And maybe Çeviri İspanyolca
39,988 parallel translation
You said it this year and maybe you'll be saying it 5 years from now, I don't know.
Dijiste que este año tal vez... lo dices hace 5 años, y no sé.
Presumably you downsized when you... when you left your job and maybe when you ended your relationship.
Presumiblemente va corta de dinero dese que dejó su trabajo y quizás cuando terminó su relación.
I know about you and George and maybe somebody else too!
¡ Yo sé sobre George y tú y quizá sobre alguien más también!
We'll just have to take that to the cleaners and maybe get you another one.
Sólo tendremos que llevar ese a la tintorería. Y quizás conseguirte otro.
So, are you ready to follow Batman and maybe learn a few life lessons along the way?
Entonces, ¿ estás listo para seguir a Batman y tal vez aprender algunas lecciones de vida en el camino?
Salvage what you can out of the Scuttler, and maybe root around, see if you can find a few Vitamin waters or something, and then we'll head out.
Recuperen lo que puedan del Batibólido y hurguen a ver si encuentran Vitaminwaters, luego nos iremos.
And maybe what's happening to you is partly my fault, too.
Y tal vez lo que te pasa en parte es mi culpa también.
Maybe the fireworks are theirs, and maybe somebody stole them from'em.
Quizá los explosivos eran de ellos, y alguien los robó.
I'm just trying to say that my friend's dad was a good guy and maybe yours was, too.
El padre de mi amigo era un buen hombre, y quizá el tuyo también lo fuera.
Now you might not have seen me around campus for the last few days, and maybe you were wondering just where the heck I've been.
Ahora, puede que no me hayan visto en el Campus... durante los últimos días, y tal vez se estaban preguntando... donde demonios he estado.
And it seems we're on our way to users being able to register it and maybe actually vote through their Circle account.
Y parece que estamos en camino... de que los usuarios puedan registrarse y tal vez votar... a través de su cuenta en El Círculo.
and maybe in a year, if you're willing, I would love to get maybe a coffee with you and...
Y, quizá en un año, si tienes ganas, me encantaría tomar un café contigo y...
And maybe I could find, like, a route to my car.
Podría encontrar un camino a mi auto.
And maybe I am.
Y tal vez lo esté.
I know, and maybe in an alternate universe that would make a difference.
Lo sé. Y quizá en un universo alternativo eso cambiaría la situación.
And maybe if we show we're down with peace and love and unity, maybe Bambaataa and the warriors can defend us from Annie.
Tal vez, si demostramos que queremos la paz, el amor y la unidad, Bambaataa y los guerreros nos defiendan de Fat Annie.
And I'm super, super interested in um, maybe taking your next course?
Estoy super, super interesada en... ¿ Tal vez tomar su próximo curso?
I thought maybe, you know, girl to girl... girl-to-girl tends to be a little bit more bitchy and catty.
Pensé que tal vez, ya sabes, entre chica y chica... Entre chicas suele ser más malhumorado y malintencionado.
Maybe you've just been distracted by me and my brightness, like, one would be distracted by a crossing guard in the street so you stop and don't hit them.
Tal vez te distraje yo y mi brillo, Como te distraería un oficial de tránsito en la calle, para que pares y no lo atropelles.
I figured maybe I should buy you a drink first, seeing as it's a first date and all.
Pensé que tal vez debería comprarte una bebida antes, dado que es nuestra primera cita.
Maybe my legs are short, and my beak is tiny.
Tal vez mis patas son cortas, y mi pico es diminuto...
Eh, I was thinking... Since we storks aren't nocturnal, and you can see in the dark and all that... um, maybe you could, you know, guide me?
Estaba pensando... que como las cigüeñas no somos nocturnas, y tú puedes ver en la oscuridad y todo eso...
Maybe with a smooth-out and some feather-gel...
Tal vez si te aplanamos las plumas y usamos gel...
Maybe they can return him to the store and get their money back!
¡ Quizá puedan regresarlo! ¡ Y que les devuelvan su dinero!
I grabbed Dee's VCR,'cause I'm thinking maybe if we get this thing fixed, we can get shocked again while watching The Wiz, and that'll send us back.
He cogido en vídeo de Dee, porque creo que quizá si arreglamos esto, podemos volver a recibir una descarga viendo "El mago" y volver a nuestros cuerpos.
And I had read... that sometimes chocolate, which I love, can be used as a remedy, maybe by indigenous people.
Y había leído... que a veces el chocolate, el que me encanta, puede ser utilizado como un remedio, tal vez por los pueblos indígenas.
And I think you should maybe call a doctor or something because I think you might've had a little stroke or something.
Y creo que deberías llamar a un doctor o algo. Porque creo que podrías haber tenido... un pequeño derrame cerebral o algo así.
Maybe he thought we were gonna frisk him, and that's when he hid'em.
