And happiness Çeviri İspanyolca
3,341 parallel translation
You will gain wealth and happiness
Usted ganará dinero y felicidad
For companionship, understanding and happiness.
Por el compañerismo, la comprensión y la felicidad.
From then on, the teardrop-shaped land was filled with joy and happiness like the sweet laughter of children.
A partir de entonces, la tierra en forma de lágrima se llenó de alegría y felicidad como la dulce risa de los niños.
I'm kicking his ass back to health and happiness.
Le estoy devolviendo a patadas su higiene y su felicidad.
It's a place of "hope, healing, and happiness."
Es un lugar de "esperanza, curación y felicidad".
Instead, he just brought us joy and happiness.
En vez de eso, nos llenó de dicha y felicidad.
♪ love and happiness ♪
# Amor y felicidad #
♪ come on, love and happiness ♪
# Vamos, amor y felicidad #
♪ come on, girl, love and happiness ♪
# Vamos, nena, amor y felicidad #
- ♪ love and happiness... ♪ - Break it down.
# Amor y felicidad #
Every day, every night, every minute in the life of this city some asshat undergraduate from shitforbrains state college or some polyblend-wearing conventioneer from Des Moines staggers out into the French quarter looking for rum and happiness.
Todo el día, toda la noche, cada minuto en la vida de esta ciudad algún universitario con el culo por sombrero, de la Universidad Estatal de Tengo-Mierda-En-El-Cerebro, o algún tipo de Des Moines, con traje de polyester y que vino a una convención, se van tambaleando hacia el barrio francés en busca de ron y felicidad.
Because love and happiness are... Nothing but distractions.
Porque amor y felicidad son únicamente distracciones.
Hand in hand sorrow and happiness... ambushed and attacked me en masse
Mano a mano en el dolor y la felicidad... Emboscaron y me atacaron en masa
Take all the good and reject the bad. Let our granaries be filled with joy and happiness.
Toma todo lo bueno y rechaza lo malo.
I want to say congratulations And I wish nothing but joy and happiness for the both of you.
Quiero decir felicitaciones y no espero nada más que alegria y felicidad por vosotros dos.
Yeah, but Santa brings you gifts and happiness.
Si, pero Santa Claus te trae regalos y felicidad
The only thing that stood between us and happiness
Lo único que se interponía entre nosotros y la felicidad
"I'll drink to happiness and dance all day."
Voy a brindar por ello y bailar todo el día
"He drinks to happiness and says."
Bebe felicidad y di
I wish him and you, his people, happiness and prosperity with all my heart.
Le deseo a él y a ustedes, su pueblo, felicidad y prosperidad con todo mi corazón.
What we have to decide is whether a person who's reached my mother's... sorry, our mother's... age derives happiness and comfort from her half-life in proportion to the elaborate and...
Lo que tenemos que decidir es si una persona que ha alcanzado la edad de mi madre - perdón, nuestra madre proviene de la felicidad y comodidad de su media-vida en proporción a la intrincada y...
I believe that our children's happiness is the true marker of the kind of people we are and the society we want to live in.
Creo que la felicidad de nuestros niños es un verdadero marcador del tipo de gente que somos y la sociedad en la que queremos vivir.
And that I sure hoped Ratt Sloan had found happiness Down in Paraguay with miss Loretta Gale.
Tenía la esperanza de que Ratt Sloan es feliz Paraguay.
They would destroy the safety and the happiness of every individual... and thrust us into a condition of lawlessness... immorality that passes the imagination.
Destruirían la seguridad y la felicidad de todo individuo y nos arrastrarían a una condición de anarquía e inmoralidad que supera a la imaginación.
Through thick and thin, through happiness and sorrow, through poverty and fortune, till death do us apart, I will be yours forever.
Contra viento y marea, A través de la felicidad y la tristeza, A través de la pobreza y la fortuna,
Through happiness and sorrow...
A través de la felicidad y la tristeza...
Also, when a man has cheated, he'll be extra happy and he'll display this happiness unintentionally
También, cuando un hombre está engañando, el estará el doble de feliz. y el mostrará esa felicidad sin querer.
And it's as close to happiness... as I've ever seen a hunter get.
Y es lo más cercano a la felicidad que vi llegar a un cazador.
and love... happiness and life and fate.
Felicidad y vida y destino.
But on our wedding day, she gave me that necklace and said the thing she couldn't measure was Jonathan's happiness since he'd met me.
