Until tomorrow перевод на французский
1,872 параллельный перевод
Until tomorrow.
- Bien. A demain.
We won't meet him until tomorrow.
On ne le verra que demain.
We will give you until tomorrow night to make your decision.
Vous devez prendre une décision par demain
The thing you can't live without until tomorrow?
La chose dont tu ne peux te passer jusqu'à demain matin?
Actually I wasn't gonna tell you this until tomorrow but this is our last lesson.
Je ne comptais l'annoncer que demain, mais c'est notre dernière leçon.
Let's hold off on the frivolous shopping until tomorrow.
On laisse tomber le shopping frivole jusqu'à demain.
I'm giving you until tomorrow night. Beth...
- Je te donne jusqu'à demain soir.
What if I can't put off stuff until tomorrow... because I don't get another tomorrow?
Et si je ne pouvais rien remettre au lendemain parce qu'il n'y aura pas de lendemain?
Believe me, it's nothing that can't wait until tomorrow.
Crois-moi, ce n'est rien qui puisse attendre demain.
We're not leaving until tomorrow... for Tijuana?
On ne part pas avant demain... pour Tijuana.
We're gonna be roughing it until tomorrow.
On va vivre à la dure jusqu'à demain.
So just wait until tomorrow when things get right with me.
Alors attends demain, que les choses soient de mon côté.
- Give me until tomorrow.
- Encore un jour.
Yeah, your parents won't be home until tomorrow.
Tes parents ne rentrent que demain.
- Can it wait until tomorrow? - Please.
- Ça peut attendre demain?
The priest there is on retreat until tomorrow.
Le prêtre est en retraite jusqu'à demain.
The mechanic won't be in until tomorrow, but the bike can stay right here.
Le mécano ne sera là que demain mais la moto peut rester.
I'd like to postpone it until tomorrow, please.
J'aimerais le reporter à demain, s'il vous plaît.
We just need to keep her here until tomorrow to make sure the implant takes.
Demain, on saura si l'implant a bien pris.
Some of the Commissioners were delayed, the hearings are postponed until tomorrow.
Certains membres de la commission ont été retardés, les auditions sont reportées à demain.
You think this is big? Wait until tomorrow when you see 30,000 square feet of RPM Incorporated.
Si tu trouves ça grand, attends de voir les 2800 m ² de la R.P.M. Limitée.
- Our misfortune will last until tomorrow because the next train to Berlin is in the morning.
- On a jusqu'à demain. Le prochain train pour Berlin part demain matin.
Let's wait until tomorrow.
Attendons demain.
If you don't, think about it until tomorrow.
Je te laisse jusqu'à demain.
Yes, until tomorrow.
Oui, jusqu'à demain.
The Met Service's storm warning is in effect until tomorrow morning.
Cet avis de mauvais temps est valable jusqu'à demain matin.
The social worker couldn't make it until tomorrow.
Personne ne peut se déplacer avant demain.
We'll lose them until tomorrow.
Ils seront out jusqu'à demain.
Reggie, I'll give you until tomorrow.
Reggie, je te laisse jusqu'à demain.
The ceremony's not until tomorrow.
La cérémonie n'est pas avant demain.
O'Hare's a mess. No seats until tomorrow.
C'est la pagaille à l'aéroport, pas de place avant demain.
You're excused until tomorrow, sir.
Vous êtes excusé jusqu'à demain.
He can't get a plane out until tomorrow, but... but I'll be fine.
Il ne peut pas prendre d'avion avant demain, mais... Mais ça va aller.
Until tomorrow.
Jusqu'à demain.
OK, here's what I want you to do - go home, write down everything you want to say to Kirsten, make it brief, memorize it, and come back here tomorrow, and we are going to practice it until you can recite it standing on your head.
Okay, voilà ce que je veux que vous fassiez - rentrez chez vous, écrivez tout ce que vous voulez dire à Kirsten, faites court, mémorisez-le, et revenez demain, et on s'entraînera jusqu'à ce que vous puissiez le réciter de tête.
