent, je ne resterai pas ici, où ils m'attraperaient.
I know this must be a great shock to you but there are things we need to know.
Ça a dû être un choc mais nous devons savoir.
I know you're a great agent. I know you took steam baths. But there are some things that are more important than stardom, fame and money.
Je sais que vous avez fait du bon travail et pris des bains de vapeur, mais la célébrité et l'argent ne sont pas tout.
Things are looking very good. You have a great magnetic charge.
Tout va bien, il y a un grand magnétisme.
Now, don't worry about the accounts at the office because things are going great.
- Ne vous inquiétez pas, au bureau ça se passe très bien.
Although the United States is a very rich country, and San Marcos is a very poor one, there are a great many things we have to offer your country in return for aid.
Bien que les États-Unis soient un pays très riche et que le San Marcos soit très pauvre, nous avons beaucoup à offrir à votre pays en échange de son aide.
In the modern britain, united under a great leader It's the housewives of britain who are getting things moving.
Dans une Angleterre moderne, dirigée par un grand chef, ce sont les ménagères qui font changer les choses.
Are you sure? It'd be great if you could, but I don't want to mess things up for you. Don't worry.
Ce serait formidable, mais je ne veux pas te causer d'ennuis.
There are things that can't entirely happen. They're too great, too splendid to fit into an event.
Il y a des choses qui n'aboutissent pas, trop grandes, trop splendides pour s'accomplir.
My friends, we are fortunate to witness great things.
Mes amis, il nous est arrivé quelque chose de grand.
- Through Hebediah, his servant there shall in that time be rumours of things going astray and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are.
- Selon Hebediah... il y aura des rumeurs comme quoi les choses vont de travers... et l'on ne saura plus vraiment où en sont les choses.
Things are gonna be great, you know that?
Ça va être super, tu sais ça?
- Things are gonna be great.
- Ça va être super.
Great things are afoot.
Tu comprends? Les cheveux blonds, fini.
Believe me, great things are afoot.
- Le pépé, il a laissé quoi? - Comment?
Great things are afoot.
De grands événements se préparent.
Great things are happening.
- Oui. - Très bien.
Even when things are going great, we're still just barely getting by.
Même quand tout va bien, ça passe à peine.
I also believe in great, beautiful ideals, Even though there are all these ugly things in the world, that ruin any ideals based on the belief in the human nature,
- Moi aussi je crois en de grands idéaux, bien qu'on rencontre sans cesse des phénomènes moches qui tuent tous les idéaux bâtis sur la confiance de l'homme,
We must fill the eyes and ears of all of us with things that are the beginning of a great dream
Nous devons remplir oeil et oreille de chacun avec des choses qui sont le commencement d'un grand rêve.
You will find that it is you who are mistaken... about a great many things.
Tu découvriras que c'est toi qui te trompes... sur beaucoup de choses.
My great granddaddy always used to say, there are two things you never sell to a friend - a car and a slave.
Comme disait mon ancêtre : " C'est comme vendre un esclave,
- I see great things for you. I think your troubles are over. Start big, you'll end big.
C'est la fin de vos soucis mais il faut voir grand
A great many things are dying very violently all the time.
Bien des choses meurent tout le temps de mort violente.
Things are looking great.
Ça se présente super bien.
It's a great life... And things are only going to get better.
La vie est belle... et dorénavant, ce sera de mieux en mieux.
But how many people run around... obsessing over how great and how happy things are?
Mais combien de gens... sont obsédés par l'idée que tout va très bien?
Ben Geisler tells me things are going along great.
Ben Geisler me dit que ça marche très fort.
Things are going great for us.
Tout marche bien pour nous.
He always used to say there are no great things to accomplish in this life, just small things done with great love.
Il disait qu'il n'y avait rien de grandiose à accomplir dans la vie. Juste des petites choses faites avec beaucoup d'amour.
" Things are great.
J'ai rencontré une fille sensass, je gagne plein d'argent, et si tout va bien, je retourne chez mes parents. " " Oui, tout va bien.
We're having a great time together the way things are...
Je respecte cela. Nous passons du bon temps, à notre manière.
Aw, Dad, you've done a lot of great things... but you're a very old man now... and old people are useless.
- Papa. Tu as fait de grandes choses dans ta vie, mais maintenant tu es vieux. Et les vieux ne servent à rien.
things are different 35
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are different now 78
things are good 60
things are bad 21
things are fine 21
things are going to change 16
things are 35
things are looking up 44
things are going well 18
things are changing 33
things are different now 78
things are good 60
things are bad 21
things are fine 21
things are going to change 16
things are 35
great 25235
great minds think alike 42
great job 528
great stuff 65
great to see you again 26
great to meet you 111
great scott 63
great to see you 248
great work 234
great party 136
great minds think alike 42
great job 528
great stuff 65
great to see you again 26
great to meet you 111
great scott 63
great to see you 248
great work 234
great party 136
great idea 483
great shot 34
great meeting you 24
great news 351
great guy 76
great song 31
great day 31
great seeing you 38
great minds 35
great place 25
great shot 34
great meeting you 24
great news 351
great guy 76
great song 31
great day 31
great seeing you 38
great minds 35
great place 25
great game 51
great man 24
great job today 19
great speech 37
great show 88
great khan 37
great king 30
great plan 56
great talk 24
great question 40
great man 24
great job today 19
great speech 37
great show 88
great khan 37
great king 30
great plan 56
great talk 24
great question 40