He's back there Çeviri İspanyolca
1,056 parallel translation
Even though we know that he's pulled her out of the bay, taken her back, taken her clothes off and put her into bed, the audience isn't supposed to really get that because there's no clothes hanging on the line.
Aunque sabemos que la sacó de la bahía, la llevó a su apartamento, le quitó la ropa y la puso en la cama, el público no debe captar ese detalle porque no hay ropa colgada en el cordel.
The blackmailer will go back soon, when he's sure the Corsicans aren't there.
Su chantajista regresará a correos,... cuando esté seguro de que los corsos ya no estén.
He's messed up as bad as those two back there.
Lo dejaron tan mal como aquellos dos de atras.
He's there in the back room.
Está ahí, en ese cuartito.
He's in there. I'll be right back.
Hay uno dentro, enseguida les traigo a éste.
- Oh, he's just back up there.
- Está allá arriba. - Sí, le veo.
He's back there.
Está de regreso.
You fear he might come back, or that he's already there, when I again enter your room.
Temor de que él pueda regresar, o que ya esté aquí... cuando entro de nuevo a tú habitación.
Even though there's no surf, he's right back in the swim.
Aunque no hay olas, está con la tabla de surf.
Yes, he's back there holding court.
- Sí, por ahí, dando audiencia.
Which indicates there's no telling when he'll be back.
Por lo que es difícil saber a qué hora volverá.
There's no doubt he's made a wild pitch... but I'd like to back him up all I can right now.
No hay duda de que tomó una decisión loca pero ahora me gustaría apoyarlo todo lo que pueda.
If there's no fish, he takes the net back, and that's it!
Si no dan pescados, el hombre manda a buscar la red y que se mueran.
There, in the ancient hills, Taras Bulba's vision was to take root and grow like the sons he bore, steeled from birth for the day when the Cossack Brotherhood would drive the Polish conquerors from their homeland and take back the Steppes for their own.
Allí, en las antiguas colinas, la decisión de Taras Bulba fue echar raíces y criar a sus hijos, preparándolos desde la cuna para el día en que la Hermandad Cosaca echaría a los conquistadores polacos de su tierra natal
What's he doin'back there?
¿ Qué hace ahí atrás?
- He's back there in the "studio."
- Está por ahí, con la sastra.
Barbara's back there with him, alone!
He dejado a Bárbara sola con él.
He's kinda sensitive back there.
La tiene muy sensible.
There you see, he's back, and with the beer
Volvemos a tener muslo. Y con cerveza y todo.
If we take the kill to that fellow back there and he thinks she's a good provider, he might get the general idea, too.
Si le llevamos la presa a ese león y él cree que ella es buena cazadora, quizás él se haga una idea general.
He's where I want him, back there.
Está ahí detrás.
- He's right back there in the old stable.
- Hay que llevarlo al corral.
You've been told, he's not going back there.
Móntate y márchate antes que me aburra.
If he did, it's your fault. If you hadn't started to panic back there, nobody would have seen me take it.
Si no te hubieras asustado no nos habrían visto.
He's back there sleeping.
Está ahí dentro durmiéndola.
That teacher back there could have written the note. He's just the type.
El profesor de allá pudo haber escrito la nota, tiene el tipo.
He's going to stay there till you get back on your feet, even if it costs Sarek his life.
Se va a quedar allí hasta que usted se recupere aun si costara la vida de Sarek.
When he's back and if there are any jewels left... he's giving them away to the poor and the Church.
Cuando vuelva de Estados Unidos si sobran joyas... irán para los pobres y la Iglesia también.
Don't tell me he's not back there.
No me diga que no está allí.
If he's still there, open the back door for us.
Vas por delante y, si sigue ahí, nos abres la puerta de atrás.
Well if he isn't back, there's this other doctor, he might be able to help.
Bueno, si él no está de vuelta, no hay este otro Doctor, que podría ser capaz de ayudar.
Yes, he's right, Mash Islam. When he comes back and sees that his cow isn't there, he'll find out that she's dead.
Es verdad, Eslam cuando no la encuentre, donde se figurara que se ha ido.
He's been there and back.
Ese ya está de vuelta.
He's coming back. There he goes.
Ahí va.
And when my mother heard he refused the money, she sent me to your house through the back door to say that there was something wrong with my father's head.
Y cuando mi madre oyó que había rehusado el dinero, me envió a tu casa por la puerta trasera a decirle que mi padre estaba mal de la cabeza.
He's got a lot of good men back there to keep him company.
Está muerto! ¡ ; Y tiene mucha compañia!
There's Oliver, there's Oliver now. He's at the back.
Vemos a Oliver, que va el último.
- He's back there, counting.
- Ahí detrás, contando.
He's not there. Go back to Pedzhent.
No está allá, vuelve a Pedzhent.
Turned nothing, he's back there. He's been there for a long time.
De eso nada, está ahí atrás, hace mucho que está detrás.
Harry. There's a funny man and he brought Mr Harris's horse back.
Un señor muy raro ha traído el caballo del señor Harris.
He's back there.
Está allá atrás.
He's got a gold mine over in those hills back there.
Tiene una mina de oro en esas colinas.
Well, it set me back a few years, but at least there's a new pack of coyotes yapping up in the hills, and my boy said he saw a deer and a fox.
pero hay una manada de coyotes en las colinas y mi hijo dice que vio ciervos y un zorro.
There's a moon tonight and there's a cop I know He's gonna be coon hunting back in my woods.
Esta noche hay buena luna y un policía que conozco cazará furtivamente en mis bosques.
If he's there, I'll bring him back.
Si está ahí, lo detendré.
From what I've heard, there's no telling when even you might get shot in the back
Por lo que he oído, ni siquiera se sabe cuándo podrías recibir un tiro por la espalda.
He knows if there's a lady tapping beetle within half a mile she'll hear him and answer back.
Sabe que si hay un escarabajo hembra cerca escuchará y responderá.
He tried to kill me. I ran over him with the car. He's back there.
Quería matarme, y yo lo he atropellado con el coche, frente a la casa.
He's back there!
¡ Está allá atrás!
He used to work for Kilbourne Oil, maybe he's gone back there.
Antes trabajaba para Kilbourne Oil, tal vez regresó allá.
he's back 468
back there 214
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
back there 214
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35