By the by перевод на португальский
133,284 параллельный перевод
I'm getting less and less certain by the second.
Tenho menos certezas a cada segundo.
Yes, the hand was removed by some other bladed weapon.
- É, a mão foi removida por alguma outra arma afiada.
We only had her husband's hand and were misled by the other body parts?
Só tínhamos a mão do marido e fomos enganados pelas outras partes do corpo?
= = sync, corrected by elderman = = @ elder _ man
- The Marines Adaptação e sincronia PtPt
Have them on my desk by the morning.
Entreguem-mos de manhã.
The explosion last night... seems a case of suicide by paranoia.
A explosão ontem à noite... Parece um suicídio provocado por paranóia.
Or you could have had him pardoned any time you wanted by just coming forward and admitting that he took the fall for you.
O podias tê-lo feito quando quisesses, admitindo que ele arcou com as culpas por ti.
If I want a crack at some sort of human connection, I'm not gonna get it shut in the house by myself, am I?
Se quero ter uma relação humana, não posso ficar sozinho em casa.
We're all gonna die alone, mostly, probably, by our own hand, having never found the justice we were seeking, having never found any real human connection with anyone, set to live out the rest of our lives in solitary confinement!
Vamos todos morrer sozinhos, provavelmente pelas próprias mãos, sem nunca encontrarmos a justiça que procurávamos, sem nunca termos uma ligação verdadeira com ninguém, e vivermos o resto da vida sozinhos.
It was simply a terrorist attack by a cell of the Islamic Front.
Foi apenas um ataque terrorista de uma célula da Frente Islâmica.
Those of you employed by your respective government agencies will stay as such, and the rest of you will be private contractors.
Aqueles de vós que fazem parte de agências governamentais continuarão a sê-lo, e os outros serão contratados temporariamente.
- Kevin was killed by a sniper who detonated the vest to cover it up.
O Kevin foi morto por um sniper que detonou o colete para o cobrir.
If we haven't found the mole by then, you won't even have to ask me to leave.
Se não tivermos encontrado o espião até lá Nem sequer ira precisar de pedir que eu saia.
Sam just got picked up by the DEA at Heather's.
Apanharam o Sam na casa da Heather.
Martin Deeks, Owen Granger- - all of us arrested on the same day by different law enforcement agencies?
Martin Deeks, Owen Granger todos nós presos no mesmo dia por agências diferentes?
For now. Meanwhile, three of my agents are being held by different agencies across the city.
Enquanto isso, três dos meus Agentes foram presos por outras tantas agências.
[Baujal] The Galra attacked, led by a vile commander named Morvok.
Os galra nos atacaram, sob o comando do cruel Morvok.
But won't the stitches get dissolved by the acid?
Mas não serão dissolvidas pelo ácido?
We'll meet by the giant ticking clock here in one vaga.
Nos encontramos no relógio gigante daqui a uma vaga.
We are the Paladins of Voltron, sent here by Ulaz.
Somos os paladinos do Voltron, enviados até aqui por Ulaz.
[Keith] We're getting drawn in by one of the black holes!
Estamos sendo sugados por um dos buracos negros!
It then reconverts the quintessence remnants by- -... becoming the building blocks of new solar systems.
Depois reconvertem a quintessência restante a matéria-prima de novos sistemas solares.
The one that was killed by Prorok.
Ele foi morto por Prorok.
I have been given orders to remain by your side until we clear all personnel or find the spy.
Me mandaram permanecer do seu lado até investigarmos todos ou encontrarmos o espião.
By the way, Hunk, you really came through in the clutch back there.
Por sinal, Hunk, você mandou muito bem.
It looks like the top level is patrolled by the sentries.
Parece que o primeiro nível é vigiado pelos sentinelas.
The second level is patrolled by floating drones.
O segundo nível é vigiado por drones.
The information I found on my brother says he was taken by a group of rebels.
A informação que achei sobre o meu irmão disse que ele foi levado por rebeldes.
Oh, by the way, uh, I invited him to the wedding.
A propósito, eu o convidei para o casamento.
By the way, where are you from?
A propósito, de onde você é?
By the bridge, the...
Pela ponte, a...
The victim was not alone but accompanied to Colombia by his wife, Amber.
A vítima não estava sozinha, veio acompanhado até a Colômbia pela esposa, Amber.
And while they're under the influence, the victim is easily controlled by suggestions or verbal commands to perform unspeakable acts, which is why all of our victims have been emptying their bank accounts...