Pero el día de nuestra boda, me dio ese collar y me dijo que no podía medir la felicidad de Jonathan desde que nos conocimos.
Real enough for you to wonder if you will ever feel the happiness that Clark and I do.
Lo bastante para que te preguntes si tendrás alguna vez la misma felicidad que yo y Clark.
Of course, such a conspiracy would require a group of people who knew me so well and cared about my happiness so much that it's impossible to believe.
Por supuesto, tal conspiración hubiera requerido de un grupo de personas que me conocieran tan bien y se preocuparan tanto por mi felicidad que es... imposible de creer.
And his happiness is a constant reminder of the price of my failure, of what will be lost if I don't succeed.
Y su felicidad es un recordatorio constante del precio de mi error, de que lo que se perderá si no tengo éxito.
♪... Brings happiness ♪ ♪ oh, and it brings misery ♪
*... trae felicidad * * y trae miseria *
That it's not too late to convert and become a Sox fan, find some happiness.
No es demasiado tarde para convertirse y volverse hincha de los Sox, encuentra un poco de alegría.
And if I can't buy my daughter's happiness, then what is it worth?
¿ Para qué lo quiero si no compro la felicidad de mi hija?
And find happiness with men.
Y encontrar la felicidad con un hombre. ¡ Si!
Christopher, do you take Aurore for your wife, and promise to remain faithful to her, in happiness and in hard times, in sickness and in health, and love her all the days of your life?
¿ tomas a Aurore como tu esposa, y prometes serle fiel, en la felicidad y en los momentos difíciles, en la enfermedad y en la salud, y amarla todos los días de tu vida? Si. Aurore,
Aurore, do you take Christopher as your husband, and promise to remain faithful to him in happiness and in hard times, in sickness and in health, and love him all the days of your life?
I'm gonna need some signatures, and then you can begin your lifetime of happiness.
Voy a necesitar algunas firmas, y entonces podréis empezar una vida de felicidad.
Help secure my happiness, free of my father's shadow and stricture.
Ayudar a proteger mi felicidad, libre de la sombra y la estrechez de mi padre.
Promise that once in Ferrara, you will increase her happiness tenfold, and we in turn promise that nothing you ask will ever be denied.
Prométeme que una vez en Ferrara, aumentarás su felicidad por diez, y a cambio prometemos de que nada de lo que pidas será nunca negado.
The answer that it gives is that somehow, products are connected to our sense of well-being and to our sense of happiness.
La respuesta que da es que de algún modo, los productos están vinculados a nuestro sentido del bienestar y al de la felicidad.
And to your future happiness, my dear Lucrezia.
Y por su futura felicidad, mi querida Lucrecia.
".. and owes happiness. "
"... y debe la felicidad. "
Anger, frustration, bitterness... regardless if they are justified, these are unattractive qualities and can get in the way of your own happiness and appeal.
Furia, frustración, amargura... sin importar si son o no justificados, éstas son cualidades poco atractivas... y pueden ser un obstáculo para tu propia felicidad y atractivo.
We see him as someone who gave happiness and life... to people who really needed it.
Lo consideramos como alguien que ha dado alegría y vida a mucha gente que lo necesitaba.
But I see... infinite possibilities for happiness... and an incredible amount of free babysitting.
Pero yo, en todo eso... veo una posibilidad infinita de alegría y una cantidad fenomenal de horas de niñera gratuitas.
That bracelet brought my wife years and years of happiness, and now it's bringing happiness to others.
Ese Brazalete le trajo a mi mujer años y años de felicidad, y ahora le está trayendo felicidad a los demás.
What good is a social system if, in the end it doesn't produce happiness and peaceful coexistence?
De qué sirve un sistema social sí, en última instancia, no produce felicidad y convivencia en paz.
Now, I can't speak for you, but I've wasted a lot of years and I've delayed a lot of happiness, and I'm not gonna do it anymore.
Ahora, no puedo hablar por ti, pero he perdido un montón de años y me he retrasado mucho de la felicidad, y yo no voy a hacerlo más.
happiness 230
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and happy birthday 27
and here 683
and how old are you 36
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and hopefully 74
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and how are you 102
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he didn't 42
and here's why 34
and he's 185
and he's not 37
and him 200
and honey 21
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he didn't 42
and here's why 34
and he's 185
and he's not 37