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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He is my husband

He is my husband Çeviri İspanyolca

552 parallel translation
He is my husband.
Él es mi marido.
Quite simply he is my husband.
La más simple. Es mi marido.
He's a faithless husband... but he is my husband.
Es un marido infiel, pero es mi marido.
Before you blackguard him I ask you to remember that he is my husband.
- Antes de seguir insultándole, os ruego que recordéis que es mi esposo.
He's no pimp, he is my husband!
¡ No es un chulo, es mi marido!
My husband is a bit hard-edged and cold-blooded, but you don't know how gentle and tender he is usually.
Sólo tiene un lado que es despiadado y de sangre fría... Pero normalmente es un hombre dulce y suave.
He is the only son of my sister, and the future husband of my daughter, he is my heir and the last one to carry our name "
Es el único hijo de mi hermana, y el futuro marido de mi hija, mi heredero y el último que para transmitir el apellido de nuestra familia "
This story is built up with the filmed documents my friend detective T has used. At Mrs Jonathan's request he observed her husband's comings and goings during several weeks.
Esta historia está constituida por los documentos filmados usados por mi amigo detective T que, a petición de Madame Jonathan, ha observado las idas y venidas de su marido durante varias semanas.
That is, if you don't mind Dick. He's going to be my - my husband.
Va a ser mi esposo.
I ´ ve heard your husband is an insurance agent,... so I ´ m thinking of insuring my child ´ s life.
Me he enterado que su marido es agente de seguros, así que estaba pensando en asegurar la vida de mi hijo.
I want my husband. Where is he?
Quiero a mi marido. ¿ Dónde está?
He's only my husband for, how much longer is it now, 60 days?
Sólo estaremos casados durante, ¿ cuánto falta, 60 días?
This is my husband, Seton Cram. He's Julia's cousin.
Éste es mi marido Seton Cram, el primo de Julia.
After consulting with my husband about Nobuko's report card, he told me that he feels that there must be some reason why her marks have fallen and asked me to come and ask what it is.
Tras consultar con mi marido las notas de Nobuko, él me comentó que siente que debe haber algún motivo por el que sus notas han bajado, y me pidió que viniera y preguntara esto.
Where's my husband? Where is he?
¿ Dónde está mi esposo?
I said, Mr. Cardew is a friend of my husband's.
He dicho que el Sr. Cardew es un amigo de mi marido.
Where is he? Where's my husband?
¿ Dónde está mi marido?
But you said 4 : 00. Nothing's ready now. My husband is still at the bank and the house is...
Dijeron a las 4, no he preparado nada y mi marido está en el banco.
My husband now, he works in a bank, but I think Charles is just in business.
Mi marido trabaja en un banco y Charles se dedica a los negocios.
My husband is 65. He's in love with me.
Mi esposo tiene 65 años y me ama.
The minute you accepted my invitation to our club meeting I rushed right home to Basil he's my husband, you know, and I said, "Basil, dear we just must make King Christopher feel that this is his second home."
Ni bien aceptó mi invitación a la reunión de nuestro club... corrí a contárselo a Basil. Es mi marido, ¿ sabe? Y le dije : "Basil, querido... haremos que el Rey Christopher se sienta como en casa".
Dr. Mason, my husband is planning to leave for Back of the Moon as soon possible, and he wants to take Danny with us.
Dr. Mason, mi marido planea regresar a "La cara oculta de la luna" tan pronto como sea posible y quiere llevarse a Danny con nosotros.
He is not my husband.
- No es mi marido.
When I think of the years I spent learning how to be irresistible to my husband. All you have to do is cackle.
Los años que he estado aprendiendo a resultarte irresistible... y solo tenía que cacarear
He is a newspaper man, a friend of my husband's.
Él es de un periódico, un amigo de mi marido.
My husband is very special, as you can see. He's the best worker, and the best eater.
Mi marido es especial, como ustedes pueden ver es muy trucha pa'chambear y pa'comer.
He is to be my husband.
Va a ser mi marido.
Yet my husband says I'm more of a Filipino than he is.
Pero mi marido dice que soy más filipina que él.
And he used to work in his spare time. Now my husband is dead.
Él solía llevarlo en su tiempo libre, pero ahora está muerto.
Kelada, my husband is a very jealous man, if I told him about this he will probably..
Mi marido es muy celoso. Si le cuento esto, seguro que...
Tell Bear Ghost my heart is warm because he is come to visit his grandaugher and her husband.
Dile a Oso Fantasma que estoy muy contento de que haya venido a visitarnos. a su nieta y su mesposo..
My husband is in London today, but he'll be back later.
Mi esposo está en Londres pero llegará más tarde.
It's only my husband. He has got is laboratory down in the basement. Oh.
El laboratorio de mi esposo está en el sótano.
Because he believed my husband is honest and wanted to help him.
Porqué creía que mi marido era honesto y quería ayudarle.
Major Hammond is innocent of everything and he would not be here now except that I went to him and told him my husband and his men were torturing his brother.
El mayor Hammond es inocente de todo, y no estaría aquí si no hubiese ido a decirle que mi marido y sus hombres estaban torturando a su hermano.
You see... my husband thinks all men are as debauched as he is.
Sabes... mi marido piensa que todos los hombres son unos viciosos como él.
He is right, my husband.
Tiene razón, esposo mío.
He's my son, but the father is Bettina's husband.
Es mi hijo, pero el padre es el marido de Bettina.
He is my late husband's most brilliant success.
Es el mayor éxito de mi difunto marido.
That's how he is, my husband...
Así es mi marido...
When he that is my husband now... came to me as I followed Edward's corse... when scarce the blood was well washed from his hands... which issued from my other angel husband... within so small a time... my woman's heart... grossly grew captive to his honey words.
Cuando el que ahora es mi esposo... vino a mí cuando seguía el cadáver de Eduardo, cuando tintas aún sus manos estaban de la sangre... de aquel ángel que fue mi otro esposo, en tan corto espacio de tiempo, mi corazón de mujer... se dejaba cautivar por sus palabras.
Even if I don't get up to get my husband's breakfast... The least I can do is sit with him while he has his coffee.
Al menos si no me levanto para servirte el desayuno a mi marido... por lo menos me sentarmé con él mientras se sirve su café.
Well, my husband has been talking things over with me, and while he doesn't seem to realize it himself, it's quite clear to me that Colonel Sokolov is only questioning him about subjects we've made little or no progress in.
Bueno, he estado hablando con mi esposo... y aunque él no parece darse cuenta de ello... está bastante claro que el coronel Sokolov... sólo le está interrogando sobre cuestiones en las que no hemos progresado nada.
He is not my husband.
No es mi marido.
Miklós! Please, my husband is a doctor and he's ill.
Mi marido es médico y está enfermo.
" My husband is a criminal, he is to blame for everything.
Mi marido es el responsable de todo.
He's my husband, believe it or not. Cyril, this is Joe.
Cyril, este es Joe.
I thought it was my husband. - Of course he is, he's busy working. - He's there?
- Creí que era mi marido.
He's my husband, the way he is!
¡ De todas formas es mío!
- I think my husband... He is much more advantageous to work with us, he's not busy right now.
Podría ser quizá mejor para él hacer este negocio con nosotros.
This lout... is my husband, so now you can fire me as well.
sino que además me he asado con él. ¡ Así que puede despedirme a mí también!

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