Excellency Çeviri İspanyolca
4,127 parallel translation
Your Excellency, if I have made a mistake...
Excelencia, si he cometido un error...
It won't happen again, your Excellency.
No volverá a ocurrir, Excelencia.
The best compliment is your company, your Excellency.
El mayor cumplido es su compañía, Excelencia.
Your orders, your Excellency.
A sus órdenes, Excelencia.
No, your Excellency.
No, Excelencia.
Yes, your Excellency.
Sí, Excelencia.
He has left, your Excellency.
Se ha ido, Excelencia.
Good afternoon, your Excellency.
Buenas tardes, Excelencia.
Fourteen, your Excellency.
14, Excelencia.
Thank you, your Excellency, but as you see,
Gracias, Excelencia, pero como ve
Thank you, your Excellency.
Gracias, Excelencia.
His Excellency, has chosen greater responsibilities for you. But he wants to be sure the Trujillista is true to the marrow.
Su Excelencia le ha elegido para mayores responsabilidades, pero quiere asegurarse de que es un trujillista hasta la médula.
Now his Excellency will be very proud of you.
Ahora su Excelencia estará muy orgulloso de Vd.
His Excellency sent the letter to the press.
Su Excelencia mandó esa carta al periódico.
If his Excellency has decided to isolate you, he has a good reason.
Su Excelencia ha decidido aislarlo, tendrá una buena razón.
You will be alone with his Excellency, Uranita.
Estarás sola con su Excelencia, Uranita.
Good evening, your Excellency.
Buenas noches, Excelencia.
His Excellency has disappeared.
Su Excelencia ha desaparecido.
Your Excellency!
¡ Excelencia!
- So are you, Excellency.
- Como tú, Excelencia.
Your Excellency, I wish you a happy birthday.
Su excelencia, Le deseo feliz cumpleaños.
Your Excellency, could we see an example of the sword's power here?
Su excelencia, ¿ Podríamos ver un ejemplo del poder de la espada aquí?
Your Excellency!
¡ Su excelencia!
Thank you, excellency.
Gracias, Excelencia.
Thank you, excellency.
Sí, gracias, Excelencia.
- Thank you, excellency.
- Tan feliz. - También yo.
You're what, 62 years old now, Your Excellency.
Usted tiene... 62 años ahora, Su Excelencia.
Taking personal capital gains under the church's tax shelter... That'd be fraud, wouldn't it, Your Excellency?
Pasar ganancias personales bajo el amparo de la Iglesia bueno, eso sería fraude, ¿ no lo cree, Su Excelencia?
Good day, Your Excellency.
Que tenga buen día, Excelencia.
Ahem... We have a gift for you, Glorious Excellency, that we think you will be very pleased with.
Tenemos un regalo para Ud., Gloriosa Excelencia, que creemos le complacerá mucho.
Excellency Mark Antony orders 13th Legion to muster on the Field of Mars.
Su excelencia Marco Antonio ordena pasar revista a la Xlll Legión.
I'll stay here, thanks very much. These orders come direct from his Excellency Mark Antony himself.
Estas órdenes provienen directamente de su excelencia Marco Antonio.
Your Excellency, I am delighted to tell you that the council has reached a decision on the matter of...
Excelencia, me complace comunicarle que el consejo ha alcanzado una decisión respecto al asunto de...
I know the timing is not capricious, Excellency, but there's a matter of some urgency...
Sé que el momento no es propicio, Excelencia, pero hay un asunto de cierta urgencia...
We are safe, Excellency!
¡ Estamos a salvo, Excelencia!
That is impossible, your Excellency.
Eso es imposible, Su Excelencia.
Therefore, your Excellency, you must leave your heart here.
Por lo tanto, su Excelencia, debe dejar su corazón aquí.
I put my faith in you, your Excellency.
Pongo mi fe en usted, su Excelencia.
Your Excellency...!
¡ Su Excelencia...!
Did you summon me, your Excellency?
¿ Me llamó, su Excelencia?
Yes, your Excellency.
Si, su Excelencia.
Your Excellency!
¡ Su Excelencia!
I apologize for the delay, your Excellency.
Me disculpo por el retraso, Su Excelencia.
That is why, your Excellency...
Esa es la razón, Su Excelencia...
Their Excellency the Intendant!
¡ Su Excelencia el Intendente!
Your Excellency...
Thank you, your Excellency.
Enhorabuena. Gracias, Excelencia.
KaroI WojtyIa, Your excellency.
Karol Wojtyla, Excelencia.
Yes, excellency.
Sí, Excelencia.
- Yes, excellency.
- Sí, Excelencia.
To his excellency, Mr. Leonid Brezhnev, President of the Supreme Soviet Union.
Para su Excelencia, el Sr. Leonid Brezhnev Presidente de la Suprema Unión Soviética los eventos que tuvieron lugar en Polonia en los últimos meses fueron creados por la necesidad de una reconstrucción económica del país.
excelsior 34
excellent 3717
excellence 31
excellent work 196
excellent job 19
excellent choice 109
excellent point 25
excellent idea 88
excellent news 21
excellent question 67
excellent 3717
excellence 31
excellent work 196
excellent job 19
excellent choice 109
excellent point 25
excellent idea 88
excellent news 21
excellent question 67