Enquanto estão sob efeito, a vítima é facilmente controlada por sugestões ou ordens verbais a fazer coisas inimagináveis. Por isso todas as vítimas esvaziaram as contas bancárias.
And the person giving the commands is usually very close by.
E a pessoa que dá as ordens geralmente está perto.
Within the last 24 hours, you were hired by two tourists. Sí.
Nas últimas 24 horas, foste contratada por dois turistas.
Could be dealing with a schizophrenic, someone of two minds, on the one hand, driven by logic...
Pode ser um esquizofrénico, alguém com duas personalidades.
On the other, driven by emotion.
Uma guiada pela lógica, e a outra guiada pela emoção.
Yeah, and being surrounded by them must have triggered her resentment towards all the foreigners.
Sim, e estar rodeada deles deve ter desencadeado o rancor dela contra todos os estrangeiros.
And I see you're not as moved to silence by it as you were the Holocaust story.
Vejo que não vos levou tanto ao silêncio como a história do Holocausto.
The only thing that sucked about my trip, and I hate to complain about such a privileged thing as to go to Italy by myself, is that I booked a walking tour'cause I love that stuff.
A parte pior da minha viagem, e detesto queixar-me do privilégio de ter viajado sozinha para Itália, é ter reservado uma excursão a pé.
I had no idea by looking at the restaurants on the Grand Canal what was authentic and what wasn't, so, thank you for bringing me here. "
Não fazia ideia, ao olhar para os restaurantes do Grande Canal, o que seria autêntico ou não. Obrigada por me trazer até aqui. "
Now, as years go by and more information is out there, they keep jamming more cards in the catalog.
À medida que o tempo passa e há mais informação, eles continuam a inserir mais cartões no catálogo.
So, maybe if you're driving by a woman who has nice tits, you roll up your window and smash your face against the glass and just go,'Nice tits.'You could do that.
Se passares de carro por uma mulher que tem umas boas mamas, podes fechar a janela e pressionar a cara contra o vidro e dizer :'Boas mamas.'Podias fazer isso.
" By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat.
" Pelos rios de Babylon, nos sentaremos.
We should know if the plan worked by the time we land.
Devemos saber se o avião está a funcionar quando aterrarmos.
He's very proud of the fact that he got his nose broken at the gym by his sparring partner.
Ele está muito orgulhoso com o facto de ter partido o nariz no ginásio pelo seu parceiro de boxe.
The guy took it a step further by making himself up to look even more pummeled.
O tipo deu um passo em frente ao fazer com que pareça ainda mais agredido.
If by "we," do you mean the secretary?
Por "nós" queres dizer a Secretária?
I can assure you that President Andrada's decision to pivot away from the United States is not one that is shared by our military.
Posso garantir-vos que a decisão do Presidente Andrada em afastar-se dos Estados Unidos não é a mesma partilhada pelos nossos militares.
This one was referred to us by a fellow federal agency, the national transportation safety board.
Este foi-nos encaminhado por uma outra agência federal. O Conselho Nacional de Segurança nos Transportes.
JJ said she brought the boys by to see you.
A JJ disse que levou os rapazes para ver-te.
by the way 9822
by the sea 31
by the end of the week 21
by the end 42
by the power vested in me 31
by then 159
by the grace of god 46
by the river 32
by the sound of it 17
by the looks of it 63
by the sea 31
by the end of the week 21
by the end 42
by the power vested in me 31
by then 159
by the grace of god 46
by the river 32
by the sound of it 17
by the looks of it 63
by the window 25
by the 56
by the end of the day 31
by the time you read this 25
by the book 43
by the year 20
by the look of it 40
by the door 20
by the time i got there 34
by the looks of things 18
by the 56
by the end of the day 31
by the time you read this 25
by the book 43
by the year 20
by the look of it 40
by the door 20
by the time i got there 34
by the looks of things 18
by the time i was 17
byron 205
byers 25
bye bye 239
bye for now 50
bygones 81
bye then 84
bye now 202
bye to me 16
by my side 27
byron 205
byers 25
bye bye 239
bye for now 50
bygones 81
bye then 84
bye now 202
bye to me 16
by my side 27
by any chance 561
bye forever 30
by now 279
by me 131
bye to you 39
byes 156
by this time 33
by that time 70
bye mom 21
by myself 167
bye forever 30
by now 279
by me 131
bye to you 39
byes 156
by this time 33
by that time 70
bye mom 21
by myself 167