Who was with you перевод на французский
1,266 параллельный перевод
Who was with you at the bank?
Qui t'accompagnait à la banque?
So who was with you? - l forget. I was drunk. You're not helping, Krapivin.
Alors Qui était avec vous?
Who was with you?
Qui était avec vous?
Who was with you?
Mais qui était avec vous?
Carlos, are you going to tell me who was with you last night?
Carlos, tu vas me dire avec qui tu étais hier soir?
Then, for the last time... Who was with you last night?
Alors, pour la dernière fois... avec qui étais tu hier soir?
It was you who do sketches with her
C'est toi qui a fait les portraits-robots avec elle.
With the dude who was hollering like he had a fever, you're Lola huh?
Quel gadget? Ce type qui braillait comme un malade.
He died in his clothes, on the bed... badly attended... by mercenary people... with no affection to comfort him... because I was absent and you... who didn't love him... only looked for excuses... to stay away from him.
Il est mort tout habillé, sur son lit, mal servi par des gens mercenaires, sans la consolation de la tendresse, parce que j'étais absent et que vous, qui ne l'aimiez plus, vous cherchiez prétexte sur prétexte pour ne pas être à ses côtés.
Come to think of it, that lady who was with me is one of you, right?
Et la jeune femme...? La jeune femme, où est-elle?
- It seems a little sad, really, that I was the girl who's sole purpose was to allow you figure out who you were really in love with.
C'est un peu triste d'avoir été seulement la fille qui t'a servi... à comprendre qui tu aimais.
Just before you were born... I was involved with some people - very dangerous people - who made threats against my life.
Juste avant ta naissance, je frayais avec des gens, des gens très dangereux qui m'ont menacé de mort.
I could hear you gushing three rooms away. For your information, I was having a heart-to-heart call with someone who actually cares about me.
pour ta gouverne, j'ouvrais mon cœur à quelqu'un qui m'aime.
I was hoping you could recommend a ship captain who could help us with such a sensitive transaction.
Je veux le nom d'un capitaine qui peut gérer cette... affaire épineuse.
Anyway, who was the guy you were dancing with?
Au fait, tu dansais avec qui, toi?
Nan, Spencer was there with Reese... and you were the only one who knew, Nan.
Nan, Spencer était là, avec Reese, et tu étais la seule à savoir.
Do you know who was with Liz that night?
Vous savez qui était avec Liz, cette nuit?
Who was that woman you were with?
Qui était cette femme avec qui tu étais?
But anyway, we were drinking vodka, and I was so happy... that I found someone who would drink vodka with me, you know?
Mais toujours est-il qu'on buvait de la vodka et j'étais tellement content... d'avoir trouvé quelqu'un qui buvait de la vodka avec moi, tu vois?
Who was that woman in the bar with you?
Qui était cette femme?
That country road you loved, the one we called Hawthorn hill, where you say you fell in love with me as a child, though I swear it was I who fell in love with you...
"Le chemin que vous aimiez... " Le raidillon aux aubépines.. ".. où vous étiez tombé amoureux de moi,..
You said you talked to somebody who was some kind of a mechanic, with the name of...
Tu as dis que tu avais parlé à une personne qui avait une sorte de garage.
It was you who ran away, and you took the dog with you, didn't you?
C'est toi qui étais partie en emmenant le chien, c'est ça?
Let me ask you, what was it like sleeping with somebody who raped dozens of defenceless, terrified women?
C'était comment de coucher avec un homme qui a violé des dizaines de femmes terrifiées et sans défense?
- Why are you talking like this? - I'm reminded of a young deputy who took grief because of a woman he was friends with.
Je pense à un brillant collaborateur de la Maison Blanche... qui s'est fait réprimander à cause d'une de ses amies.
What? Clearly. you wish you were the one who was sleeping with her.
C'est toi qui voudrais coucher avec elle.
You know, in 1998, there was a British soldier who plummeted 4,500 feet when his parachute failed, and he walked away with a broken rib.
En 1998, un soldat dont le parachute est resté fermé a chuté de 1 400 m. Il s'en est sorti avec une côte cassée.
And the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.
Et celui qui n'était qu'un ami est tout d'un coup la seule personne avec qui vous envisagez d'être.
You didn't see who he was with?
Vous n'avez pas vu avec qui il était?
I told her it was you who wanted to... That you'd... That you'd fallen in love with me.
