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Are you going to перевод на португальский

18,926 параллельный перевод
Are you going to Sunita's Wedding'?
Vão ao casamento de Sunita?
What are you going to do?
O que vais fazer?
Are you going to follow me everywhere?
- Vai seguir-me para todo o lado?
Are you going to be okay, Doctor?
Ela vai ficar bem, Dra.?
Are you going to stay looking at me?
Mas vais ficar a olhar para mim?
Are you going to take the pressure, too?
Vamos medir a tensão outra vez?
How much are you going to say?
O que vais dizer?
Are you going to introduce me to your acquaintance?
Vais apresentar-me ao teu conhecido?
Are you going to help them?
Vais ajudá-los?
What, are you going to put a finger in my ass?
Vais fazer o quê? Vais meter-me um dedo no cu?
Are you going to give me the keys?
Vais-me dar as chaves?
Are you going to help them?
- Vais ajudá-los?
Crum said, "Are you going to go out and help your fellow officer?"
O Crum disse, "Vais sair e ajudar o seu parceiro?"
Just to be clear, if I step in here, are you going to arrest me?
Só para ficar claro, se eu entrar ali, vai prender-me?
- Are you going to?
- Vais embora?
- What are you going to call the cactus, then?
- Que vais chamar ao cato então?
- How are you going to get him down?
- Como é que o vamos tirar dali?
- Are you going to open the others? Or are you just going to spend the rest of your life balancing on that?
Vais abrir os outros ou vais passar o resto da vida em cima disso?
Are you going to let me do this?
Deixas-me fazer isto?
Are you going to open this card and see who it's from?
Não queres saber de quem é?
Are you going to let me in?
Deixas-me entrar?
Madam, how much longer are you going to keep running after these ministers?
Senhora, quanto tempo vai andar atrás destes ministros?
How long are you going to stay here, away from your family?
Quanto tempo vai ficar aqui, longe da sua família?
When are you going to get it in that thick head that I do everything for you?
Quando vais meter nessa cabeça dura que faço tudo por ti?
Are you going to examine my throat or not?
Você vai examinar minha garganta ou não?
What are you going to do?
Vamos fazer o quê?
How are you going to fix this?
Como é que vais resolver isto?
You are going to be a great mother.
- Vais ser uma óptima mãe.
You still believe a few bullets and bombs are going to change anything for me?
Ainda acreditas que algumas balas e bombas vão mudar alguma coisa para mim?
- You are going to make the pleading of your life.
Não, vais fazer a alegação da tua vida.
Are you really going to go see Tilly?
Vais mesmo ver a Tilly?
Are you ever going to sign our divorce?
Alguma vez vais assinar o divórcio?
Anyway, uh, I thought you'd like to know we are going with Samuel John.
Talvez queiras saber que o teu neto se chama Samuel John.
So, I appreciate you coming here. I respect your experience and your insight. But my brother knows what he wants, and we are going to do this John's way.
Por isso, agradeço a sua vinda, respeito a sua experiência e os seus conhecimentos, mas o meu irmão sabe o que quer e vamos fazer isto à maneira do John.
They are going to try to hold you down.
Eles vão tentar deitar-te abaixo.
They are going to try to hold you accountable for things that they never would be.
Tentarão responsabilizar-te pelas coisas que eles não serão responsabilizados.
So, you are going to look at cases that were presented to the FBI for investigation.
Então, vocês vão ver os casos que foram apresentados ao FBI para investigação.
Oh, so you and Drew are going to "Lady and the Tramp"
Tu e o Drew estão a dar uma de "A Dama e o Vagabundo"?
When this whole thing is over, the Bureau is going to realize that you are the biggest mistake they ever made.
Quando isto acabar, o FBI vai perceber que és o maior erro que alguma vez cometeram.
You know, they are going to write books about you, the man who saved the leopard who saved the world.
Sabe, irão escrever um livro sobre si, o homem que salvou o leopardo, que salvou o mundo.
Slumber well... knowing you are going to be whipped tomorrow at my command.
Dorme bem, sabendo que amanhã serás açoitado às minhas ordens.
Tom, I really need you to let me know how things are going.
Tom, preciso mesmo que me digas como as coisas estão a correr.
I'm sure you guys are just glad to be going home, though.
Tenho a certeza que estão apenas felizes por irem para casa.
- Even when I'm not here to protect you. - Are you going somewhere?
Ides a algum lado?
Catherine, you're not going on the house-to-house, are you?
Bom dia. Catherine, vais andar outra vez porta a porta?
Well, you're not going to cause me any problems, are you, Neil?
Não me vais causar problemas, vais Neil?
Are you just going to surrender your town to the enemy?
Vais entregar assim a tua cidade ao teu inimigo?
We are going to take care of you first.
Vamos tomar conta de ti primeiro.
You are going... to burn in hell.
Vais arder no inferno.
Now, listen. You are not going to die, I won't let it happen.
não vais morrer.
And I promise you, we are going to bring Brian home.
E prometo-te, vamos trazer o Brian para casa.

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