Because i know you Çeviri İspanyolca
13,571 parallel translation
Because I know you won't listen.
Porque sé que no escucharás.
You know, the only reason Hitchcock and I took this case is because you said we were great.
Sabes que el único motivo por el que lo tomamos... es porque dijiste que éramos geniales.
And I'm sure whatever this is, you can get through it, because you are the strongest person I know.
Y... estoy seguro de que sea lo que sea esto puede superarlo... porque es la persona más fuerte que conozco.
Look, I know you're upset because Pimento seems a little amped up...
Sé que estás enfadado... porque Pimento parece un poco alterado...
Because, you know, I'm the only one that knows this particular aspect of telecoms.
Porque soy el único que entiende esta vertiente especial de las telecomunicaciones.
I'd love to but... I-I-I got to be straight with you because I know it's important, you know.
Me encantaría, pero debo ser honesto contigo porque sé que eso es importante.
They just don't know it, but it's natural. It's natural to fear them because when you're on an island you're surrounded and stuff, and, anyway, I'm more inclined'cause I'm a Leo, and lions... they just have no place on an island.
Pero es natural temerles porque cuando estás en una isla estás rodeado, y yo tengo esa tendencia por ser un Leo y los leones no pertenecen en una isla.
I know you're upset because your dad's dying...
Estás molesta porque tu papá está muriendo...
I don't know what you're referring to, because in the movie I saw, I was a hero scoring a legal victory for young run-a-gays everywhere.
No sé a qué te refieres porque en mi película fui el héroe que logró un triunfo legal para los gais fugitivos.
- I am trying to change the subject, Mr. Katiyal... because I know what you're facing.
Y usted... - Intento cambiar de tema, Sr. Katiyal Porque sé lo que está enfrentando
only that's a red herring, because, really, it's this serial killer, but, for a while, you think it is trolls, and, I don't know.
Sólo que es un arenque rojo, porque, en realidad, Es este asesino en serie, pero, por un tiempo, Usted piensa que es trolls, y, no lo sé.
While we're at it, why don't you call my husband, you know, Mr. Libby, - and tell him he can't retire - because I have been retired and tell him I'm gonna stop by the thrift store on the way home since we can't shop at the mall anymore?
Por cierto, llame a mi esposo, al Sr. Libby y dígale que no se puede jubilar porque me despidieron y dígale que iré a la tienda de segunda mano porque ya no puedo comprar en el centro comercial.
( Giggle ) All right, boys. Try to get some sleep for me because you know I'm not getting any tonight.
Muchachos, duerman por mí porque, una vez más, no podré dormir esta noche.
If anything, I like it because it's, you know, at least we're not killing, you know, the sheriff who's, like, a guy and that doesn't make any sense,'cause the killer kills women, so it'd just be, like,
En todo caso, me gusta porque por lo menos no matamos al alguacil, que es un tipo, y eso no tiene sentido porque el asesino mata mujeres, así que eso sería
You know, I always thought that it would have been much better if they were smaller fishbowls, because then that way, not so many people would have choked on them.
Sabes, siempre creí que hubiera sido mucho mejor que fuesen peceras más pequeñas, porque de ese modo no se habrían ahogado tanta gente en ellas.
I know it's impossible, but you gotta try to take away the emotion because that's what it is to him.
Sé que es imposible, Pero tienes que tratar de llevar la emoción porque eso es lo que es para él.
Kim, I want you to know that I always pushed you harder because I knew that I could expect more from you.
Kim, quiero que sepas que siempre te he exigido mucho porque sabía que podía esperar más de ti.
I-I had an for answer question, every concern, and I did not bad-mouth HHM, not at all, but I was, like, enthusiasm, you know, and personal service, because that's gotta count for something.
Tenía respuesta para cualquier pregunta, cada detalle, y no hablé mal de HHM, para nada, pero estaba como, muy entusiasmada, y lo del servicio personal, eso tiene que contar.
But I can assure you it is most certainly not going to play out the way you hope it will either, because even to stand in the road ahead of us, she would have to know which road to stand in.
Pero puedo asegurarles que sin duda no va a jugar de la manera que espero que asi sea, ya sea, porque incluso para estar en la carretera delante de nosotros, ella tendria que saber cual es el camino a pie en.
Because you know I hate you dragging that cello on the subway.
Porque sabes que me molesta que lleves el chelo en el metro.
I don't know because I'm not involved in it but I guess you have to learn that too.
Entonación. No sé, porque no estoy involucrado en ello. Pero, supongo que tienes que aprender eso también.
Because I don't have $ 1 1 / 2 billion and you know it.
¡ Porque no tengo mil quinientos millones, y lo sabes!
The only thing you're trying to do is get me out of the way, because I think you know deep down that Santa loves me.
Lo único que intentas hacer es quitarme de en medio, porque creo que sabes que, en el fondo, Papá Noel me quiere.
I don't care what urchin my son conspired with to create you, but I know she was Danaan, because otherwise your blood wouldn't feel so muddled.
No me importa con qué urchin conspiró mi hijo para crearte. Pero sé que ella era una Danaan, porque de lo contrario su sangre no se estaría tan confundida.
Because now that I know that you're out, I'm gonna dedicate myself to putting you back in.