Je lui ai raconté que c'était toi qui voulais... que t'étais amoureuse de moi.
Was it you who came up with the idea to advertise baked goods in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler Magazine?
C'est votre idée, la pub pour la pâtisserie dans Playboy et Penthouse?
Who was that lady I saw you with this afternoon?
Qui était cette dame avec vous?
If it was the end of the world who would you want to be with?
Si c'était la fin du monde, avec qui voudrais-tu être?
Among other things. But I wanted to tell you something else about Marcorelle. About his relationship with a girl who was recently a prostitute working in this town and who has remained in contact with the Polish network she was part of.
Il y a ça, entre autres, mais je voulais vous parler d'autre chose à propos de Marcorelle, de ses relations avec une jeune femme qui était, il y a peu, une prostituée exerçant en ville,
Vicky, who was the girl who came with you to the college this morning?
Viki, qui était la fille que tu as déposée à la fac ce matin?
I was sad not knowing who I am, and I was afraid of my power, but since you were with me...
J'étais triste de ne pas savoir qui j'étais, et j'avais peur de mon pouvoir, mais quand j'étais avec toi...
And they were even bickering while they were having sex with me... arguing about who was gonna stand guard... and positions and technique, and, you know, undermining each other... berating each other while they were doing it.
Ils se chamaillaient pendant qu'ils me pénétraient, pour savoir lequel monterait la garde, sur les positions, la technique et se chambraient l'un l'autre pendant qu'ils me violaient.
When you kissed me, I suddenly realized that I was standing there with this person who, you know, has skipped about a zillion grades and knows everything about everything.
Quand tu m'as embrassée, j'ai compris que j'étais avec une personne qui a sauté des milliers de classes et qui sait tout sur tout.
I don't really know what you mean, but I think Amy was the one who broke up with Robert without the smack-your-bum.
Je ne sais pas vraiment de quoi vous parlez, mais je crois que c'est Amy qui s'est séparée de Robert sans la tape sur les fesses.
Who was that young lady I saw you on the golf course with?
- Vraiment? - Excellente école. Elle a dit qu'elle voulait apprendre le golf.
Did you ever hear the story about the guy who was stranded on a deserted island with Julia Roberts?
Vous connaissez l'histoire du mec coincé sur une île avec Julia Roberts?
Who was in the room with you around the time of the firing, Roberts?
Qui était avec vous dans la pièce au moment du tir?
I mean, I was, like, finally hanging out with women who didn't annoy the crap out of me, you know?
Je passais enfin une soirée avec des filles qui n'étaient pas ennuyeuses.
So who was that girl with her hands all over you?
Qui était cette fille avec ses mains partout sur toi?
Only time you took a trip was with the Rockette who put LSD in your drink.
T'as pris l'avion qu'une fois... avec cette majorette qui a mis du LSD dans ton verre.
Who else was with you?
Qui était avec toi?
Grace didn't really want to deal with me, and I had a lot of my own stuff to deal with, you know, like telling everyone in my life who I really was.
Grace voulait vraiment pas négocier avec moi, et j'avais mes propres chats à fouetter, tu sais, comme dire à toutes les personnes dans ma vie qui j'étais vraiment.
Saw you with someone. Who was it?
- J'ai vu quelqu'un.
For you must know that the child with blue hair... was no other than the good-hearted fairy... who had lived in that wood for more than a thousand...
"Or, la jeune fille aux cheveux bleus... " n'était autre qu'une très bonne fée... qui vivait dans la forêt depuis plus de mille ans.- - "
It was earlier that I wasn't but now I am in control! Tell me, who is with you?
Dites-moi, qui est avec vous?
Who was the little guy with you?
- C'était qui, le merdeux?
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who was 108
who was there 49
who was he 261
who was that on the phone 28
who was that man 35
who was that guy 64
who was on the phone 34
who was driving 24
who was that 1077
who was 108
who was there 49
who was he 261
who was that on the phone 28
who was that man 35
who was that guy 64
who was on the phone 34
who was driving 24
who was she 151
who was here 20
with you 1138
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your 48
who was here 20
with you 1138
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with your mother 23
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your 48
with your dad 25
with your father 34
with your life 24
with your hands 23
who were you with 40
who were they 101
who wants a drink 19
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who were you calling 16
with your father 34
with your life 24
with your hands 23
who were you with 40
who were they 101
who wants a drink 19
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who were you calling 16