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Who would do that перевод на французский

563 параллельный перевод
Who would do that?
Qui ferait ça?
Really, do I look like the sort of person who would do that kind of thing?
Vraiment, est-ce que je ressemble au genre de personne qui ferait ce genre de chose?
It makes sense in theory, but who would do that for Furuya?
Ça se tient, mais Furuya avait-il de la famille?
- Who would do that?
- Qui ferait ça?
By the way, who do you think would be that Kim Bong Dal?
savez-vous qui est ce Kim Bong Dal?
And who do you think would come hobbling along for that berth but old Long John Silver?
- Bien. Et à ton avis, qui d'autre que le vieux Long John Silver sera prêt à être de la traversée?
Would you call that an accomplishment? And who cares how high the Eiffel Tower is? Do you?
Ça ne l'intéresse pas plus que la hauteur exacte de la Tour Eiffel.
If it comes to that, what decent man do we know who would?
Quel homme décent de notre connaissance le ferait?
Who would dare to do that?
Qui a pu oser faire ça?
But if we can make sure that here are four Frenchmen at least who feel as I do about our country, who, if they had the chance, would fight for France. If I can convince myself to believe you, I might...
Si j'étais sûr d'avoir trouvé de vrais Français qui partagent mes sentiments et qui, s'ils le pouvaient, combattraient pour la France, si je vous faisais confiance, je pourrais...
When I saw that woman, who caused all the trouble between us, I suddenly wished that some supernatural power would give me strength and courage to do what she has done to so many others.
En voyant cette femme qui nous a tant fait souffrir, j'ai souhaité qu'un pouvoir surnaturel me donne la force de faire ce qu'elle a fait maintes fois.
Do you remember saying to me that Madeleine would be a treasure for anyone who wanted to get on?
Ne m'as-tu pas dit toi-même que Madeleine était un trésor pour qui voulait réussir?
And suppose I told them... that what they're doing is stupid to the point of imbecility! - Who do you think would listen?
Et même si je leur disais que ce qu'ils font est, avant tout, stupide, qui m'écouterait?
Do you think that I, that anyone who had seen that... would take a chance of dying in the same horrible way?
Crois-tu que quiconque ayant vu ça... prendrait le risque de mourir d'une manière aussi horrible?
Do not turn to this false prophet who would make you believe that our savior was a mere magician Like him. That the divine miracles were tricks.
Ne vous tournez pas vers ce faux prophète, qui veut vous faire croire que Jésus était un magicien et les miracles des tours d'illusionniste.
Even if they did, who would do all that for them?
Même si c'est le cas, qui en ferait autant pour elles?
I do not care who you are or what you are, but... I want to hear from your own lips that you are not a traitor, that you would not lead these people in revolt against me.
Que m'importe qui tu es ou ce que tu es mais... je veux entendre de ta bouche que tu n'es pas un traître, que tu ne conduirais pas ce peuple à se révolter contre moi.
Well, who would do that? I don't know, but I do know that McLane's dead.
Je n'en sais rien, mais Mc Lane est mort, ça c'est sûr.
That was some boy you was married to who would do a thing like that.
C'est le type que vous aviez épousé qui allait faire ça.
- Qui ferait cela?
I came with this swindler who cheated me and told me to assist him in the business of selling bulls and we'll split the profits, but seeing the damage it would do to my conscience I declare that he's not a priest and that the bulls preaches are false.
Je suis venu avec cet escroc qui m'a trompé il m'a demandé de l'aider à vendre ses indulgences, qu'on partagerait les bénéfices, mais voyant le dommage que ça ferait à ma conscience je déclare qu'il n'est pas prêtre et que ses indulgences sont des faux.
Thats's absurd, I don't see who would do something like that.
Tu n'as pas tu n'as rien entendu cette nuit? Non, rien.
Who would do a thing like that?
Who else do you know that would go to the moon for you?
Et qui d'autre irait te chercher la lune?
- Who would do a thing like that?
- Qui ferait une telle chose?
Who on earth would do a thing like that?
Qui ferait une chose pareille?
And I would like to know who started the rumor that I briefed the couple. If that person has the courage to say so to my face, they may do so!
Parce que mon estomac s'y refuse, mais aussi parce que c'est le seul moyen que vous m'avez laissé pour protester.
Now, who would want to do a thing like that?
Qui aurait cette idée?
Who would do a thing like that?
Qui ferait ça?
Who would ever expect a father and daughter to do that?
Qui aurait pensé qu'un père et sa fille fassent ça?
But do you believe that a girl who's never...? Would you believe she'd buy one of these?
Mais vous croyez qu'une fille qui n'a jamais... achèterait cela?
Who do you suppose would be able to kill that renegade?
Qui pensez-vous pourrait tuer ce renégat?
Who would dare to do that to Ivanhoe?
Qui a osé faire ça à Ivanhoé?
Oh, my goodness. Who would do a dumb thing like that?
Qui ferait quelque chose d'aussi stupide?
¶ Somebody's crying ¶ Do you wonder who ¶ Tears that would fill up
quelqu'un pleure sais-tu qui est celui dont les larmes rempliraient un océan ou deux trop malheureux pour être triste quelqu'un pleure pour toi
- Who would do a dull thing like that?
De quelle compagnie?
They'd never have played such a joke on the first cello or someone else who matters. They would never do a thing like that.
On ferait jamais une telle blague au premier violoncelle ou à quelqu'un qui compte, on ne ferait jamais ça.
Who do you suppose would want to kill a nice young couple like that?
Qui pourrait assassiner un gentil couple comme ça?
How do you think that the people who lost sons and fathers and brothers in the massacre would feel about something like that?
Comment pensez-vous que les gens qui ont perdu des fils... des pères et des frères lors du massacre le prendront?
For you have accepted the role of king for a day, and who but a fool would do that?
Car vous avez accepté le rôle du roi d'un jour. Qui, à part un fou, l'aurait fait?
That would be a sin, and who do you think would stand for it?
Ce serait un péché et qui pourrait se le permettre?
Who would want to do a thing like that?
Qui a pu faire ça?
Even those who pay close attention to politics... probably saw Hal Phillip Walker and his Replacement Party... as a bit of frost on the hillside... summer, if not late spring, would surely do away with all that.
Même ceux qui suivent la politique de près ont probablement considéré Hal Phillip Walker et son Parti du Changement comme un reste de gel à flanc de colline que l'été, voire la fin du printemps, allait faire disparaître totalement.
Tank, qui connais-tu... qui voudrait faire fermer les sociétés de prêt?
Now, you wouldn't know anybody who'd do something like that, would you? Me?
Tu ne connaîtrais personne qui ferait une chose pareille, par hasard?
- Who would do a thing like that?
- Qui ferait une chose pareille?
- Do you know that that school was attended by a student, who would not recognize a leaf of Supatka Jeleni from its stalk?
Savez-vous que cet établissement était fréquenté par un étudiant qui ne savait pas distinguer la feuille d'une certaine plante de sa tige?
And who would want to do that except an accomplice?
Qui aurait fait ça, sinon un complice?
And the proof of the strength of the Equal Rights Amendment is that so many of you who would never do it before put on black tie tonight.
Et la preuve du succès de l'amendement sur l'égalité des droits est que vous êtes en tenue de soirée, ce que vous n'auriez jamais fait avant.
- Who would do that? - I don't know. Why?
- Et surtout, pourquoi?
The only person who could do that would be me. Then my brother would know that I'd betrayed his confidence, and read his letters.
La personne qui pourrait le faire,... ça serait moi.

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