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Who would you pick перевод на французский

37 параллельный перевод
If you were casting the part, who would you pick?
Si vous aviez le choix, qui prendriez-vous pour le rôle? !
Richard, if you had an extra ticket to the Nicks game and you had to choose between a friend who smelled and one who bruises you, who would you pick?
Si t'avais un ticket pour les Knicks... et que tu devais choisir entre un ami qui pue... et un qui te fait des bleus, qui tu choisirais?
Who would you pick to be the president, dead or alive?
Votre président idéal?
If you had to pick one of the other two to go out with... who would you pick?
On a une question. Des deux autres, avec qui sortiriez-vous?
If you were Steven Tyler from Aerosmith for one night, and you could pretty much get any woman alive, who would you pick?
Si tu étais Steven Tyler d'Aerosmith pour une nuit, et que tu pouvais te taper n'importe quelle femme, qui choisirais-tu?
So who would you pick for me if you died first?
Qui choisirais-tu pour moi si tu mourrais le premier?
Ray. Who would you pick for me?
Qui choisirais-tu pour moi?
Who would you pick to replace you?
Qui choisirais-tu pour te remplacer?
So who would you pick for me?
Alors, qui choisirais-tu pour moi?
So... who would you pick for me?
Alors... qui choisirais-tu pour moi?
Who would you pick to fill your narrow little flats?
Qui choisiriez-vous pour remplacer vos petits seins plats?
Who would you pick?
Vous prendriez qui?
Who would you pick?
Tu choisirais qui?
If we could only find one of them, Ari or ahnold, who would you pick?
Si on devait n'en trouver qu'un, vous choisiriez Ari ou Ahnold?
Who would you pick?
Tu choisirais qui? Brian Keegan?
Let's--as if we were being able to pick Our own person that we were in love with, A friendship, who would you pick?
Si on avait le choix pour choisir quelqu'un la personne avec qui on devra s'aimer, une amitiée, tu choisirais qui?
And who would you pick, Freddy, from this pool of too eager candidates?
Qui choisirais-tu, Freddy, dans ce lot d'impatients?
If you had the choice, who would you pick? You, yourself.
Si vous aviez le choix, vous prendriez qui, vous, vous seule?
Do you know anybody that would want to become a taxi driver? Those bastards, who only pick you up when they feel like it?
- Ces gros râleurs qui vous prennent quand ça les intéresse!
Who would one night sneak into this room pick up the covers and slide into the bed, next to you.
La voisine. Qui une nuit... entrerait subrepticement... relèverait les draps... et se glisserait à côté de toi.
If you had to pick one of us to date, who would it be?
A choisir entre nous deux, avec qui sortirais-tu?
If you had to pick one, who would I be more like, style-wise :
Si tu veux en choisir une, tu voudrais que je sois plutôt dans le genre de : Jackie Bouvier ou Ethel?
If you had to pick someone here to go home with, who would it be?
Si tu devais choisir quelqu'un ici pour aller chez toi, ca serait qui?
If you had to pick a pony in this race, who would it be?
Si vous deviez choisir un poney pour cette course, qui serait-il?
Who would you pick?
Look, maybe they just liked my concept better or, you know, who knows why they would pick me.
Écoute, ils ont peut-être simplement préféré mon concept. Qui peut savoir pourquoi ils m'ont prise.
Y-you pick a fancy car because who would suspect a fugitive in that?
Tu voles une voiture de luxe parce que qui suspecterait un fugitif dans une voiture comme ça?
If it came down to protecting you or protecting somebody else, somebody I loved, who would I pick?
Si j'en venais à devoir te protéger toi ou protéger quelqu'un d'autre, quelqu'un que j'aime, qui je choisirais?
Because you picked an occupation that's not really... no one would ever pick, who needed to make a living.
Parce que tu choisis une occupation qui n'est pas... Personne ne choisit le besoin de créer une vie.
Right, but if you had to pick one, who would be your favorite?
D'accord, mais si vous deviez en choisir un?
Who exactly would you pick?
Qui choisiriez-vous?
You are who I would want to be my mom if I could pick,
Vous êtes celle que je choisirais pour être ma mère si je pouvais choisir,
But I know you would want me to pick up and move on with someone who loved our kids.
Mais je sais que vous voulez que je prends et de passer avec quelqu'un qui aimait nos enfants.
If you could pick your favorite superhero, who would it be?
Superhéros préféré?
Would you pick up a person who was drunk and emotionally assaultive?
Vous iriez chercher une personne ivre et émotionnellement agressive?
You look like someone who would pick five.
Vous avez choisi le cinq.

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