Behind the wall Çeviri İspanyolca
513 parallel translation
This is Colony- - Behind The Wall.
Esta es Colony- - detrás de la pared.
Coming up, on Colony- - Behind The Wall...
Próximamente, en Colony- - detrás de la pared...
Coming up, on Colony- - Behind The Wall, we'll explore occupied Los Angeles, and discover the challenges faced by its citizens.
Próximamente, en Colony- - detrás de la pared, exploraremos ocupado de Los Ángeles, y descubrir los desafíos que enfrentan los ciudadanos.
" If Mr. Rassendyll desires to know the whereabouts of the king let him come tonight at 2 : 00 to the deserted summerhouse behind the wall on the Boulevard Elphberg.
Si el señor Rassendyll desea conocer el paradero del rey... debe venir esta noche a las dos a la casa de verano deshabitada... detrás del muro del Boulevard Elphberg.
- Note said behind the wall.
- La nota decía detrás del muro.
Take cover behind the wall.
Cúbranse tras el muro.
Get behind the wall.
Vayan tras el muro.
- Here. I'm in here behind the wall.
Estoy detrás del muro.
" If Mr. Rassendyll desires to know the whereabouts of the king let him come tonight at 2 : 00 to the deserted summerhouse behind the wall on Boulevard Elphberg.
Si el Sr. Rassendyll desea saber el paradero del rey... que venga esta noche a las dos a la casa de verano abandonada... que hay detrás del muro del Boulevard Elphberg.
Behind the wall, men.
Atrás de la pared, hombres.
All this way behind the wall I am out of sight of the Tommies.
Por aquí detrás de la pared estoy fuera de la vista de las ametralladoras.
Guys, he must be behind the wall.
- Chicos, si está tiene que ser detrás de la muralla. - ¡ Marcello! - ¿ Casanova? - ¡ Marcello!
Everybody behind the wall.
Todos detrás del muro.
Behind the wall lived the famous Doctor Hartman.
Detrás del muro vivía el famoso Doctor Hartman.
We're right behind the wall! Right behind it.
Estamos justo detrás de la pared... justo detrás.
- The woman with the hen goes behind the wall. - Behind the wall? - Behind the "wule"!
La mujer con la gallina va detrás del muro.
Get over there behind the wall.
- Colócate detrás del muro.
Turn the back. Get behind the wall.
Retroceded un poco más, escondeos.
Put out the fuse! It's too late, it's already burning behind the wall.
Demasiado tarde, está al otro lado del muro.
With your damsons and your prunes, hiding behind the wall bars with your quinces. Well, I'm ready for you.
Sé que estáis detrás de la... pared con vuestros membrillos pero estoy preparado.
"Behind this wall lies the'Holy forest', where no European may enter!"
"Tras este muro está el Bosque Sagrado prohibido a los europeos!"
And behind the oil painting is the wall safe.
Tras el cuadro, la caja fuerte.
- Look on the wall behind you.
- Mira la pared detrás de ti.
The only unexposed wall space in this room is behind this embroidery.
Esa pared es la única parte de la habitación que no está al descubierto.
Maybe he hid it behind some secret panel in the wall.
Tal vez la escondió detrás de un panel secreto en la pared.
Since the day I was born, I've been a prisoner behind a stone wall.
Desde el día en que nací he sido un prisionero tras los muros de piedra.
- That hole in the wall behind you.
- Hay un agujero en la pared.
If I could only get a light behind these pages... I could throw them large as life upon the wall.
Si pudiera poner una luz tras las páginas, haría que se vieran grandes sobre la pared.
Not so in Ox Head Woods, further south. Step into it off the abandoned road that hugs its length, and it's like passing through a wall and closing the door behind you.
Excepto en el bosque de Oxhead, en el sur si alguien entrara por el camino que lo rodea sería como cruzar un muro, cerrando luego la puerta.
He wanted us to be alone. To wall off the outside world. Lot just behind a door marked "Do Not Disturb."
Quería que estuviéramos solos, aislados del mundo exterior, encerrados detrás de una puerta que pone : "No molestar".
We somehow end up on the city wall. I walk behind the rest of them.
De alguna modo terminaremos en la muralla del pueblo.
Face the wall! Hands behind your back!
¡ De cara a la pared con las manos a la espalda!
How the farmers gave them ball for ball, From behind each fence and farmyard wall.
Como los granjeros dieron bala por bala, desde detrás de cada cerca y muro.
The whispering and the smothered laughter behind the stupid flowered paper on the wall!
Los murmullos y risas ahogadas ¡ detrás del estúpido papel tapiz floreado de la pared!
Men and women behind the same wall, with only concrete and rifle bullets trying to keep them apart.
Hombres y mujeres tras el mismo muro. sólo cemento y balas de rifle para tratar de mantenerlos separados.
Do you remember the sign on the wall behind the counter?
¿ Recuerda el cartel que había detrás del mostrador?
Behind the wall.
Detrás de la pared.
Look behind you on the wall professor.
Mira detrás de ti en el profesor de la pared.
Mike, for the 500th time, there's a glass wall behind you.
Mike, por vez 500, te digo que atrás de ti hay vidrio.
Get inside or back behind the wall.
Entren O quedense atrás de la pared.
Behind the other officers, I get on the wall. Like this.
Detrás de los otros oficiales, me subo a la pared.
He is discreet like a saddened heart with no tears, humble like a hoop without roses, quiet like a field without honor, childish like a cradle, silent like the nearby forest, and surprising like, behind this wall,
Es discreto, como un sufriente corazón sin lágrimas ; modesto, como un arbusto sin rosas ; calmo, como un campo sin honor ;
And behind this wall there are the Dauphins.
A este lado del muro están los'delfines'.
Tell them to face the wall with their hands behind their heads.
Dígales que miren a la pared con las manos detrás de su cabeza.
Behind that wall, where the clothes are hung.
Detrás de este muro, donde está colgada la ropa.
She couldn't bear the thought of hurting her husband with a divorce, so Molly and her lover sealed up Mr. Pasco alive behind a new brick wall.
No podía soportar la idea de herir a su marido con un divorcio, así que Molly y su amante emparedaron vivo al Sr. Pasco.
Now this wall, behind which we're sheltering, is at approximately right angles to the rebel lines.
Este muro que nos protege da al ángulo derecho de las líneas rebeldes.
Yes, it's obvious that His Royal Highness has decided to have units of the Campbell-Argyll militia and some squadrons of dragoons to go down behind the south side of this wall, out of sight of the enemy, to take them in the rear and outflank the rebels.
Su Alteza Real ha decidido sin duda enviar a la milicia de Argyll y sus escuadrones montados por detrás de este muro, invisibles al enemigo, y sorprenderlos por detrás y rodear a los rebeldes.
- Siempre me he preguntado quién pintó ese cuadro detrás de usted.
Packed his bags, went back across the wall, closed the door behind him.
Hizo las maletas, cruzó el muro, y cerró la puerta detrás de él.
- The wall safe behind the picture.
- En la caja fuerte detrás del cuadro.
behind the scenes 17
behind the door 17
behind the bar 22
the wall street journal 16
the walls 37
the wall 69
wall 219
wallet 107
wallace 444
walls 61
behind the door 17
behind the bar 22
the wall street journal 16
the walls 37
the wall 69
wall 219
wallet 107
wallace 444
walls 61
wallop 17
waller 30
wally 498
wall street 110
wallets 27
behind 161
behind you 472
behind your back 37
behind me 73
behind us 53
waller 30
wally 498
wall street 110
wallets 27
behind 161
behind you 472
behind your back 37
behind me 73
behind us 53