Things change перевод на португальский
2,532 параллельный перевод
And that's because the arrow of time dictates that as each moment passes, things change.
E isso acontece porque a seta do tempo dita que a cada momento passa, as coisas mudam.
It seems obvious to us that things change and the future will be different to the past.
Nos parece evidente que as coisas mudam e que o futuro será diferente do passado.
Renee : Things change.
As coisas mudam.
And how swiftly things change.
E quão rápido as coisas mudam.
Things change, Rajat.
As coisas mudam, Rajat.
Things change.
As coisas mudam.
- How quickly things change for the cats- - from top predator to endangered species in a single day.
Quão rápido as coisas mudam para os gatos... De predador de topo a espécie ameaçada num único dia.
Things change. You know that.
- As coisas mudam, sabes disso.
You were the one who said, "things change, people grow."
Tu é que disseste que as coisas mudam e as pessoas crescem.
Before things change.
Está próximo? - Antes que as coisas mudem.
Things change, Bree.
As coisas mudam, Bree.
Some things don't change.
Há coisas que nunca mudam.
You know what? If things don't change around here, I'm gonna tell everybody the truth about the not-so-amazing Mysterium.
Se as coisas não mudarem por aqui, vou contar a toda a gente a verdade acerca do Mistério não tão fabuloso.
Oh, well. Some things never change.
Bem, há coisas que nunca mudam.
In sure and in certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our lord, Jesus Christ, we shall change our vile body that it may be like unto his glorious body, according to the mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself.
Na esperança e na certeza da ressurreição para a vida eterna através de Nosso Senhor, Jesus Cristo, teremos de mudar o nosso vil corpo para que se possa unir ao corpo glorioso d'Ele, de acordo com os atos poderosos d'Ele que lhe permitem subjugar todas as coisas a Ele.
I don't see why things got to change.
Não percebo porque têm as coisas de mudar.
Some things never change.
Algumas coisas nunca mudam.
God, grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can...
Deus, concede-me a calma de aceitar o que não posso mudar, a coragem de mudar aquilo que posso mudar e o discernimento para conhecer a diferença.
Can't stop it even if I wanted to, but that means some things are gonna have to change.
Não posso parar-te, mesmo que quisesse, mas significa que algumas coisas terão que mudar.
Americans are always trying to change things.
Os americanos tentam sempre, mudar as coisas.
And I know things never change.
É só uma primária. E sei que as coisas nunca mudam.
I was hoping that when I brought you back, things would change here, that the final battle would begin.
Tinha esperança de que quando te trouxesse de volta, as coisas iriam mudar, que a batalha final começasse.
No, we are going to change things.
Não, vamos mudar as coisas.
It gives us a chance to make things new, you know, to change course, to determine our own destiny as a people.
Permite-nos fazer coisas novas, para mudar o curso, determinar o nosso próprio destino como cidadãos.
Every time I try to stop the accident, I change things... And people die.
De cada vez que tento impedir o acidente, altero as coisas e morrem pessoas.
If we don't change things by then, we're facing a full shutdown.
Se não mudarmos algo até lá, enfrentamos um encerramento total.
This news is going to change things, isn't it?
A notícia vai mudar as coisas, certo?
Wow. As I understand it, any number of things can change a gun's rifling characteristics.
Pelo que eu sei, muitas coisas podem mudar as características de uma arma.
The change actually makes things simpler.
A mudança torna tudo mais simples.
It's comforting to know that some things never change.
É reconfortante saber que algumas coisas nunca mudam.
Make them. You want to change things?
Quer mudar as coisas?
Some things don't never change.
Parece que há coisas que nunca mudam.
That dumb nigger actually thought this was gonna change things.
Aquele preto burro pensou mesmo que isto mudava alguma coisa.
So we're gonna change things up.
Por isso, vamos mudar as coisas.
Whatever you do to try to change things, you know he'll never forgive you.
Faças o que fizeres para tentar mudar as coisas, sabes que ele nunca te perdoará.
But Aunt Rachel wanted things to change ; she wanted to fix things.
Mas a Rachel queria que as coisas mudassem. Queria endireitar as coisas.
And these things aren't about to change until 2013, when we vote that bum out.
Nada vai mudar até 2013, quando tirarmos o irresponsável do poder.
She says these things that shock you, but then when you think about them later, they change your whole life.
Ela diz umas coisas chocantes, mas mais tarde quando pensamos nelas, mudam toda a nossa vida.
" Things do not change.
" As coisas não mudam.
- And I realize it's gonna change things- - - Just say it already.
- Sei que pode mudar as coisas.
Some things don't change, but other...
Algumas coisas não mudam, mas outras....
It's between us, and things have to change.
É entre nós, e as coisas têm de mudar.
Well, I mean, I wish a lot of things, but mostly I wish that we hadn't let it get to this place, because, you know, y... you're angry and then you're resentful, and then things start to change between the two of you, and then before you realize it, you are so far from the couple that you used to be, you don't even know how to get back there, or if you can.
Bem, queria muitas coisas, mas principalmente, queria que não tivéssemos chegado a este ponto, porque ficamos zangados, depois rancorosos, e as coisas começam a mudar entre nós, e antes que percebamos, estamos longe do casal que éramos,
I know I wasn't exactly forthcoming with my juvenile record, but we all have things in our past that we wish we could change, don't we?
Sei que o meu registo não está propriamente limpo, mas todos temos coisas do passado que desejamos conseguir mudar, não?
The Homebrew Computer Club had ideas of how small, little people who knew things about computers could change the world, could become masters.
Há grandes parcerias pelo mundo fora, como entre o John Lennon e o Paul McCartney e entre o Steve Jobs e o senhor. Entre vocês, quem era o John e quem era o Paul?
In a robbery, things can change quickly.
Num assalto, as coisas podem mudar de repente.
It might change the way you look at things.
Pode mudar a tua perspectiva das coisas.
Until one day, when things started to change.
Até que um dia, as coisas começaram a mudar.
Yeah, we could change things if we could make a difference.
Sim, podíamos mudar as coisas... se fizéssemos alguma diferença.
It's just that I don't want things to change.
Não quero que as coisas mudem.
Change the way things are.
Muda o mundo.
things changed 35
change 372
changes 45
changed 111
changer 75
change the channel 26
change your clothes 33
change the world 27
change your mind 62
changed your mind 19
change 372
changes 45
changed 111
changer 75
change the channel 26
change your clothes 33
change the world 27
change your mind 62
changed your mind 19
change of plans 315
change the subject 37
change is good 26
change it 83
changed my life 21
change course 21
change of plan 101
changed my mind 48
things 422
thing 1205
change the subject 37
change is good 26
change it 83
changed my life 21
change course 21
change of plan 101
changed my mind 48
things 422
thing 1205
thingy 49
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things are different 35
things to do 42
things like 24
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things are different 35
things to do 42
things like 24