He is Çeviri İspanyolca
287,556 parallel translation
"Is that if he pushes on this, he is in mortal peril."
"es que si èl presiona en esto, està en peligro de muerte."
I'm still trying to figure out who the hell he is.
Sigo intentando saber quién demonios es.
It doesn't matter if he is or he isn't.
No importa si lo hace o no.
He's not who he says he is.
Él no es quien dice ser.
As she is ill, I thought it best to let her recover at home.
Como está enferma, he pensado que mejor se quede en casa recuperándose.
Sipp might not be the guy you think he is.
Sipp puede que no sea el tipo que tú crees.
He is such a liar.
Qué mentiroso.
Mud, parabiosis means he is processing young blood and transfusing it.
Mud, la parabiosis significa que procesa sangre joven y la trasfunde.
And you have no idea who he is?
¿ Y no tienen ni idea de quién es?
But, ma'am... he is an American...
Pero señora, es estadounidense...
Oh, believe me, he is.
- Créeme, lo es.
Is Ahmed still in our sights? - He is.
- ¿ Aún tenemos a Ahmed en el objetivo?
I need to know that he is safe.
Quiero saber si está a salvo.
If he is in any kind of danger, he is not built for it.
Si está en peligro, no resistirá.
We lost Ahmadi a short time ago and believe he is no longer in Damascus.
Hace poco perdimos a Ahmadi y creemos que ya no está en Damasco.
At some point, someone is going to imply that he is still making the decisions.
Alguien insinuará que él sigue tomando las decisiones.
What... Oh! There he is!
¡ Ahí está!
And what a handsome boyfriend he is.
¡ Y qué novio tan apuesto!
Which is why Eisenhower, even though he knew about the subject on a fairly deep level, had completely lost control of it by 1961 when he left office.
Es el porque Eisenhower, Aunque sabía del tema en un nivel bastante profundo, hubo perdido completamente el control para 1961 cuando dejo la oficina.
He says, " No, this is absolutely their concern...
Èl dice, " no, esta es absolutamente su preocupacion...
And he said, " I already know this is real.
Y el dijo, " yo ya se que esto es real.
"The last card, is the alien card and all of it." "He said, is a lie."
"la ultima carta, es la carta alienigena y todo eso." "dijo el, es una mentira."
Well, I've talked to the secretary about it, and what she said now in public, is that if she's elected president and she gets into office she'll ask for as many records as the United States federal government has
Bien, he hablado con el secretario al respecto, y lo que dice ahora en publico, es que si ella fuera electa presidente y llega a la oficina pediria por tantas grabaciones como ella sabe que tiene el gobierno de los estados unidos
The only reason anyone would marry Russ is because he's rich.
¿ Quién se casaría con Russ si no fuera rico?
I'm holding it for a friend, his name is Ben Wheeler, he lives right there.
Se lo estoy guardando a un amigo, se llama Ben Wheeler, vive justo ahí.
Why's she still talking to him, what is he saying?
¿ Por qué sigue hablando con él? ¿ Qué está diciendo?
Yeah, is he still working for the agency?
Sí, ¿ sigue trabajando para la agencia?
Look, you know what he's doing to my niece, who is eight years old?
Escucha, ¿ sabes lo que le está haciendo a mi sobrina de ocho años?
Why is he silent?
¿ Por qué no habla?
The problem is he only turns his phone on long enough to check messages, so we haven't been able to triangulate his locations.
El problema es que solo enciende su teléfono lo suficiente para verificar sus mensajes, por lo que no hemos podido triangular sus localizaciones.
Is he a good leader?
¿ Es un buen líder?
Is he a cheerleader?
¿ Es animador? No.
Is he the only one?
¿ Es el único?
Where is he going?
¿ A dónde va?
Maybe the president is right. Maybe he does have a better chance in the House.
Quizá el presidente tenga razón y sea mejor optar por la Cámara.
If an American is working illegally, he will not be on the manifest...
Si un estadounidense trabaja ilegalmente, no estará en el manifiesto.
Who is he?
¿ Quién es?
He's not wrong, is he?
No se equivoca.
- Is he worth the fight?
- ¿ Vale la pena pelear?
If we give Usher what he says, his justice, that is it.
Si le damos a Usher lo que pide, su juez, se acabó.
The SEAL team is on the trail of Ahmed Al Ahmadi, but National Intelligence believes he's discovered we're following him and the truck is a countermeasure.
Los SEAL le siguen la pista a Ahmed Al Ahmadi. Inteligencia Nacional cree que sabe que estamos siguiéndolo y que el camión es una contramedida.
It's what he knows is the problem, and who he may have told it to.
El problema es qué sabe y a quién pudo decírselo.
But the list, he knows that Meredith Lee is hiding something.
Sabe que Meredith Lee oculta algo.
Sir, I believe he's playing both sides of whatever this committee is after.
Trabaja para ambos bandos en lo que sea que busca este comité.
Testimony from a disgraced and disgruntled former president. Why is he just speaking up now?
La declaración de un expresidente caído en desgracia. ¿ Por qué habla ahora?
Is what he said verifiable?
¿ Se puede verificar lo que dijo?
I actually am in a relationship, but I've been hiding it from everybody because I have once again chosen somebody that is completely inappropriate.
La verdad es que tengo una relación, pero se la he estado ocultando a todos porque he vuelto a elegir a alguien completamente inapropiado.
Good golly, is he small!
¡ Dios mío, qué pequeño!
Is he still here?
¿ Sigue aquí?
But the point is that I was mad because you made me see who I really am, and I was shocked to see what I have become.
Pero la cuestión es que estaba enfadada porque me has hecho ver cómo soy en realidad, y estaba sorprendida de ver en quién me he convertido.
If he's the lead, who else is in this choir?
Si él dirige, ¿ qué son los demás?
he is alive 57
he is mine 25
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is a doctor 16
he is not 130
he is fine 24
he is gone 57
he is my friend 35
he is lying 27
he is mine 25
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is a doctor 16
he is not 130
he is fine 24
he is gone 57
he is my friend 35
he is lying 27
he is handsome 23
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is a 27
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is innocent 28
he is not here 37
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is a 27
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is innocent 28
he is not here 37
he is gay 17
he is good 43
he is coming 31
he is my son 48
he is there 24
he isn't here 52
he is dangerous 29
he is now 35
he is right 68
he is not dead 16
he is good 43
he is coming 31
he is my son 48
he is there 24
he isn't here 52
he is dangerous 29
he is now 35
he is right 68
he is not dead 16