Whatever you're going through перевод на португальский
55 параллельный перевод
Look, I don't claim to know what you're going through but whatever it is, it's not worth dying for.
Faço-o para proteger a Keiko e a Molly e toda a gente nesta estação. Proteger-nos de quê?
Trust me, whatever you're going through is not half as bad as what I'm facing.
Acredite, seja o que você esta passando não é nem a metade do apuro em que estou aqui.
Being with them will make whatever you're going through feel like nothing.
A angústia por estares com eles vai anular o que estás a sentir agora.
tyr, whatever you're going through, fight through it.
Tyr, o que quer que esteja a acontecer-lhe, abra caminho a lutar.
Okay, look, Miles, whatever you're going through, whatever is...
OK, olha, Miles, passes o que estejas a passar, seja o que for...
Whatever you're going through, I hope you don't blame me.
Não sei pelo que estás a passar, mas espero que não me culpes.
I'm sorry, but whatever it is you're going through, you'll have to figure it out alone.
Desculpa, mas, seja o que for que estejas a passar, terás de o resolver sozinho.
Listen, Nathan, whatever you're going through,
Ouve, Nathan, o que quer que estejas a passar,
Look, whatever it is, whatever you're going through, it'll pass.
Seja o que for que queiras fazer não acontecerá.
Just... whatever you're going through, I have the feeling I've been there too.
Apenas... o que quer que seja que estejas a passar, sinto que já passei pelo mesmo.
Whatever you're going through, killing yourself isn't the answer.
- Não sei! Seja o que for que estejas a passar, matares-te não é a resposta!
Whatever you're going through, just... let it happen.
O que quer que esteja a passar, apenas... deixe-o acontecer.
And then, when you're through with that, you're going to go to school, where you're going to apply your natural inquisitiveness to whatever is happening in that classroom.
Então quis trazer a candidatura e o depósito de mil dólares. Fantástico. Sente-se.
Whatever you're going through, we can help.
- Podemos ajudar-te com os teus problemas.
We just want to say How sorry we are For what You're going through, But we're here To do whatever we can
Lamentamos muito o que estão a passar, mas estamos aqui para fazer o possível para trazer o Michael para casa.
Whatever you're going through I want to be there for you.
O que quer que estejas a passar, quero estar lá contigo.
So if I get information through torture I have no way to verify anything because, well, I would just assume that you're going to tell me whatever the hell you want so the pain stops.
Se a informação foi obtida com tortura não há forma de verificar nada porque, bem, assumo que vai me dizer... qualquer coisa para fazer parar a dor.
If you're going all the way to Chicago, through Birmingham, whatever... Take it to California.
Se vais até Chicago, passas por Birmingham, seja lá por onde for, vai até à Califórnia.
What's your point? Whatever you're going through, this identity crisis, you can survive.
- Seja o que for que te perturba, essa crise de identidade, vais sobreviver.
I understand what you're going through, whatever the circumstances.
Percebo o que está a passar, sejam quais forem as circunstâncias.
I know you're going through a really scary time right now, but I feel like I don't know how to be around you anymore, and I know you're not really spiritual or whatever, but I feel like you're closing yourself to a world
Sei que está a passar por um momento assustador, mas sinto-me sem saber como estar perto de ti. E sei que não és muito espiritual e essas coisas mas sinto que te estás a fechar a um mundo de experiências, que te podem surpreender.
Go through whatever you want. You're going to find anything, so ha, ha, ha.
Vão encontrar qualquer coisa.
Nate, whatever you're going through, this isn't gonna fix it.
Já disse que não preciso dos teus conselhos. Nate, o que quer que estejas a passar, isto não vai resolver.
So you're going to have to work through whatever hurt feelings you have and provide us with some information.
Vais ter de trabalhar qualquer sentimento de dor que tenhas e dar-nos informações.
So whatever it is you're on or going through, drop the fucker and get your arse out there and see to your daughter!
Por isso o que quer que estejas a passar, supera isso e traz já o teu traseiro para cá e cuida da tua filha!
You need someone to talk to about whatever it is you're going through.
Tens de falar com alguém sobre tudo o que estás a passar.
Figure out a way to deal with whatever the hell it is you're going through before you mess your shit up for good.
Arranja maneira de lidar com essa crise que estás a atravessar, antes de lixares a tua vida de vez.
Yeah, so whatever you're going through, you know, you'll...
