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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / Anybody in there

Anybody in there Çeviri İspanyolca

865 parallel translation
- Anybody in there?
- ¿ Hay alguien ahí?
Hello! Anybody in there?
Hola, ¿ hay alguien ahí?
Well.. just keep your mouth shut and don't breathe on anybody in there.
Bueno... mantenga la boca cerrada y no le tire el aliento a nadie ahí dentro.
Only two things would take anybody in there.
Solo dos cosas llevarían a alguien ahí,
Something horrible. That's why Mark wouldn't let anybody in there.
Por eso Mark no deja entrar a nadie.
Gloria, there wouldn't be anybody in there.
gloria, ahí no hay nadie.
Hey Anybody in there?
¡ Oigan! ¿ Hay alguien ahí dentro?
Anybody in there?
¿ Hay alguien ahí?
'Hey, anybody in there? '
Ey, ¿ Hay alguien ahí dentro?
Anybody in there?
- ¿ Hay alguien ahí?
Was there anybody beside yourselves know the rubies were here in the house?
¿ Había alguien más que supiera que los rubíes estaban aquí en la casa?
- Wasn't there anybody in it?
- ¿ No había nadie adentro?
There doesn't seem to be anybody in the place.
No parece que haya nadie.
Get in there, quick, before anybody comes.
Entra allí, rápido antes de que nadie llegue.
To go in there and question anybody, see. Anybody.
Puedo interrogar a todos los empleados, ¿ lo entiendes?
Each one of you is going to handle your own Precinct in your own way. You know more about conditions there than anybody else.
Cada cual trabajará a su manera en su zona, pues la conoce mejor que nadie.
And cash in on it. I'm telling you, stay out of it. There's no game for anybody to be getting into it.
No seas tonto, no te metas en esto
Has there ever been anybody in your life you loved?
¿ No has amado a nadie así?
Now, everybody who is anybody in town is going to be there, you can count on that.
Y todo el que es alguien en la ciudad va a estar allí, puedes contar con eso.
But, Mr. Ziegfeld, there's never anybody in the back rows.
Pero, Sr. Ziegfeld, nunca hay nadie atrás.
He doesn't want anybody to get fired on by the soldiers. But if any of us were in there, he'd go in and get us, soldiers or no soldiers!
¡ No quiere que los soldados disparen a nadie, pero si fuera uno de nosotros, entraría y lo sacaría!
Is there anybody in this room named Eve Peabody?
¿ Hay alguien en esta sala que se llame... Eve Peabody?
We won't be running away From anything, Because there won't be Anybody else in the world But ourselves.
No huiremos de nada... porque no existirá nadie más que nosotros.
There isn't anybody in the house.
No hay nadie en la casa.
There's one thing in our favor. The colonel doesn't know anything about anybody in Tucson yet.
El coronel aún no sabe nada de nadie de Tucson.
I guess he's getting his house in order... so there won't be anybody around to talk against him.
Tú incluido.
I guess he's getting his house in order... so there won't be anybody around to talk against him.
Estará haciendo limpieza... para que no quede nadie que hable en su contra.
- Did you see anybody pick up that mask in there, Doctor?
- ¿ Vio a alguien agarrar la careta, doctor?
There's anybody in the world could beat that wildcat racket, it's him.
Si alguien puede triunfar en esto, es él.
Got anybody important in there?
Tienes a alguien importante ahí dentro?
You know, if anybody ever comes in here and gives you a $ 10 tip, scrutinize it carefully because there's a lot of counterfeit money going around.
Si alguien viene y te da una propina de $ 10 presta mucha atención porque hay mucho dinero falso dando vueltas.
If there's anybody wants to tell me different... let him stand up and get his head broke in.
Si alguien quiere contradecirme... que se levante y le partiré la cabeza.
I've been around a long time, Pitt... and in my stupid mind there was never anybody else but you.
- Yo siempre estuve, Pitt. Interiormente, cometí la tontería de sólo pensar en ti.
And I've been thinking, it's the good people that stick when anybody's in trouble, and there aren't many good people in the world.
He pensado que la gente buena se mantiene unida, y no queda mucha gente buena en el mundo.
I will go and see if there's anybody in the hall.
Iré a ver si hay alguien en el pasillo.
Everybody who's anybody in Washington was there.
Todo el mundo que es alguien importante en Washington estaba allí.
If there's anybody else in on it, Judge, speak up.
Si hay alguien más implicado, juez, hable.
It seems to me there's nothing to be gained in situations like these. By anybody losing their temper.
Creo que en las situaciones como ésta nadie gana nada enfadándose.
Wasn't there anybody to marry out there in Africa?
¿ No había en África nadie con quien casarse?
The door was open a little, so I marched right in ready to give her a piece of my mind... but there wasn't anybody there, which certainly made me feel a lot better... and I started to leave a lot happier than I had felt when I arrived.
Vi la puerta abierta y entré lista para decirle cuatro cosas. Pero no había nadie. Eso me hizo sentir mejor y pensé en marcharme, más aliviada.
When I can. There's only one person in this town who does anybody a real favor, that's the undertaker.
Aquí sólo una persona es la que hace verdaderos favores : el enterrador.
There's never been anybody in particular.
Nunca he tenido a nadie específico.
There's nothing special about your wife any more than anybody else mixed up in a murder case.
No hay nada especial en su esposa ni más ni menos que alguien mezclado en una caso de asesinato.
There'll be a fortune in it for anybody smart who gets in early.
Quien lo consiga, ganará una fortuna.
If there's anybody in London who could do it, it'd be you.
Si hay alguien en Londres que pudiera hacerlo, eras tú.
It'll take us about 2, 2 1 / 2 hours to get in there. Anybody got a match?
Tardaremos entre dos o dos horas y media en llegar. ¿ Alguien tiene un fósforo?
There's something in this air that would make anybody run.
Hay algo en este aire que haría correr a cualquiera.
If there be anybody in this assembly who has reason why... this here ceremony shouldn't take place...
Si hay alguien aquí que conozca un motivo... por el que la ceremonia no deba efectuarse- -
There has never been anybody else in my life, never anybody else but you.
Nunca ha habido nada en mi vida, nada más que tú.
When that truck went up in flames, there wasn't anything anybody could do.
Cuando el camión se incendió, no había nada que se pudiera hacer.
Anybody that can hold an accurate course in that country up there is a genius... and he's getting considerable help from God, to boot.
Cualquiera que puede llevar a cabo un curso exacto en ese país para arriba es un genio... y estámos consiguiendo bastante ayuda de dios.

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