Maybe you are Çeviri İspanyolca
2,866 parallel translation
Maybe you are in such a world now.
Tal vez ahora tu estás en ese mundo.
Well, maybe you are kind of a dick.
Quizás sí, eres un poco idiota.
Hell, maybe you are too old for me.
Demonios, tal vez eres demasiado viejo para mí.
Which you took seriously, because maybe you are lying.
Y te lo tomaste en serio. Quizá estés mintiendo.
Margaret, why do you look at me like I'm disgusting? Maybe you are.
¿ Por qué me miras como si fuera repugnante?
Maybe you are an Akkadian after all.
Quizá sí seas acadiano.
Maybe you are right.
Tal vez tengas razón.
Maybe you are so focused on how everyone else perceives you, that you no longer know who you are.
Igual estás tan concentrada en cómo te perciben los demás que ya no sabes cómo eres.
Maybe we should start a family together. Are you kidding?
Talvés deberíamos comenzar una familia juntos. ¿ Estás bromeando?
Maybe I've lost a bit of my edge. What are you doing up there?
Quizás he perdido un poco de ventaja. ¿ Qué estás haciendo ahí arriba?
Maybe you should wear some lipstick, since you think boys who look like girls are so hilarious. Huh? Go!
Quizás deberías de usar pintalabios ya que piensas que los hombres que se parecen a las mujeres son graciosísimos. ¡ Vete!
Considering how hopelessly outnumbered we are, maybe you guys could lend us a hand.
Considerando lo superados que estamos en número, tal vez ustedes podrían ayudarnos.
What are you scared of, Commissioner, maybe death?
¿ A qué tenéis miedo, Comisario, a la muerte?
Maybe that's true in church but on "Survivor" people are not as forgiving, you know, as Jesus Christ is.
Tal vez eso es cierto en la iglesia, pero en "Survivor" la gente no es tan indulgente...
Maybe you just have no sense of where things are anymore.
Puede que no tengas el sentido de dónde están las cosas.
I'm thinking I'm talking to Ben and Derek, the same guys vino framed me 10 years ago... and vino are now enjoying blackmailing me because maybe they've got nothing better to do because you are two crazy fucked sadists.. and don't realize that my patience's got a limit...
Estoy pensando en hablar con Ben y Derek, los mismos tipos que me han molestado desde hace 10 años..... y que ahora están disfrutando de chantajearme, porque tal vez no tienen nada mejor que hacer y porque son dos locos sádicos jodidos y no se dan cuenta de que mi paciencia tiene un límite...
Maybe you can tell me what, what part you would lose, but I think we are getting there.
Me puedes decir qué parte quitarle pero ya casi está.
But the drugs are better every year, maybe you...
Pero los medicamentos son mejores cada año, es posible que...
Maybe right now all you need to know is that there are 1000 inmates in Blackgate Prison as a direct result of the Dent Act.
A lo mejor ahora mismo... Lo que necesitan saber... Es que hay mil presos en la Prisión de Blackgate, como consecuencia directa de la Ley Dent.
Maybe what you are saying is right.
Tal vez lo que tu dices es cierto.
Maybe not. But you are afraid of something.
Puede que no, pero tienes miedo de algo.
What are you, I think, maybe a six?
What are you, I think, maybe a six?
Torgny... Have you ever thought about the battle you are fighting... maybe it's just your own and completely private?
Torgny ¿ has pensado alguna vez que la guerra que estás librando es tal vez tu propia guerra y la de nadie más?
Are you- -? Maybe your phone's turned off or something.
Tal vez tu teléfono esté apagado.
Maybe it's divinely inspired that you and I are here right now.
Quizá sea obra divina que tú y yo estemos aquí ahora.
Maybe Allyson isn't the kind of person who can recognize and appreciate how special and unique you are.
Quizá Allyson no sea la persona que sepa reconocer y apreciar lo especial y único que eres.
I don't know what your plans are, but do you maybe wanna go somewhere?
No sé qué planes tienes, pero ¿ quisieras ir a algún lugar?
Maybe you people are better off without me.
Tal vez estén mejor sin mí.
You gotta call her an idiot, a schmuck, maybe tell her that her thighs are really fat.
- Los hombres no lloran - Así que tú debes actuar como patán. Dile que es una idiota, una boba, quizás que sus muslos están gordos.
Maybe we are just like you.
Quizás somos como ustedes.
You are the only guy who can fly and maybe keep us airborne.
Eres el único que vuela y puede mantenernos en el aire.
I know I said things and I know that I can't take those things back, but you are a man and I am asking you, as a man to please dig inside yourself and see if maybe you just can forgive me.