Okay, just so you know, I'm gonna be ovulating from tomorrow until the 6th.
Bon, je commence à ovuler demain, jusqu'au 6.
But my new life as royal hausfrau... doesn't begin until after the engagement party tomorrow.
Mais ma nouvelle vie de reine au foyer ne commence que demain, après notre soirée de fiançailles.
- No, not until tomorrow. - Really?
Y a-t-il quelque chose qui puisse correspondre à ces nombres?
Starting tomorrow, they're assigned to your team... until Armadillo is in custody.
Une brigade vous protégera jusqu'à l'arrestation d'Armadillo.
It can wait until tomorrow.
Ca peut attendre demain.
Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States will reach here in seven hours and be here until 2000 hours tomorrow.
Le Président des États-Unis arrivera dans environ sept heures et restera jusqu'à demain 20 h.
After all, until someone identifies the source of the tainted heroin... you could have another five overdoses tomorrow.
Après tout, tant que personne n'aura découvert l'origine de l'héroïne trafiquée, on pourra encore avoir cinq overdoses, demain.
I mean, she's waiting until the very last bus to go to school tomorrow, so we can spend every minute of my birthday together.
Elle attend jusqu'au dernier bus pour aller à la fac demain Comme ça on peut passer chaque minute de mon anniversaire ensemble..
When I step through the city gates tomorrow no one shall enter or leave until I have found Sahro and avenged my father's murder.
Lorsque j'aurai franchi demain les portes de la ville Personne ne pourra entrer ou sortir jusqu'à ce que j'aie trouvé Sahro et vengé le meurtre de mon père.
Starting tomorrow... we'll sleep until seven... we'll make breakfast in half an hour we'll have it between 7 : 30 and 8... then I go to class, you go to the market... buy all you need for lunch... and we have lunch at 14 hours when I get back.
À partir de demain, on dort jusqu'à 7 h au plus tard. On prépare le petit-déjeuner, puis on le prend entre 7 h 30 et 8 h. Ensuite, je vais en classe et toi au marché.
But nothing can be done, until the officer comes... tomorrow morning.
Mais on ne peut rien faire tant que l'officier n'est pas là.
Look, tomorrow I'm sending you to your aunts'house until you stop this shit.
Ecoute, demain vous partez chez vos tantes jusqu'à ce que cette bêtise passe!
I don't want to die... at least not until tomorrow.
Du moins pas avant demain.
Maybe I should wait till tomorrow, until after the big banquet so I don't upset his big day.
Je devrais attendre demain, que son grand jour soit passé pour ne pas le perturber.
All right. I will be at this address until noon tomorrow.
Je serai à cette adresse demain, jusqu'à midi.
As long as Mr. Morgan doesn't mind gasping for air until sometime tomorrow.
Tant que M. Morgan se moque de manquer d'air jusqu'à demain, pas de problème.
tomorrow 4164
tomorrow's my birthday 16
tomorrow is another day 31
tomorrow morning 588
tomorrow at 119
tomorrow's sunday 22
tomorrow's another day 26
tomorrow afternoon 75
tomorrow night 482
tomorrow morning at 27
tomorrow's my birthday 16
tomorrow is another day 31
tomorrow morning 588
tomorrow at 119
tomorrow's sunday 22
tomorrow's another day 26
tomorrow afternoon 75
tomorrow night 482
tomorrow morning at 27
tomorrow then 23
tomorrow at noon 16
tomorrow evening 39
until 461
until we meet again 44
until you die 46
until then 921
until next time 48
until the end 48
until about 19
tomorrow at noon 16
tomorrow evening 39
until 461
until we meet again 44
until you die 46
until then 921
until next time 48
until the end 48
until about 19
until death 17
until the end of time 16
until you 28
until i was 18
until further notice 59
until today 117
until one day 105
until when 50
until recently 106
until later 22
until the end of time 16
until you 28
until i was 18
until further notice 59
until today 117
until one day 105
until when 50
until recently 106
until later 22