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It could kill him перевод на португальский

72 параллельный перевод
If we remove it, it could kill him.
Se removermos, poderá matá-lo.
It could kill him.
- Isso pode matá-lo.
- It could kill him.
- Isso pode matá-lo.
Opening it could kill him and everyone his mind is linked to.
Se abrires, mata-lo a ele e a todos os que estiverem ligados.
- It could kill him.
Pode matá-lo.
It's dangerous. It could kill him. You should do it.
é perigoso, pode matá-lo, mas devem fazê-lo.
It could kill him. - What's the difference?
Nunca foi testado em humanos, podia matá-lo.
If he moves even a fraction of an inch, it could kill him.
Se ele se mexe um milímetro sequer, pode morrer.
It could kill him.
Pode matá-lo.
And I know that it could kill him.
E sei que o pode matar.
If he goes on this mission, it could kill him. We can't ask him to do this.
Se ele for nesta missão, isso poderá matá-lo, não podemos pedir-lhe isso.
- You mean it could kill him.
- Quer dizer que poderia matá-lo. - Matá-lo? Sim.
You mean it could kill him?
Quer dizer que poderá matá-lo?
I just heard it could kill him if he drank it.
Ouvi dizer que aquilo matava, se fosse ingerido.
Then let's go there. Alex, because of the location, there's a chance it could kill him.
- Alex, devido à localização, isso pode matá-lo.
But if we try to revive him without the proper sequencing, it could kill him.
Mas, se tentarmos reanimá-lo sem a sequência correcta, pode morrer.
And it could kill him. - All right, the coast is clear.
E isso pode matá-lo.
And as far as I know, if I give it to him, it could kill him.
E tanto quanto sei, se lho der, posso matá-lo.
You think we could? I'd only do it wrong. You kill him, I'll watch.
Para não errar, prefiro ficar a ver.
It could be as bizarre as voices commanding him to kill.
Tão bizarro como vozes que lhe mandam matar.
You know what bothers me? Why did she charge a three buck bottle of nasal spray... that could be traced back to her... if she'd planned to kill him with it? I don't know.
O que me incomoda é porqu comprou fiado um spray nasal de US $ 3... que o levaria até ela se planeáva matá-lo?
It could shatter his mind or kill him.
Pode quebrar a mente dele ou matá-lo.
Finally, the only way I could get it was to kill him.
Os mistérios da vida foram desvendados?
There is no way I could have driven over the bridge... Knight's, kill him and make it back home without running my car into a pole.
Nem conseguiria guiar pela ponte... matar Knight, e regressar a casa sem bater em nenhum poste.
It could kill the Goa'uld larva inside him.
Poderia matar a larva Goa'uid dentro dele.
He was indulging in something he knew could kill him... but even if it's accidental it's still sort of on purpose, right?
Porque ele estava a fazer uma coisa que sabia que o podia matar, mas mesmo que tenha sido acidental, foi de propósito, não foi?
Don't you get it? Kerner broke out to kill anyone who could hurt him at trial.
O Kerner fugiu para matar todos os que o possam prejudicar em tribunal.
We can't. In a cramped space like the brain, increased intracranial pressure from a high-volume drug like penicillin could herniate his brain stem. It'd kill him.
O cérebro é tão apertado, o aumento da pressão intracraniana causada pela penicilina pode provocar herniação e matá-lo.
How could you kill him, Jack? How could you do it?
Como é que pudeste matá-lo?
But it also could kill him.
Mas também o pode matar.
Well, the tapeworm could have made the guy sick, but it didn't kill him.
Bem, a lombriga poderia ter deixado o cara doente, mas não o matou.
He could just as easily have too much dopamine as serotonin, but if it's dopamine, the cyproheptadine will kill him.
Ele pode muito simplesmente ter mais dopamina, como pode ter mais serotonina. E se for dopamina, a ciproheptadina mata-lo-á.
Or, maybe like, we get him an endangered species and then we could kill it?
Poderíamos presenteá-lo com uma espécie em extinção e então matá-la.
I'm suggesting that it's a little odd for a man to take a drug that every doctor he's seen over the past two years has said could kill him.
É estranho um homem tomar uma droga... que todos os médicos durante os últimos dois anos... disseram que o poderia matar.
Listen, they could kill him now but they know it would bring you pain.
Ouça, eles poderão matá-lo agora mas, eles sabem que isso traria grande dor a você.
I didn't want him to get inside my head so he could kill me, but it worked both ways.
Não quis que entrasse na minha cabeça para que me pudesse matar, mas funcionou para ambos os lados.
If you were to kill him now, given the public mood it could inflame the situation so as to cause a radical regime change.
Se você dever o matar agora, dado o modo público poderia inflame a situação de modo a para causar uma mudança radical do regime.
It looks like he was able to stab her before she could kill him with her Agiel.
Parece que ele conseguiu apunhalá-la, antes de ela o matar com a Agiel.
If they access his research and kill him it could be worth billions in the wrong hands.
Se acederem à pesquisa dele e o matarem, valerá milhares de milhões nas mãos erradas.
They could've paid off anyone in the general population to kill McCallister, but it had to be Lockwood because they needed to get him out.
Podiam ter pago a outro preso para matar o McCallister, mas tinha de ser o Lockwood, para o tirarem de lá.
Could turn into a hostage situation. Or he could kill Jimmy before we get to him. Claim it was self-defense.
Ou pode matar o Jimmy antes de conseguirmos chegar até ele, alegando que foi em legítima defesa.
Tommy could have gotten away if all he wanted to do was escape, but he came back to kill him, like it was personal.why?
Convertê-los e reabilita-los. Ladrões. Violadores.
I could kill that guy... kill him with my bare hands. It wouldn't change anything.
- Matá-lo com as minhas próprias mãos.
Tommy could have gotten away if all he wanted to do was escape, but he came back to kill him, like it was personal. Why?
O Tommy podia ter ido embora, se a única coisa que ele quisesse fazer, fosse escapar, mas ele voltou para trás para o matar, como se fosse um assunto pessoal.
If it didn't kill him, it could be what got him killed.
Se isso não o matou, pode ser o que o fez morrer.
If you kill him, it could be bad for you.
Se o matarem, pode ser mau para vocês.
It could also kill him.
- Talvez possa. Mas também pode matá-lo.
I'm just saying, last time, it was'cause you wanted to kill him so you could save yourself.
Só estou a dizer. Da última vez querias matá-lo para te salvares a ti mesmo.
Then I dropped him in that tomb with that cure, thinking eventually he would take it and kill himself to be with Amara just so he could realize that he was caught with me for all eternity.
Depois coloquei-o naquela sepultura com a cura, a pensar que ele eventualmente a tomaria e se suicidasse para estar com a Amara, só para se aperceber que iria ficar preso comigo para toda a eternidade.
If you kill him, it could trigger whatever he has in place.
Se o matares podes despertar o que ele tem em mente.
It could easily kill him.
- Também o pode matar.

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