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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He is fine

He is fine Çeviri İspanyolca

919 parallel translation
He is fine.
Está bien.
Oh, he is fine.
Está bien.
- No, he is fine.
- No, está bien.
He is fine, but complaining a lot as usual.
Está bien, pero exagera mucho, como de costumbre.
- He is fine.
- Está bien.
And Hawasch is dead... and Fine... It's the key...... to Hawasch's counterfeiting plant he may have taken refuge there - -!
Y Hawasch está muerto... y Fina Es la llave... del taller de moneda falsa de Hawasch...
He is a fine man.
Es una persona excelente.
Oh, by Garibaldi... what a fine soldier he is, eh?
Por Garibaldi... qué soldado apuesto es, ¿ eh?
Hans is fine. Danke, he's fine.
Hans está bien, danke.
He's dead! Jim Brogan is a fine man. And besides, he's a genius.
Es una gran persona y un genio.
What kind of a thing is this? That's a fine thing to pull out of a man's soup.
La he encontrado en la sopa.
Your father was a worker. He built up a fine business. Where is it?
Su padre creó una bonita empresa. ¿ Dónde está?
─ Yes, he is. He's a fine man.
¡ Un buen hombre!
It's a fine thing that my boy, Patrick, is finally hearing something that's good for his soul and he's liking it.
Es bueno que mi chico, Patrick, por fin esté escuchando algo que es bueno para su alma y le guste.
He is a fine gentleman.
Es un buen hombre.
Everything is fine. Say, I bet he weighs more than any kid his age, huh?
Debe de pesar más que cualquier niño de su edad, ¿ no?
- He is a fine flier, isn't he, Court?
- Él es buen piloto, ¿ no, Court?
Looks like Alice is going to get married, and I think she'll be very happy because we just met the boy you sent her and he looks fine.
Parece ser que Alice se va a casar y creo que será muy feliz, porque acabamos de conocer al chico que le has enviado y tiene buen aspecto.
How is he? Fine.
- ¿ Cómo está?
And a fine broth of a boy he is, too.
- Es un muchacho hermoso.
Fritz Keller is a fine fellow, isn't he?
¿ Fritz Keller es un buen tipo, verdad?
Es un buen hombre, ese Sr. Booth, ¿ eh?
His father is not very well off nowadays. But he wishes his son to become a fine samurai... and wants him to spend even a half day with you. To teach him... the way of samurai.
Su padre no tiene riquezas hoy en día, pero desea que su hijo se haga un buen samurai... quiere que pase al menos medio día contigo... para que le enseñes... el camino del samurai.
Yes, sir, mighty fine animal, he is.
Sí, señor, un animal especial.
- That's fine. How is he?
- Está bien. ¿ Dónde está?
He's got a mighty fine voice... That is, if you can understand the language.
Tiene una voz excelente, para quien entienda lo que dice.
He's from a fine family and is a fine man.
Es de una buena familia y es un buen hombre.
He has a fine cut. His upper lip is very nearly severed.
Su labio superior casi se presenta partido.
This, my fine feathered friend, is the fire guard rota from Mr. Colpeper's house... and the dates that I've quoted to you are the nights that he was on duty.
Ésta, amigo mío, es la lista de vigilancia de incendios que tenía el Sr. Colpeper en su casa, y las fechas que te he dicho son en las que él tuvo guardia.
He wrote me one more letter from Hong Kong, how fine it is there, and that he would still love me... and I never saw him again.
Me escribió una vez más, de Hongkong, que dicen que es tan bonito, decía que aún me quería... y ya no lo he visto a ver más.
- How is he now? - Fine.
- ¿ Cómo está ahora?
All he thinks about is a fine lady in Spain.
ÉI solo piensa en una mujer española.
Dear Dad, Mom is fine, I've passed all the exams.
" Querido papá, mamá está bien. Yo he aprobado los exámenes.
How fine my Lt is and what a head he has!
¡ Qué listo es mi teniente, qué cabeza tiene!
Your father's a very fine man, But what you may not happen to know is that he's not in love with me.
Tu padre es encantador, pero no está enamorado de mí.
" Little Jimmy is fine, but he misses his daddy almost as much as I do.
" El pequeño Jimmy está bien, pero añora a su padre tanto como yo.
I merely suggested Tony because he's my secretary and therefore convenient...'cause he's a fine-looking young man and you must look well together, especially dancing... and because, uh, being seen with him... since it's well known that he is my secretary, would cause no raised eyebrows... or remarks behind the napkins... and finally because he has my complete confidence.
Lo he sugerido porque es mi secretario y está a mano. Es un chico guapo y seguro que se os ve muy bien bailando. Además, como se sabe que es mi secretario verte con él no causará sorpresa.
- How is Tom? - He's fine.
- ¿ Cómo está Tom?
I know where he is. Fine.
- Yo sé dónde está.
He is fine.
Our child is growing fine in her tummy now.
Incluso he podido engendrar un hijo. Sí, está embarazada.
How is he? He's fine.
- ¿ Qué tal está?
How is he? - Oh, he's just fine.
¿ Qué tal está él?
All I've been able to find out about you, Mr McLean, is that you are a very fine architect
Todo lo que he descubierto sobre usted, Sr McLean, es que es arquitecto.
I hear your place is coming along fine.
He oído que te está quedando bien la casa.
But when he comes back That day is fine
Pero cuando regresa Hace buen día
But when he comes back The day is fine
Pero cuando regresa Hace buen día
He is really fine, isn't he?
Un descubrimiento, ¿ no es cierto?
- He is a fine man.
- Es un hombre bueno.
As it is he will make a fine Man At Arms of the Castle Guard.
Pero sería una buena adquisición para la Guardia Real.
He is a righteous and fine man.
- Es un hombre noble e importante.

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