And here he comes Çeviri İspanyolca
520 parallel translation
And here he comes, just in time to get it.
Ahí viene. Justo a tiempo para verla.
And here he comes at breakneck speed and he'll break his neck if he misses.
Llega a gran velocidad. Si equivoca el blanco, se rompe el cuello.
It's not even enough if he comes here and bows to you, but how dare he tells you to come or go?
Debería venir él hasta acá y postrarse ante usted. ¿ pero cómo se atrevió él a pedirle que venga a este lugar?
Any time he comes here and he says to you...
Cada vez que viene aquí y te dice algo...
You go back to Feri Ats and tell him the only way we'll get that flag is to take it away from him when he comes here tomorrow.
Vuelve con Feri Ats y dile que la única manera de que recuperemos la bandera es quitársela cuando venga aquí mañana.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he comes in here and presents you with a bill.
No me sorprendería que al llegar aqui le presentase a usted una factura.
There is death for Garth if he comes here, death, not life, and destruction for you.
Hay muerte para Garth si viene aquí. Muerte. No vida.
And if he comes here again tell him you don't know where we live.
Si pregunta, dile que no sabes dónde vivimos.
Because I don't know that I'd have accepted him. Are you trying to tell me that because he comes here and they see her with him, driving and all that, they think that they were right in saying that she was... she was in love with him before... before my father died?
¿ Dices que porque él la visita, y porque les ven pasear, creen tener derecho a decir que ella ya le amaba antes de que muriera mi padre?
But here comes Hi Hat between horses, and now he's challenging the leader.
Chistera se abre camino y reta al líder de la carrera.
He was here once before, and I told the boss about it, and the boss said if he comes back, to throw him out.
Ya vino antes, se lo dije al jefe... y me dijo que lo echara si volvía.
He comes here to New York and there's a murder.
Viene aquí a Nueva York y hay un asesinato.
Well, I'll stay here and shoot him if he comes back.
Me quedaré aquí, y cuando vuelva, le dispararé.
If anybody comes around here and asks for me, you just say, "He's around the place somewhere."
Si alguien viene y pregunta por mí... sólo di que estoy en algún lugar de por aquí.
What if he comes here and sees me like this?
Pero de repente he pensado que él podría verme... y no puedo.
He's way up here, and he rides out from the wings like the wind and he comes out here and stops on a dime!
Sube hasta aquí, sale a escena como el viento y se detiene sobre una moneda.
Here we go, before your mother comes, he's a good kid and crying really hard.
Vamos allá, antes que tu madre venga, es un buen niño y llora bien fuerte.
He always comes here to eat and charge.
Él siempre viene a comer aquí y lo carga en la cuenta.
And he... he really comes here?
¿ Y de verdad viene a su casa?
Well, the man's done been here and put us off and if he comes back and finds us still here he's liable to send us to the chain gang.
Bueno, el hombre ya ha venido a echarnos y si vuelve y nos encuentra aquí nos va a mandar a la cárcel.
Viene a la casa, y él...
He said Shere Khan is far away... but I had better take care and hide when he comes back here.
Dice que Shre Khan esta lejos pero que me debo cuidar y esconderme para cuando el regrese
When he comes down here to kill you, you'll know right away that he killed Kaufman. - And then he'll kill you because you know that he killed Kaufman, and then I'll know he killed you, so he'll kill me. - Yes.
Cuando baje a matarte, sabrás quien mató a Kaufman.
'Jerónimo Martins and Sons'. - Here he comes!
- ¡ allá viene!
Nobody's died in Llanwelly lately, and nobody comes here if he doesn't have to.
Nadie ha muerto en Llanwelly últimamente y nadie viene si no es necesario.
- And here's hoping he comes in mufti, not like his father.
Espero que venga de civil, no como su padre.
And here it comes. I gave you that medicine to quiet your nerves.
Le he dado esa medicina para tranquilizarle.
You take the word of your old Uncle Tony and be kind to that boy the next time he comes here.
Escucha a tu viejo tío Tony y sé amable con ese muchacho la próxima vez que venga.
What about living up to the place we're in and the music you play here... so when a guy comes around and says he's sorry... the least you can do is forgive him.
¿ Por qué no cumple los preceptos de este lugar y de la música que toca aquí? Cuando viene un hombre y le dice que lo siente, lo menos que puede hacer es perdonarlo.
But when it comes to pipes, he takes the long road, fiddles and faddles, turns a nut, gets a drop here and a drip there, when one good bang might turn the trick in a jiffy.
Pero con las cañerías nunca va al grano. Toquetea por aquí, y arregla una pérdida por allí, cuando con un buen golpe bastaría.
And I turn and.. And here comes a great, black horse and a dark rider. And he thunders down on me.
Entonces me doy la vuelta y... descubro un jinete sobre un caballo negro, que se acerca sobre mí con gran estrépito.
I happen to know the bank turned down this loan. But he comes here, and we're building him a house worth $ 5,000.
Casualmente sé que el banco le negó el dinero, pero vino aquí y le estamos construyendo una casa que vale 5.000 dólares.
and as for Franco, you know he comes here as he goes anywhere else.
Y de Franco, tu lo sabes, viene aquí como va a los otros.
Here he comes And let him tell you himself
Aquí llega Y deja que te lo diga él
All he wants me to do is sit here and wait until he phones or comes home.
Todo cuanto me pide es que me quede aquí, esperando a que llame o que venga a casa.
He comes up here and -
Viene aquí y...
He's here, and he's not angry anymore. And he comes to go with us to England.
Ha venido, ya no está enfadado, volverá con nosotros a Inglaterra.
He takes off his suit, ties it to the line and comes here.
lo ata a la otra punta de la soga y sube aquí.
Regas takes the other stolen car, comes down here, puts in the roadblocks along the escape route, and goes to point C where he waits for the holdup car.
Regas toma el otro coche y coloca los obstáculos en la vía de huida. Luego va al punto C y espera allí al coche del atraco.
Each day he comes down here with his mouth full of curses And his heart full of hate.
Cada día él baja aquí lanzando maldiciones... y con su corazón lleno de odio.
Stand here, and as soon as he comes through here, clonk him.
¡ Si! Voy a hacerlo salir,
He leaves her looking for the house alone, and then he comes here once everything is ready?
¿ La deja buscar casa sola y llega aquí cuando todo está listo?
Alfredo has barely passed and he comes in here to find her.
Alfredo apenas está recién enterrado, y ya viene él a casa a buscarla.
And with his pitiful savings he comes here and what does he buy?
Y vine aquí con sus ahorritos y, ¿ qué compra?
Only reason he comes here to fix things is because of you, and you know it.
La única razón por la que viene acá a arreglar cosas es por ti y lo sabes.
If he's deserted and comes here, I shall have to turn him in.
Si se presenta aquí yo le enseñaré lo que es bueno.
But here comes papa and he'll be all better!
Pero ya ha llegado papá y Tonino se pone bueno.
- And if he comes here, Miss?
- ¿ Y si viene aquí, señorita?
- And if he comes here...
- Si viene aquí...
If I'm here when he comes to, and he sees me, after all that's happened... it could be fatal to him.
Si estoy presente y me ve, después de lo que ha pasado... podría ser fatal para él.
If he comes over here and you see him, please don't tell him about this.
Si viniera aquí a verles, por favor, no le diga nada de esto.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here he comes 618
here he comes now 33
he comes back 19
he comes 28
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here he comes 618
here he comes now 33
he comes back 19
he comes 28