Hasn't she Çeviri İspanyolca
6,145 parallel translation
She hasn't shown in 3 weeks!
¡ No ha venido en tres semanas, ¿ se habrá dado cuenta de la trampa?
But she certainly made a mess of things now, hasn't she?
Pero sin duda ahora ella se hizo un lío, ¿ no?
14 weeks since she was arrested - why hasn't she mentioned it before?
14 semanas desde que fue arrestada, ¿ por qué no lo mencionó antes?
So, which ones hasn't she confessed to?
¿ Y cuáles no ha confesado?
But she hasn't been here for weeks.
- Pero no ha estado aquí hace semanas.
Mum hasn't told you about me, has she?
¿ Mamá no te ha hablado de mí, no?
Took a little bit of the old Dwayne love dust, but she told me that Angela hasn't been in any kind of relationship since she started there eight years ago.
Tuve que usar la "pócima de amor de Dwayne", pero me dijo que Angela no ha tenido ninguna relación amorosa... en los ocho años que lleva trabajando allí.
So, you have this voice that calls her up on the phone and almost like a conscience, asks have you checked the children, and she hasn't checked the children, and that's one of the reasons why she doesn't know
Por lo tanto, usted tiene esta voz que le llama por teléfono y casi como una conciencia, pide tiene usted marcó a los niños, y ella no ha comprobado los niños, y esa es una de las razones por las que no conoce
She hasn't had a visitor in a long time.
No ha tenido una visita hace mucho tiempo.
I think it's the only thing she hasn't been able to get over.
Creo que es lo único que no ha podido superar.
How do we turn a coyote back into a girl, when she hasn't been a girl for eight years?
¿ Cómo volvemos a transformar un coyote en una chica, cuando ella no ha sido una chica durante ocho años?
She just hasn't learned how to conceal it yet.
Sólo que no ha aprendido cómo ocultarlo todavía.
I mean, she hasn't moved.
No se ha movido.
I mean, she hasn't said yes to you, has she?
Ella no te había dicho que sí, ¿ no?
Hasn't she joined our cause?
¿ Acaso no se ha unido a nuestra causa?
You know, between you and me, she's a little worried that she's gonna get fired'cause she hasn't closed any cases yet.
Sabes, entre tú y yo, está un poco preocupada de que vaya a ser despedida porque no ha cerrado ningún caso todavía.
She hasn't even said a word.
No ha dicho ni una palabra.
It's not Zoe's fault, she hasn't done anything...
No es culpa de Zoe, ella no ha hecho nada...
She hasn't come down either.
Ella no ha bajado tampoco.
Hasn't she done some bad thing that she wouldn't want your parents to know about?
¿ No ha hecho nada malo de lo que no quisiera que se enterasen vuestros padres?
She hasn't slept well last night.
No ha dormido bien la noche anterior.
Apparently, she hasn't.
Aparentemente, no lo hizo.
Hasn't it occurred to you that she might have been taken, by him?
¿ No se te ocurrió que pudo haber sido raptada, por él?
Rose hasn't been seen nor has she contacted her family since the night of 3rd of May.
Rose no ha sido vista ni ha contactado con su familia desde la noche del 3 de mayo.
But as we got close, it just felt wrong, and now we left things weird, and I don't know, now she hasn't been answering my texts.
Pero tan pronto como nos acercamos, me sentí mal. Y ahora la cosa está rara y no sé, ahora no me contesta a los mensajes.
So why hasn't she called in and told us she's been sealing the thin spots?
Ella ha estado un paso delante de Mara todo este tiempo. ¿ Entonces por qué no se ha reportado para decirnos que ha estado sellando los puntos? .
- She hasn't eaten in months.
- No ha comido en meses.
She hasn't called.
No ha llamado.
She hasn't called me since she went overseas.
No me ha llamado desde que se fue.
The reason we couldn't find her is because she hasn't used her maiden name in over 20 years.
La razón por la que no la podíamos encontrar es porque no ha usado su nombre de soltera desde hace más de 20 años.
So far, she hasn't been... overly receptive.
Hasta ahora, ella no ha sido... excesivamente receptivo.
Except that I'm the boss. [Chuckles] Your girlfriend hasn't told her parents that she didn't go back to tufts?
Solo que yo soy el jefe. ¿ Tu novia no les ha dicho a sus padres que no iba a volver a Tufts?
She hasn't cared since she was born.
A ella lo mismo le da desde que nació.
But wait, she hasn't read it!
- ¡ Espera, ella no la ha leído!
Gold's taken it for her, and since she hasn't crushed it and killed me, that means she needs it for something far worse.
Gold lo tomó para ella, y como no lo ha aplastado para matarme, significa que lo necesita para algo mucho peor.
Her neighbors say she hasn't been around for a couple days. So we have a broadcast out on her car and we're sitting on her place.
- Su vecino dice que lleva un par de días sin verla así que he emitido una orden de búsqueda de su coche y estamos vigilando su casa.
- If she hasn't cheated on you after all these years, Why would she start now?
¿ Si ella no te engaño luego de todos esos años, por qué empezaría ahora?
If she has been sleeping with anyone, he hasn't been coming here.
Si se ha estado acostando con alguien, no ha venido aquí.
She hates me, and she hasn't even met me yet.
Me odia, y ni siquiera me ha conocido aún.
She hasn't had any gasm in years. Ooh! [Caroline gasps]
No ha tenido ningún orgasmo en años. ¡ Dios mío!
She hasn't stopped talking about you since we moved in the building.
Ella no se ha detenido hablando de ti desde que nos mudamos en el edificio.
Now it's crystal clear. She hasn't.
Ahora está claro como el cristal Ella no tiene.
She hasn't taken the ketchup packet.
No ha tomado el paquete de salsa de tomate.
She hasn't been able to fertilize any more eggs.
No ha sido capaz de fertilizar ningún ovulo nuevo.
Are you absolutely sure she hasn't been with any other dogs?
¿ Estás absolutamente seguro que ella no estuvo con otros perros?
Yeah, well, she's handled worse than this, hasn't she?
Bueno, ha pasado por cosas peores, ¿ no?
Hasn't she suffered enough?
¿ No ha sufrido ya bastante?
She hasn't sufficient time to heal.
No tuvo bastante tiempo para sanar.
She hasn't answered yet.
Aún no me ha respondido.
Your sister's said something, hasn't she?
Tu hermana te ha dicho algo, ¿ verdad?
Don't tell me she hasn't the means to locate a cell tower. It's a burner phone.
Es un teléfono desechable.
shelby 502
shell 112
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sheri 60
shepherd 619
shelley 195
sherman 325
shell 112
shelter 71
shen 37
sherlock holmes 135
sheridan 68
sheri 60
shepherd 619
shelley 195
sherman 325
sherry 217
she's my sister 210
sheena 27
shells 40
she is my sister 22
shepard 104
sheep 115
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she's my sister 210
sheena 27
shells 40
she is my sister 22
shepard 104
sheep 115
she's my cousin 38
she's a teacher 19
she's crazy 250