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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He is my brother

He is my brother Çeviri İspanyolca

655 parallel translation
After sniveling to me about how grateful he is my brother tells me he's stolen the affections...
Después de lloriquear Diciéndome cual agradecido está... mí hermano viene y me dice... que me ha robado el afecto...
Yes, the painful aspect of the whole thing is that he is my brother-in-law.
Sí, el aspecto doloroso de todo el asunto es que es mi cuñado.
He is my brother, Sukeyemon.
Es mi hermano, Sukeyemon.
- He is my brother-in-law.
- Es mi cuñado.
- He is my brother.
- Es mi hermano.
- He is my brother's prisoner.
- Es el prisionero de mi hermano.
I will never forget that he is my brother.
Jamás olvidaré que es mi hermano.
The skylark, he is my brother... for he rises up to heaven... and calls and calls... back to the beloved Earth... below.
La alondra... es mi hermana... porque se eleva al cielo... y llama una y otra vez... a su amada Tierra debajo.
If anyone does the will of my Father in heaven he is my brother, and sister, and mother.
Porque todo el que cumple la voluntad de mi Padre del cielo, ese es mi hermano, hermana, y mi madre.
Siegfried is no vassal. I love him as though he were my brother. We shall become blood brothers today!
Sigfrido, el hijo del rey Siegmund, no es mi vasallo. ¡ hoy mismo sellaremos nuestra hermandad con sangre!
He sniggers into his beard, especially when my brother Félix is being funny.
Para que se ría, mi hermano Félix tiene que ser muy gracioso.
Whatever he is, he's still my brother.
Es mi único hermano.
You know, Hélène, he is Jean Herbillon's brother, Jean who was with me for my last combat.
Sabes, Elena, es el hermano de Juan Herbillon que estuvo conmigo en mi último combate.
He is my younger brother's younger sister
Su madre era mi cuñada, y estaba en nuestra compañía ambulante.
He's my brother and he lives with me, but I don't know where he is.
Es mi hermano, y vive conmigo, pero no sé dónde está.
Yes, I promise to do my best to get my brother to go to... where is he to go?
Sí, prometo hacer lo imposible para convencerle que vaya... ¿ a dónde?
My brother Olaf is 6 " 2', and he's only in the second grade.
Mi hermano Olaf mide 1,90 y sólo está en segundo grado.
You think that by making my brother king, you will rule in Egypt... because you are his guardian and he is a little silly.
Crees que al convertir a mi hermano en rey, gobernarás Egipto porque eres su ayo y él es un crío tonto.
You know, my brother is so afraid that he shits in his pants.
Ya sabes, mi hermano en seguida se caga en los pantalones.
My brother-in-law is a doctor right here in this hospital, and he'll take care of it - hey, wait a minute.
Se equivoca, mi cuñado está en este hospital y se encargará... Un momento.
No, is my big brother, he ´ s very nice, he ´ d have liked you
No, es mi hermano mayor, es muy bueno, usted le habría gustado
- My brother's not actually sick, is he?
Mi hermano no está en realidad enfermo, ¿ no?
My brother is there and he will help me, I will try to find him.
Mi hermano está allí y me ayudará, intentaré encontrarle.
- He is the man who killed my brother.
- Es el hombre que asesinó a mi hermano.
This is what my brother has done to his brother!
¡ He aquí lo que mi hermano ha hecho conmigo!
Monsieur Barton, my brother, where is he?
Monsieur Barton, mi hermano, ¿ dónde está?
My brother-in-law is coming, and he's very formal.
Viene mi cuñado, que es un hombre muy formal.
My brother is a partisan too. It's been four months since he left.
Mi hermano también es partisano.
One, he's my brother-in-law. The other reason is, this idiot is rich.
Porque es mi cuñado y porque es tonto y es muy rico.
Major Hammond is innocent of everything and he would not be here now except that I went to him and told him my husband and his men were torturing his brother.
El mayor Hammond es inocente de todo, y no estaría aquí si no hubiese ido a decirle que mi marido y sus hombres estaban torturando a su hermano.
If my brother is guilty, he's gonna get a trial.
Si mi hermano es culpable, será juzgado.
But my dear brother is so good and so unsuspicious that he never sees it.
Pero mi querido hermano es tan bueno y... tan poco suspicaz que nunca lo ve.
My brother Pasquale is a sailor,..... but he never did find a ship who whould take him in.
Mi hermano Pasquale es marinero,... pero nunca ha encontrado un barco donde enrolarse.
Rori! He is like my brother.
omo mi hermano.749,02 : 11 : 43 : 19,02 : 11 : 46 : 08, Lo que q es que eres demasiado joven.
My brother Joseph is King of Spain, and he remains a French citizen.
Mi hermano Joseph es Rey de España, y permanece como ciudadano frances.
He's my brother. Whoever he is, he stole £ 4,000 worth of...
Quien sea prácticamente me ha robado 4.000 libras.
Is he my brother, or my son? Who is he?
¿ Es mi hermano, mi hijo?
My brother is very amusing, isn't he?
Mi hermano es muy simpático, ¿ no creen?
Where is he that attacked my brother?
¿ Dónde está el que ha atacado a mi hermano?
He is my brother!
Es mi hermanastro.
I give you my word, we won't hurt your brother. Now, where is he?
Prometo que no le haremos daño, ¿ dónde está?
Anders is my brother, and you know what he means to me.
Pero Anders es mi hermano y significa mucho para mí
My brother is the king of etiquette, but sometimes he messes up.
¿ A mí? - Sí, señorita.
I thought my brother was exaggerating, you know how he is, but you're beautiful.
Creía que mi hermano exageraba... Ya sabes cómo es. Pero eres preciosa.
This is Joselito, my brother,... he came from Spain to find his father.
Éste es Joselito, mi hermano, viene desde España buscando a su padre.
My brother, Simone, is sick. He won't be coming.
Mi hermano Simone está enfermo y hasta mañana no viene.
I've always been for the Government, my wife's in the womers club and my brother-in-law is a "doroteo".
Yo siempre he estado a favor del Gobierno, mi mujer es del Círculo Femenino y mi cuñado es "doroteo".
My brother-in-law's car is being repaired but he let me have this.
- El auto de mi cuñado esta en el taller, pero me dejó usar este.
There is no other law He degraded my brother.
Avergonzó a mi hermano.
No, he is my friend, but he is like a brother to me.
¡ Canta, tú canta! No, es amigo mío, pero somos como hermanos.
However, he is the only link I did have with my brother.
Sin embargo, él es el único vínculo que tenía con mi hermano.

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