Sé que dije cosas y que no puedo borrarlas, pero eres un hombre y te pido como hombre que busques dentro de ti y veas si quizá puedes perdonarme.
We were hoping maybe you could tell us what they are.
Esperamos que usted pudiera decirnos qué son.
The woods are dense, and maybe they'll go away, you know?
El bosque es denso, quiza se vayan.
Maybe you've recently been hospitalized, but are now okay.
Quizá estuviste hospitalizado hace poco pero ahora estás bien.
But, um, there are some things that I have to do, so maybe I can call you later, and we can hang out?
Pero hay un par de cosas que tengo que hacer, así que quizá te llame después, ¿ y podríamos salir?
I don't know, maybe. Are you jealous?
No lo sé, quizás. ¿ Tienes celos?
Maybe it means being strong even if you are scared.
Quizás signifique ser fuerte incluso si estás asustada.
There are unconfirmed reports it was allegedly a front maybe you should tell them.
Hay noticias sin confirmar - de que era supuestamente una fachada - Quizás deberías decírselo.
Maybe it wants to tell her that if your kin are with you then even your enemies are close-by even in this lifetime.
Puede que quiera decirle que si la familia está contigo.. .. los enemigos están muy cerca también en esta vida.
Although you're still hanging around here, so maybe you really are.
Aunque todavía sigues rondando por aqui, asi que probablemente lo seas de verdad.
Maybe. What are you gonna do about it?
Puede. ¿ Qué vas a hacer al respecto?
"You are the Prime Minister." Maybe he's right.
"Eres el Primer Ministro". Quizá tenga razón.
I was just gonna say that, uh, these two girls I know are in town. I gotta work tonight so I thought maybe you'd wanna take them out. Okay.
Mira, solo iba a decir que, estas dos chicas que conozco están en el pueblo, y tengo que trabajar esta noche, así que pensé que quizá querrías sacarlas.
If things are about to get messy, maybe you should meet the owner of this fleshy temple...
Si las cosas van a ponerse feas, quizás tengas que conocer al dueño de este templo de carne...
The girls are gonna try to neuter you with this proposal assignment by encouraging you to sing a sappy ballad, or maybe en cry during it.
Las chicas querrán castrarlo con esta tarea de la propuesta al alentarlo a cantar algo sentimental o a llorar mientras canta.
Well, it's very clear that the Anderson brothers are very talented, and I'm sure that there were many a family holiday where the two of you maybe did a little duet by the piano?
Bueno, está muy claro que los hermanos Anderson son muy talentosos, y estoy segura de que hubo muchas reuniones familiares en las que ustedes dos tal vez hicieron un dueto en el piano.
I know that drama school auditions are a year away for me, and I know that I'm kind of a long shot, but I was wondering if maybe you could give me some pointers.
Sé que para todo el drama estudiantil de las audiciones aún me queda un año, y sé que soy una apuesta para el futuro, pero me preguntaba si tal vez podrías darme algunos consejos.
- Where are you Rebel? - Since she isn't here to accept her crown, maybe it should go to the person with the 2nd most votes?
Como no está para aceptar la corona, se la deberías dar a la 2a. persona con más votos.
Maybe you guys are on to something.
Quizás ustedes están en algo.
Maybe the Ryans are crooks, and maybe you'll have to arrest them.
Tal vez los Ryan sean malhechores, y tal vez tengas que arrestarlos.
maybe you should be 18
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can't 19
maybe you can 86
maybe you're right 670
maybe you don't 49
maybe you shouldn't 29
maybe you haven't noticed 27
maybe you will 41
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can't 19
maybe you can 86
maybe you're right 670
maybe you don't 49
maybe you shouldn't 29
maybe you haven't noticed 27
maybe you will 41
maybe you won't 16
maybe you should talk to him 18
maybe you should have 16
maybe you didn't 23
maybe you were right 50
maybe you can help me 46
maybe you could help me 19
maybe you do 58
maybe you're not 19
maybe you know him 19
maybe you should talk to him 18
maybe you should have 16
maybe you didn't 23
maybe you were right 50
maybe you can help me 46
maybe you could help me 19
maybe you do 58
maybe you're not 19
maybe you know him 19
maybe you should go 43
maybe you didn't hear me 27
maybe you should go home 18
maybe you can help 20
maybe you could 66
maybe you did 45
maybe you've heard of it 18
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
maybe you didn't hear me 27
maybe you should go home 18
maybe you can help 20
maybe you could 66
maybe you did 45
maybe you've heard of it 18
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are free 73
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are right 482
you are free 73