Tal vez pensó que íbamos a registrarlo y entonces, las escondió.
And then maybe, you'll have better luck next year.
Quizá tengan mejor suerte el próximo año.
So there's this pageant dress rehearsal next week at school and they're inviting parents, and I was wondering if maybe you wanna come.
Habrá un ensayo general del concurso la semana que viene. Invitaron a los padres, y me preguntaba si querías venir.
Maybe you wanna test me and find out.
Ponme a prueba y averígualo.
Maybe you really are telling us the truth right now, and you really have no idea what you brought into this company.
Tal vez ahora estés diciéndonos la verdad y realmente no tienes idea de que lo trajiste a esta compañía.
Maybe I should hang back and keep watch while y'all are inside.
Quizá debería quedarme y seguir vigilando mientras ustedes están adentro.
Maybe not, but that kid is sitting in a jail cell tonight and you're not.
Tal vez no, pero ese chico está preso, tú no.
Maybe we can sell all of it on craigslist, make some money and buy some different furniture?
Quizás podamos vender todo esto en Craigslist, hacer algo de dinero y comprar diferentes muebles.
And if I had a roommate who was still paying for half her rent, then maybe I could afford my joints...
Y si tuviera una compañera de habitación que todavía pagara la mitad del alquiler, entonces tal vez podría pagar mis drogas...
I mean, can't you just entertain the notion that maybe there is some creepy old woman wandering around out here and - - helping your sister with body modification?
Quiero decir, ¿ no puedes simplemente tener la idea de que tal vez haya alguna vieja espeluznante vagando por aquí y... ¿ Ayudando a tu hermana con una modificación corporal?
I think I need to just be by myself for maybe, like, a year and try and figure this shit out, but I wanted to say that I'm sorry to you because you were a great guy and I really had such a good time with you
Creo que necesito estar sola durante un año para intentar resolver esto, pero quería pedirte perdón a ti porque fuiste un gran tipo y lo pasé muy bien contigo.
Or maybe he robbed a convenience store and he's on the run?
¿ O robó una tienda de comestibles?
And I also really have to go to the bathroom, so maybe you can get the broccoli,
Y debo ir al baño. Quizá tú puedas comprar el brócoli,
- and then maybe head home? - Uh...
Quiero ver más y después quizá ir a casa.
You know, maybe I'll just check and see if the hens...
Iré a ver si las gallinas...
Maybe I'll get a drink, and we'll get you a hotdog.
Puede que vaya a por algo de beber y a por un perrito para ti.
Can we turn this into something else? You know what, maybe we could turn this into, like, a love triangle thing between Jack, your mom and Frank? I mean...
¿ No podemos convertirlo en otra cosa?
Maybe Deandra didn't want to wear the collar in order to cover for her brother and to establish that Maureen never wore a collar at all.
Quizá Deandra no quería llevar el collar para encubrir a su hermano y establecer que Maureen nunca llevó collar.
Like, it's better to actually sit on that footage until, like, maybe episode ten, and then let people decide then if you're guilty or not.
Es mejor guardarse ese metraje hasta por lo menos el décimo episodio y dejar que la gente decida si eres culpable o no.
- Well, I just think maybe I'm a little sensitive because it's Valentine's Day and I don't really want to hear about Jerry all day long.
- Es que creo que estoy sensible porque hoy es San Valentín y no quiero oír hablar de Jerry todo el día.
You know, and if your friends don't mind maybe when you come down, it'll just be you?
, si a tus amigos no les importa, puede que cuando vengas, ¿ serás solo tú?
Sabrina Rodriguez told me that you can't even get it up, puto maricon, and the way you be all up in Ezekiel's business, maybe you got the hots for my boyfriend.
Sabrina Rodriguez me dijo que no se te para. Y por cómo te le pegas a Ezekiel debes de estar caliente por él. - No soy maricón.
Okay. And if I do play that show, uh, maybe I'll see you there.
Y si lo hago jugar a ese programa, uh, tal vez nos vemos allí.
Since we're, um, exploring our options- - and I know this is a sensitive area, but maybe you could try calling ginnie's mom.
Ya que estamos, eh, la exploración de nuestro options- - y sé que esto es un área sensible, pero tal vez usted podría intentar llamar a la madre de ginnie.
and maybe not 16
maybe 16487
maybe later 400
maybe one day 85
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe not tomorrow 22
maybe next time 255
maybe another time 111
maybe not today 46
maybe next week 45
maybe 16487
maybe later 400
maybe one day 85
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe not tomorrow 22
maybe next time 255
maybe another time 111
maybe not today 46
maybe next week 45
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe someday 76
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe i will 247
maybe you should be 18
maybe i don't 50
maybe someday 76
maybe i won't 28
maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe i did 99
maybe i will 247
maybe you should be 18