Of you перевод на португальский
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- I mean, I'm very proud of you. - My mental stability?
- A minha estabilidade mental?
Just a few descriptions of you here :
Algumas descrições de si :
And now may I introduce Mr. Roger Stone to all of you.
Agora, apresento-vos o Sr. Roger Stone.
I know what I said, and I said it because I'm trying to talk you out of it.
- Eu sei aquilo que disse, e disse-o para te tentar convencer a desistir.
I'm gonna get you guys out of here.
Vou tirar-vos daqui.
I need you to huddle at the back of this truck, okay?
Preciso que se juntem nas traseiras deste camião, está bem?
You ask ten of these guys, you're gonna get ten different opinions, right? Well, what did this, what did this guy... he say anything about long term, or...? Right.
Se perguntares a 10 destes tipos terás dez opiniões diferentes, certo?
All of the people telling you, "You can't have the country you want," are the same people that wouldn't stand...
Todas as pessoas que vos dizem que não podem ter o país que querem são as mesmas que não defenderiam...
You know, democracy is the process of appealing to the majority.
A democracia é o processo de apelar à maioria.
You know, the four stages of fame.
As quatro fases da fama.
Bart Porter asked him, you know, if he'd be interested in coming to the Nixon campaign, so Roger took time off of school to go join the campaign.
O Bart Porter perguntou-lhe se queria fazer parte da campanha de Nixon, então o Roger fez uma pausa nos estudos para se ir juntar à campanha.
"We want you to go to New Hampshire, and we want you to give this contribution to Pete McCloskey, who's running for the Republican nomination, challenging Nixon from the left, in the name of the Young Socialist Alliance."
"Queremos que vás a New Hampshire e dês esta contribuição ao Pete McCloskey, que se candidata à nomeação republicana, desafiando Nixon pela esquerda, em nome da Young Socialist Alliance."
We built on that, and I think when Roger was elected chairman of the Young Republicans, you know, that was the piece that finalized everything.
Baseámo-nos nisso. Quando o Roger foi eleito Presidente dos Jovens Republicanos, essa foi a peça que finalizou tudo.
I'm convinced that at some point, with these types of programs, you could elect Mickey Mouse to the House or the Senate.
Estou convencido de que, com este tipo de programas, podíamos eleger o Rato Mickey para a câmara do Senado.
Why do you embrace the role of dirty trickster?
Porque abraça o papel de trapaceiro desprezível?
"Are you the son or the grandson of the Roger Stone who's running the Reagan campaign here in New York?"
"É o filho ou o neto do Roger Stone que gere a campanha de Reagan em Nova Iorque?"
" You know, we ought to start a lobbying firm, because I'm getting a lot of calls from people who know we all work for Reagan and know the people who are gonna be in the Reagan administration,
"Devíamos abrir uma firma de lobbying. Ando a receber chamadas de pessoas que sabem que trabalhamos para o Reagan e conhecem as pessoas que estarão na administração dele e querem lobbying."
I will stipulate for the purpose of today that you could characterize this as influence peddling.
Estipulo que se possa caracterizar isto como tráfico de influência.
You know, I'll take criticism if they give it to Reagan and the majority of Congress who put the funding in.
Aceito as críticas se forem feitas a Reagan e à maioria do Congresso que fez o financiamento.
You can't win the race if you don't have a horse, and he is a prime piece of political horseflesh in my view.
Ele é carne de cavalo política de primeira qualidade.
Do you think this issue of marital fidelity, which you keep blaming on the media, is a legitimate issue?
A questão da fidelidade conjugal, que diz ser culpa dos média, é legítima?
I'm deeply troubled by this notion of paid sources who can say anything anonymously about you.
Estou profundamente perturbado com a ideia de fontes pagas que podem dizer qualquer coisa anonimamente sobre nós.
In fact, if you look at Stone's Rules, one of the rules is "deny, deny, deny, deny."
Se virmos as Regras de Stone, uma dela é : "Negar, negar, negar."
If it weren't for 1996 and all the trouble he had, maybe Roger wouldn't have embraced the kind of, you know, darker side of his capacity, of his talents.
Se não fosse 1996 e o problema que ele teve, talvez o Roger não tivesse abraçado o lado sinistro da capacidade dele, dos talentos dele.
But let me ask you, is it more brilliant and impressive to influence world events or to stand on the periphery of world events and yet get recorded as having influenced world events?