Sim, portanto, seja o que for por que estás a passar, vais superar, certo?
Why are you shutting me out of whatever it is that you're going through?
Porque não divides comigo o que quer que seja que estás a passar?
No. But after a while, you start to realize that whatever you're going through, it's 100 times worse for that person on the gurney.
Mas, um bom tempo depois, dás conta de que tudo pelo que passares, é cem vezes pior para quem está estendido na maca.
Whatever you're going through, it's not too late.
O que quer que estejas a passar, ainda não é tarde demais.
And whatever it is that you're going through, you can tell me... we can talk about it.
- Escuta, sou a tua mãe e amo-te muito. Seja lá por o que estiveres a passar, podes dizer-me, podemos falar sobre isso.
I can be late. Hey! Whatever you're going through, guess what-
O que quer que estejas a passar, adivinha, eu tambem passei.
So whatever this is, whatever you're going through, we're gonna get through it together, okay?
Portanto, o que quer que seja, iremos ultrapassá-lo, juntos, entendido?
I don't know what you're going through, but there's got to be someone you can call. Talk this out with them, whatever it is. Human beings are not designed to function in isolation.
Não sei o que se está a passar, mas tem de haver alguém a quem possas telefonar para falar, seja lá do que for.
Michael, whatever you're going through, there's a way out. - Mike. Mike.
Seja em que for que estás metido, há uma saída.
Whatever you're going through, I'm going through.
Pelo que quer que estejas a passar, eu estou a passar.
If this case has taught us anything, it's that you can live, despite whatever pain you're going through.
Se este caso nos ensinou alguma coisa, é que você pode viver, independe-te da dor pela qual você está passando.
No, whatever it is you're going through, we can help. All of us.
Seja lá o que for que estiver a acontecer, podemos ajudar.
Even if they make it through whatever it is you're doing to them, they're going to be totally unprepared for the real world.
Mesmo que eles sobrevivam ao que quer que seja que lhes estejas a fazer, eles vão estar completamente despreparados para o mundo real.
A pretty girl tries to comfort you in your time of stress and whatever the hell else you're going through, and you gonna take it there with me?
Uma miuda tenta dar conforto num momento de stresse do que estás a passar e achas que eu quero aproveitar-me? Foi mal.
Whatever it is you're going through, surround yourself with as many friends as possible.
Passes pelo que passares, faz-te rodear por tantos amigos quanto possível.
Whatever you're going through... we're going through together.
Seja o que for que estejas a passar... vamos passar juntos.
Whatever you're going through we're going through together.
Seja o que for que estejas a passar, vamos passar juntos.
- Whatever you're going through, we're going through together. - I love you.
- Eu amo-te.
Whatever you're going through, we're going through together.
Pelo que quer que passes, passamos juntos.
And I need to eat something with meat in it, so whatever you're going through, you multiply that shit by a thousand and you're nowhere near where I am.
E preciso comer algo com carne, então seja lá pelo que estás a passar, multiplica essa merda por mil e nem sequer chegas perto de onde estou.
Look, I appreciate whatever moral crisis you're going through right now, but this is my home.
Olha, eu entendo essa crise moral que estás a ter, mas esta é a minha casa.
Listen, I-I just wanted to say that you know, whatever you're going through, I hope you know that you can tell me.
Ouve, apenas queria dizer que, o que quer que estejas a passar, quero que saibas que podes contar comigo.
Lucifer, seriously, whatever you're going through...
Lucifer, a sério, o que quer que estejas a passar...
I get that you're going through a rough time, that, uh, it's an adjustment period or whatever.
Compreendo que estejas a passar por um mau bocado, que isto seja... um período de adaptação ou qualquer coisa parecida.
whatever you're doing 92
whatever you're thinking 33
whatever you're having 17
whatever you're selling 24
whatever you're planning 19
whatever you're gonna do 20
whatever you're thinking of doing 16
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
whatever you say 750
whatever you're thinking 33
whatever you're having 17
whatever you're selling 24
whatever you're planning 19
whatever you're gonna do 20
whatever you're thinking of doing 16
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
whatever you say 750
whatever works for you 17
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever you want 745
whatever it takes 474
whatever do you mean 52
whatever happens 538
whatever you are 68
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever you want 745
whatever it takes 474
whatever do you mean 52
whatever happens 538
whatever you are 68