And he said Çeviri İspanyolca
23,242 parallel translation
And he said, "Yes."
Y él dijo : "Sí".
And he said that he would be upset but he would get over it.
Y decía que le molestaría pero que lo superaría.
This guy came to us- - uh, Karl Stoltz- - and he said that there was a shipment- -
Un tipo vino a buscarnos... Karl Stoltz... y dijo que había un envío...
And he said in case he needed to create reasonable doubt.
y dijo que en caso de que necesitara crear una duda razonable.
"Behold, I make all things new," and he said unto me,
He aquí, yo hago nuevas todas las cosas y me dijo :
and he said unto me, " It is done.
" Y me dijo : Hecho está.
I got my head on Ray's chest, and Ray looked at me... and he said...
Tenía apoyada la cabeza en el pecho de Ray, y Ray me miraba... y dijo...
He came to me and he said,
Se acercó a mí y me dijo,
And then last week, a man came to him, and he said he could make the debt go away if my husband would help him.
Entonces la semana pasada un hombre se le acercó, le dijo que haría desaparecer la deuda si mi marido le ayudaba.
Hey, uh, I just got out of the OR assisting Dr. Downey, and he said that you approved.
Oiga, acabo de salir de la sala de operaciones ayudando al Dr. Downey y dijo que usted lo aprobó.
I told my brother about it and he said we'd be taking money from someone who probably stole it themselves.
Se lo conté a mi hermano y él dijo que sería robarle el dinero a alguien que probablemente también lo había robado.
He threw me down and he said
Me aventó y dijo :
He said that it was kind of blurry and it was really dark.
Dijo que estaba algo borroso y muy oscuro.
He posted that he needed some help, and somebody said they would help him.
Publicó que necesitaba ayuda, y alguien dijo que lo ayudaría.
Lady Felicia said he was holding his chest and struggling to breathe when he collapsed.
Lady Felicia dijo que apretaba su pecho y luchaba por respirar cuando sufrió el colapso.
He said that if I let you and Gaston face each other and one of you ends up in the River of Souls, he'll then tear up the contract on our baby.
Dijo que si dejaba que Gastón y tú se enfrentaran... y alguno terminaba en el Río de las Almas... rompería el contrato sobre nuestro bebé.
I just, I keep going over and over the fight I had with Mike, and I-I've been really thinking hard about what he said.
Solo sigo dándole vueltas a la pelea que tuve con Mike, y he estado pensando mucho sobre lo que dijo.
He said he was desperate for money to pay for his son's surgery, and brought in a tattered scroll.
Me dijo que necesitaba dinero como fuera para pagar la cirugía de su hijo... y me trajo un pergamino andrajoso.
I said he could have it, if he came here and told you the truth.
Le dije que podía quedárselo, si venía y te decía la verdad.
Said he'd just call and ask.
Dijo que lo llamaría y le preguntaría.
He said he loved me and then that little tart stole him from me like she's stolen everything from me ever since I was in kindergarten.
Él me dijo que me amaba y luego esa putita me lo robó como me ha robado todo desde que estaba en jardín de infantes.
He said I couldn't erase it and I couldn't take it back.
Dijo que yo no podía borrarlo y tampoco podía hacerlo de nuevo.
He said he knew who I was, and if I called the cops that he would kill me.
Él dijo que sabía quién era yo, y que si llamaba a la policía
That's exactly what you said and look, he's swimming away. - Bye, Jeremy!
Eso dijiste, y se va nadando.
And it's said that every Halloween he comes back to take a life. And the only place he doesn't go in this house are the bedrooms. Because that's where the priests used to sleep when this house was a monastery.
Se dice que él regresa cada Noche de Brujas para llevarse una vida, y el único lugar al que no entra es a los dormitorios, porque allí solían dormir los curas cuando esto era un monasterio.
The only reason you're sitting here talking to us, the only reason the DA is offering you a deal and not him, is that he said you were the one keeping watch out the window.
La única razón estás sentado aquí hablando con nosotros, la única razón por la DA le propone un trato y no él, es que él dijo que usted era el mantenimiento de ver por la ventana.
He said you said it, and you heard him.
Dijo que lo dijiste, y lo oyó.
But he said he had an active case, and he took his gun.
