Father brown Çeviri İspanyolca
357 parallel translation
I refer of course to the invisible man. A brilliant bit of deduction on the part of Father Brown.
Me refiero al hombre invisible, una inteligente deducción del padre Brown.
Father Brown.
Padre Brown.
You identify this person as Father Brown?
Identifica a esta persona como el padre Brown
Father Brown!
Padre Brown!
- Father Brown, are you all right? - Baggage.
- Padre Brown, ¿ está Vd. bien?
Father Brown!
Padre Brown
Father Brown, you will you good enough to leave matters in the lunatic hands of the Inspector and myself.
Sea Vd. sensato y deje las cosas. en nuestras manos, por torpes que las juzgue
Excuse me, madame, but I think that that parcel belongs to Father Brown.
Perdone, señora, pero creo que ese paquete pertenece al Padre Brown.
The parcel of Father Brown!
El paquete del Padre Brown!
- when I tripped over Father Brown's feet.
- cuando tropecé con los pies del Padre Brown.
Father Brown has often spoken to me of you.
El Padre Brown me ha hablado a menudo de Vd.
Please inform Father Brown personally that he's to appear before the Archbishop next Thursday.
Hágame el favor de informar personalmente al Padre Brown que debe comparecer ante el Sr. Arzobispo el próximo jueves.
My lord, I thought it proper to inform you that I've no alternative but to ask for a warrant for the arrest of Father Brown.
Señor, debo informarle de que no tengo otra alternativa que pedir una orden de arresto contra el padre Brown.
Please also inform Father Brown that the hounds have been unleashed.
Informe también al padre Brown de que los sabuesos andan sueltos.
Nor does Father Brown!
Tampoco el padre Brown
As Father Brown is in our house, he is our guest.
Como el Padre Brown está en nuestra casa, es nuestro invitado
Now, Father Brown will have it in for you, too.
Ahora, el padre Brown te apreciará menos.
Father Brown wants to see you.
El Padre Brown quiere verle.
Father Brown?
Padre Brown?
- Playing a requiem for Father Brown.
- Tocando un réquiem por el padre Brown.
I am sorry about your Father Brown.
Siento lo del Padre Brown.
I'm not Father Brown.
No soy el Padre Brown.
" Father Brown got to his feet, putting his hands behind him.
" El padre Brown se levantó poniéndose las manos a la espalda...
Father Brown looked him full in his frowning face.
El padre Brown, le miró fijamente a la cara...
Father Brown seemed to like the saturnine candour of the soldier.
Al padre Brown, pareció gustarle el triste candor de aquel soldado...
This is Father Brown and Father Riley.
El padre Brown y el padre Riley.
My brothers and guests here today... a special prayer of thanksgiving for the safe arrival... of Father Riley and Father Brown.
Hermanos e invitados presentes... una oración especial por la llegada segura... del padre Riley y del padre Brown.
Father Brown, would you render it for us?
Padre Brown, ¿ podría pronunciarla?
No, Father Brown.
No, padre Brown.
- Father Brown.
- Padre Brown.
I think Father Brown and I, we have to talk.
Creo que el padre Brown y yo debemos hablar.
Jim.... Father Brown?
Jim... ¿ Padre Brown?
Father Brown was going to join our order.
El padre Brown se unirá a nuestra orden.
And now, I call up to stand beside me... Father Brown.
Y ahora, llamo para que se sitúe a mi lado... al padre Brown.
Father Brown?
¿ Padre Brown?
It's another Father Brown.
Es otro padre Brown.
No, it's another Father Brown.
No, es otro padre Brown.
It is with great happiness that I present to you Father Brown... whom, we may say, the hand of God himself... has chosen to deliver this year's sermon... on the miraculous properties of the shrine of the Weeping Virgin.
Es una gran alegría presentarles al padre Brown... quien, por la misma mano de Dios... eligió pronunciar el sermón de este año... sobre las milagrosas propiedades del santuario de la Virgen que Llora.
Father Brown!
¡ Padre Brown!
- Father Brown?
- ¿ El padre Brown?
I went to see Tiger Brown, and my father was there too. They plan to arrest you.
He estado con el Sr. Brown, y mi padre también, y se han puesto de acuerdo para detenerte.
Cecily Brown's father is in Germany now, he sees him all the time.
El padre de Cecily está en Alemania y lo ve a menudo. - Dice que monta un caballo blanco y que le gusta pelear. - Pero...
Father Brown?
- ¿ La del padre Brown?
It's in Cimpoiesti at Uncle Dediu's wedding... A father-in-law King Tub was given by uncle Dediu 49 sheep all brown of one eye.
Está en Cimpoiesti, enla boda del tío Dediu Un padrino noble, Ciubar Voda, a quien el tío Dediu le regaló 49 ovejas tuertas.
My father has a saying : "Never to trust a man " who's nose is as brown as Mt.
Mi padre tiene un refrán "No confíes en un hombre con la nariz tan marrón como el Monte Fuji".
My father slaved at the Fortune 500 company he inherited so I could go to Choate, Brown and Harvard and see that this country isn't overrun by poor people and lesbians.
Papá trabajó como burro en la empresa que heredó y me envió a Choate, Brown y a Harvard para asegurarse que al país no lo invadieran los pobres y las lesbianas.
My very white mother, my black father, with their little brown girl.
Mi madre blanca, mi padre negro y una niña mestiza.
James Brown stole that whole "ants in my pants" idea from my father.
James Brown se robó esa idea de "hormigas en mis patalones"... de mi papá.
If I may say, from my designated father and "accepted" to be sick Lieutenant is blond, not brown.
¿ Le puedo decir? El designado por mi padre y aceptado de la enferma... es el Teniente rubio, no el moreno.
"Andy Brown, he's such a bad father."
"Andy Brown"
This name was given to him by his father, Master Mason Jesse Root Grant. Jesse Root Grant worked for John Brown's father, and then went on to work for E.A. Collins one of the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines.
Hiram ( dios pagano del sol ) fue el nombre puesto por su padre, el Maestro Mason Jesse Root Grant, quién trabajo con el padre de John Brown, que a su vez luego trabajaría para E.A. Collins, perteneciente a una de las 13 lineas de sangre de los Iluminati.
brown 641
browning 62
brownie 37
brownies 26
brown eyes 83
brown sugar 20
brown hair 212
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
browning 62
brownie 37
brownies 26
brown eyes 83
brown sugar 20
brown hair 212
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25