Porque ahora que sé que estás fuera, voy a dedicarme a volver a encerrarte.
I don't kill them because I like to, you know.
No las mato porque me guste, ¿ sabes?
I do not know how to help you because I do not know their names.
No sé cómo ayudarles. Debido a que no conozco sus nombres.
You know, this is exactly why I don't wanna read your work because you always get so fucking defensive.
Esto es por qué no quiero leer lo que escribes porque siempre te pones a la defensiva.
I don't know, because I thought that if I was gonna have a baby I thought I was gonna have one with you, and I'm not going to be having one with you.
No lo sé, quizás pensé que si alguna vez tendría un bebé pensé que lo tendría contigo, y no lo tendré contigo.
Because you know as well as I do that even if we could be together, even if Hannah didn't exist, that I would destroy you.
Porque sabes que aunque pudiéramos estar juntos, aunque Hannah no existiera, te destruiría.
And I know this is a weird thing to say because you and Mom were married and everything.
Y sé que es raro decirlo porque tú y mamá estuvisteis casados y todo eso.
I wanna know what you think about it, because it would be... a very public campaign.
Quiero saber qué piensas, porque sería una campaña muy pública.
Because as I said, I wasn't the fastest, and I wasn't the brightest, and whatever, you know.
Porque como dije, yo no era el más rápido, y yo no era el más brillante, y cualquiera que sea, ya sabes.
You know, I'd never dreamed that there was going to be any, that kind of impact, because I'd been on television before and done movies before, and I was listed in the phone book.
Usted sabe, yo nunca soñado que no iba a haber ninguna, Ese tipo de impacto, debido a Me gustaría estado en la televisión antes de y hecho películas antes, Y yo estaba en la lista en la guía telefónica.
You know what, i think we should order for the table because if I drink too many of these cosmos, I'm gonna be on the floor.
Sabes qué, creo que deberíamos pedir una mesa porque si bebo demasiado De estos cosmopolitas, voy a caer al suelo.
Well, I'm just asking because, you know, Phoebe's gonna be here this weekend.
Pregunto porque Phoebe vendrá este fin de semana.
Marcus the Meerkat, because, you know, you and I have remarkably similar body shapes.
Marcus el Suricato porque, ya sabes tú y yo tenemos cuerpos bastante similares.
Well, I don't know who's been raising you, but I'm gonna get you some new crayons because it looks like he's shooting cabbages.
- Bien. No sé quién te estuvo educando, pero te compraré crayones porque parece que le dispara repollos.
But, you know, it's no worse than you and your, "I'm there for my patients" bullshit, because these patients that you see are criminals.
Pero, sabes, no es peor que tú y tu mierda de "estoy ahí para mis pacientes", porque estos pacientes que ves son criminales.
I feel weird talking to you about Jack because, obviously, you and I don't know each other very well.
Me siento extraña hablándote de Jack porque, obviamente, tú y yo no nos conocemos muy bien.
All I know is the Director wants to see you because you didn't follow orders and he wants to know why.
Sólo sé que el Director quiere verte porque... no seguiste las órdenes, y quiere saber por qué.
- Because you're not. - No, I know that.
ya lo sé.
- Okay, you know what? I'm gonna let that go because, you know, in the big scheme it just... it just doesn't...
Lo dejaré pasar por esta vez, porque realmente no importa.
- Yeah, and when I got suspicious, because, yes, of course I got suspicious and jealous and everything because, you know, it just seemed weird, he convinced me that I had trust issues. - Everybody was fishing.
Todos pescamos.
You say that like I know who I am, but I don't, because I am no longer a person.
Lo dices como si supiera quien soy, pero no es así, porque ya no soy una persona.
You're under my bidding because you know what, i said I talked to god.
Me pediste que entrara. Estás bajo mis órdenes porque sabes que, te dije que hablaba con Dios.
- I swear to god. I swear to god, because, you know what, the thing is nickle and I, me and him are the same ones. You know?
Lo juro por Dios, porque sabes que... la cosa es que Nickie y yo, yo y él somos lo mismo.
I don't like doing laundry particularly, so i-i, you know, I took him, and I sat him down and I, uh, I peed on him because i...
No me gusta particularmente la lavandería, así que... lo agarré, y lo senté... y...
Um, because I've been looking at all these schools in the uk, and because com... It's very competitive right now, as you know, and-and so if you don't get into the top school, you might as well just give up and start popping out babies.
Porque estuve viendo todas estas escuelas en el Reino Unido y porque... es muy competitivo ahora, como sabes... y si no entras en la escuela superior... podrías simplemente rendirte y empezar a tener bebés.
I've missed nickie so much over the past two years, and I'm so glad now to have come and met you all, because it makes it much easier to know that he's happy here.
Extrañé tanto a Nickie en los últimos dos años... y estoy tan contenta ahora de haber venido y conocerlos a todos... porque lo hace mucho más fácil... el saber que él es feliz aquí.
You know, I always figured you gave me this job because I speak my mind.
Ya sabes, siempre me imagine que me dio este trabajo porque digo lo que pienso.
because i'm happy 21
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53
because i love you 339
because it's you 31
because i said so 88
because i can't 94
because if you don't 161
because i don't 101
because i like you 101
because i'm your friend 17
because i love her 53