Pero dijo que tenia un caso en activo, y se llevó la pistola.
He asked me for money and when I said no, he got angry.
Me pidió dinero y cuando le dije que no, se enfureció.
You're supposed to hit it and candy calls out, he said.
Se supone que lo golpeas y caen caramelos.
Said he was interested in buying and told me to call him.
Dijo que estaba interesado en comprar y me dijo que le llamara.
He just said to me, he said, " Brother Remy, you better get'em some fly swatters and some patience.
Y me dijo, " Hermano Remy, mejor consigue unas moscas y un poco de paciencia
Too Sweet is hurt and in jail because the system said he should be.
Too Sweet está herido y en la cárcel porque el sistema dice que debe estarlo.
And I talked to the school already, and they said we can have the space as long as we get, like, asbestos waivers.
Ya he hablado con la escuela, y dicen que podemos disponer del espacio siempre que nos les culpemos por lo del amianto.
He said it was a hit-and-run.
Dice que fue atropello y fuga.
And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things are passed away, and he that sat upon the throne said,
LLAMADA PERDIDA DESCONOCIDO "Y ya no habrá muerte, ni habrá más llanto, ni clamor, ni dolor porque las primeras cosas pasaron". " Y el que estaba sentado en el trono dijo :
He said he heard something that spooked him, and that you and Kiersten were the only ones that fled the bus.
Dice que escuchó algo que lo asustó y que usted y Kiersten - fueron las únicas que se bajaron del autobús.
They said the same thing about Grant when he first ran, and Vargas is polling better with women than Grant was at this stage.
Dijeron lo mismo de Grant cuando se candidateó por primera vez, y Vargas está midiendo mejor con las mujeres que Grant cuando estaba en esta etapa.
You walked away from him over and over, time after time, because you knew in your gut, you knew if you said yes, he'd own you, he'd consume you, he'd be no different than your father, but over time, Fitz manipulated you.
Huiste de él una y otra vez, cada vez, porque sabías en tus entrañas, sabías que si decías que sí, el te poseería, te consumiría, no sería diferente que tu padre, pero con el tiempo, Fitz te manipuló.
He pulled me away from her and when I asked who she was, he said that she was in his AP class three years ago.
Me apartó de ella y cuando le pregunté quién era, me dijo que estuvo en su clase hace tres años.
He said it's his club, he's the oldest, and fuck you.
Dijo que era su gimnasio, que es el mayor y que te jodan.
- Ray, he said... I don't give a fuck what he said. You go back and get him now.
Me importa una puta mierda lo que dijera.
He said, and I quote,
Dijo, y cito textualmente :
He said you wouldn't want to know my real name because, well, just in case you were captured and tortured.
Dijo que no querría saber mi nombre real porque, bueno, en caso que lo capturaran y torturaran.
He had his hands full in Setauket with some very important business, so he said you come and be the courier.
Está muy ocupado en Setauket con asuntos importantes, así que dijo que usted sea el correo.
Said he knew I was in trouble, and he offered to bail me out.
Me dijo que sabía que estaba en problemas y se ofreció ayudarme.
Yes, he said she was his college girlfriend and he was in town for the week.
Sí, dijo que era una amiga de la universidad y que estaba en la ciudad por la semana.
He said he had a flat down the road and asked if I had one of those...
Dijo que se le había ponchado un neumático en el camino y preguntó si tenía uno de esos...
He was... off... from the beginning, and once he got language he said terrible things.
Era... apagado... desde el principio, y una vez que habló decía cosas terribles.
The coroner's report said he was running, slipped off an embankment and got hit by a truck.
El informe del forense dijo que estaba en funcionamiento, deslizado de un terraplén y fue golpeado por un camión.
As you said, the man you spoke with was in an altered state- - maybe two- - but he was there and he did see something.
Como usted ha dicho, el hombre con quien habló fue alterado en un Estado- - tal vez dos- - pero él estaba allí y él vio algo.
and he said that 16
and he said no 26
and he said yes 16
and he said to me 27
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and he said no 26
and he said yes 16
and he said to me 27
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and he's like 99
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he didn't 42
and here's why 34
and he's 185
and he's not 37
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and he's dead 61
and he's right 54
and he didn't 42
and here's why 34
and he's 185
and he's not 37
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18