Mas deixem-me perguntar-vos, é mais brilhante e impressionante influenciar eventos do mundo ou ficar na periferia deles e, contudo, ser registado como tendo influenciado eventos mundiais?
Nominating somebody for the president of the United States whose name will appear on the ballot in all 50 states, who you are blackmailing at the same time so that he won't really run.
Nomear alguém para Presidente cujo nome irá aparecer no boletim de voto em todos os 50 estados, com quem se faz chantagem, ao mesmo tempo, para que não se candidate.
Some out there who follow presidential politics ascribe to you magical powers, consider you the puppet master of the Sharpton campaign.
Alguns por aí que seguem a política presidencial atribuem-lhe poderes mágicos, consideram-no o marionetista da campanha de Sharpton.
I ask you, Dominic, what kind of guy does it with his socks on?
Dominic, que tipo de homem faz sexo de meias?
Have you ever heard of any white president asked to be shown their birth certificate?
Foi pedido a algum Presidente branco para mostrar a certidão de nascimento?
When you become a president of the United States of America, you know that he is American.
Quando se torna Presidente dos Estados Unidos, sabemos que ele é americano.
You know, there are all kinds of answers to these questions, but the answers that he's provided, for the most part, are the answers that billionaires are interested in.
Há respostas para estas perguntas, mas as que ele dá, na maioria das vezes, são aquelas em que os bilionários estão interessados.
You know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, uh, blood coming out of her wherever.
Havia sangue a sair-lhe pelos olhos, a sair-lhe por um sítio qualquer.
If you look at Manafort's long history of lobbying, it is about as controversial as you can get.
Se examinarmos o longo historial de lobbying de Manafort, é tão polémico quanto possível.
You are as connected to the insider game of, what you've even said on record yourself,
Está tão ligado ao jogo de insider daquilo a que, publicamente, chamou
It depends on who you talk to if I'm part of the establishment or part of the antiestablishment.
Depende da pessoa com quem se fala se faço parte do establishment ou do antiestablishment.
You better get rid of the super PACs because they're causing a big problem with this country.
Livrem-se dos súper CAP porque estão a causar um grande problema neste país.
Okay, so do you sort of- -
Está bem. Então, o senhor...
- Thank you for your years of service.
- Obrigado pelos seus serviços.
If you look at the crime rate in places like Chicago, it's out of control, yes.
A taxa de criminalidade em locais como Chicago está fora de controlo.
You've had an interesting career, because you were in the kind of establishment political world and you had a great career there.
Foi uma carreira interessante. Estiveste no mundo do establishment político e tiveste uma bela carreira.
Then you kind of went off into your Stone world for a while.
Depois meteste-te no teu mundo Stone durante algum tempo.
I mean, I feel like it's come all the way around, back to the days when you and I and Terry Dolan were plotting a takedown of the establishment.
Sinto que completou o círculo, voltou a quando eu, tu e o Terry Dolan planeávamos deitar abaixo o establishment.
Okay, you know who does this kind of shirt?
Sabe quem faz este tipo de camisola?
You know who's accused in court papers of being a rapist?
Sabe quem, nos documentos judiciais, é acusado de ser violador?
- You're a piece of- -
- Seu...
I could not be more proud tonight to present to you and to all of America, my father and our next president, Donald J. Trump.
Eu não podia ter mais orgulho esta noite em apresentar-vos e a toda a América, o meu pai e o nosso próximo Presidente, Donald J. Trump.
You've got Alex Jones, he's like the sort of main conspiracy theorist, probably the most popular in American life now.
Temos o Alex Jones, o principal teórico de conspiração. Talvez o mais popular da América.
He understands the fine points of the Clinton oeuvre, if you will.
Compreende as questões pertinentes da obra de Clinton, se preferirem.
You see it there, 222 a number of groups who are likely feeling real fear right now.
Vejam, 222 alguns grupos que talvez estejam a sentir um verdadeiro medo, agora.
What message would you have for the viewers of this film who will loathe you when the credits roll?
Que mensagem teria para aqueles telespetadores que o vão detestar quando os créditos passarem?
I mean, you gotta fight it with kittens or mercury or... or the concept of time.
Tens de lutar com gatinhos, mercúrio ou o conceito do tempo.
of yours 40
you know 156049
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you see 13602
you will be 199
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your 1839
you got it 4932
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you know 156049
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you see 13602
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your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
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youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
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your honor 7894
you tell 24
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