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He was wrong Çeviri İspanyolca

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Clearly he was wrong.
Obviamente estaba equivocado.
I think he was wrong. I'll kill not one, but two men.
Creo que estaba equivocado. No mataré uno, sino dos hombres.
But neither have they said that he was wrong.
Pero ninguno ha declarado que estaba equivocado.
I knew he was wrong.
Sabía que se equivocaba.
All right, so he was wrong about the size of your brain, but you don't go and eat a man for that.
Estaba equivocado con lo de tu cerebro, pero no se come a alguien por eso.
He was wrong, and I proved my theory
Se equivocó, y probé mi teoría
He who so famously said that after the first four years the dust doesn't get any worse, he was wrong.
El que dijo la famosa frase que después de los primeros cuatro años, el polvo no puede ser peor, estaba equivocado.
No, not if you believe that he was wrong. It was so wrong to me so to speak.
No, pero si sentiste que estaba equivocado... muy equivocado por llamarme así...
- Did he just say he was wrong?
- ¿ Dijo que estaba equivocado?
Well, obviously, he was wrong again.
Bueno, obviamente se equivocó de nuevo.
But he was wrong.
Pero se equivocaba.
Her daddy swore I was bad for her and I did my best to prove he was wrong.
Su padre juró que yo era malo para ella y yo hice todo lo posible para demostrar que estaba equivocado.
Right up until the second the knife went through his heart, he was hoping he was wrong about you.
Justo en el segundo en que el cuchillo atravesó su corazón, el esperaba estar equivocado sobre tí.
So, um, Dr. Foster- - turns out he's- - he was wrong.
Entonces, Dra. Foster... resulta que él... estaba equivocado.
He totally admitted that he was wrong About love actually. Oh.
Admitió que se equivocó sobre "Love Actually"
Just that you know, they were wrong, he was a good soldier...
Es solo que, se habían equivocado, porque él era un buen soldado.
And maybe I was wrong for doing it, maybe we both were, but he's not a bad person.
Y tal vez me equivoqué al hacerlo, quizá los dos lo hicimos, Pero no es una mala persona.
If you're suggesting he was having an affair with her, you're wrong.
- Si está sugiriendo que estaba teniendo una aventura con ella, te equivocas.
He said he had money. He said he had made it the wrong way, But he was changing things,
Dijo que tenía dinero dijo que lo había hecho de la manera equivocada, pero estaba cambiando las cosas y quería el dinero para marcar la diferencia.
He must have known that sooner or later something would go wrong. His name was on the'death list'.
Su nombre estaba en la "lista de muerte".
Zwingli didn't actually eat the sausage himself, but he argued that there was nothing morally wrong with the sausage.
Zwingli en realidad no comió sus salchichas, pero dijo que no había nada moralmente malo en las salchichas.
So, anyway, anytime something would go wrong at work... he'd go out, get plastered, come home, punch out my mom... like it was all her fault.
Cada vez que algo resultaba mal en el trabajo él salía, se emborrachaba, volvía a casa, golpeaba a mi mamá...
Sometimes he didn't understand the question or the question didn't register in his brain and his answer was wrong.
A veces él no entendía la pregunta o la pregunta no la registraba en su cerebro y su respuesta era equivocada.
It was as foreign to him as scuba diving and he'd had an appalling history of getting it all wrong.
Él seguía a los artistas, iba de acá para allá, estaba preocupada.
He knew something was wrong.
Sabía que algo no estaba bien.
You know, he had in the back, all these stolen suits and suitcases and silverware, and he turned the wrong way up a one-way street, at the end of which there was a police car.
Tenía en la maleta, todos los trajes robados y maletas y cubiertos de plata, dobló en el camino equivocado en una calle de un sentido, al final de ella había una patrulla de policía.
Nathan knew it was Wrong to use Jack's name. But in his mind, he couldn't risk his secret getting out.
Nathan sabía que no era correcto usar el nombre de Jack pero no podía arriesgarse a que se descubriera su secreto.
I'm trying to remember what it was and he's going, "That's wrong."
Una vez estaba viendo un documental de la BBC con él y hablaban de un avión, un Messerschmitt, o algo así, no recuerdo muy bien.
What he did was wrong, Dad.
Lo que hizo estuvo mal, papá.
I have realized what mom did was wrong.
Me he dado cuenta de que mamá hizo mal
What if I was wrong.
¿ Qué pasa si me he equivocado.
He was hanging out with all the wrong kind of people. Hmm.
A salir con la gente equivocada.
See, I got married in my 20s and, granted he was the wrong man, but I was too young.
Me casé en mis 20, y sin duda alguna era el hombre equivocado pero era demasiado joven.
Was he just the wrong guy?
¿ Era el hombre equivocado?
Everybody was enamored by William because he was famous before anybody else. And he was also famous for all the wrong things.
Todo el mundo estaba enamorado de William porque él fue famoso antes que nadie, y también era famoso por todas las cosas malas.
but he was exactly the wrong person to tell it to.
pero el fue precisamente la persona errónea a la que decírselo.
His father wanted to prevent him from ever noticing that anything might be wrong with the world because he hoped that he would stay in the life they knew and loved and not go off, as was predicted at his birth, and possibly become a spiritual teacher rather than a king.
Su padre quería prevenirlo de saber que- - podría haber algo mal en el mundo porque esperaba que- - permaneciera en la vida que ellos conocían y amaban y no la dejara, como fue predicho en su nacimiento, y se convirtiera en un guía espiritual,
Precisely, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.
Exactamente, pero no pensó que que había algo malo en ello.
He was born into the wrong body and became a man.
El nacio en el cuerpo equivocado y nacio hombre. Es por eso que el es autista.
We noticed something was wrong when he was about 3 years old.
Lo Notamos cuando el tenia tres años de edad.
Maybe I was wrong to give you the leeway.
Quizá me he equivocado dándote libertad de acción.
I asked him what was wrong, he wouldn't tell me.
Le pregunté qué pasaba, no me lo quiso decir.
Bob Shaye was sure that he had made the wrong choice, all through the production, so he would come to the set and look around and had this really grumpy expression on his face and this really sort of suspicious look, like, "This Finnish guy has no idea what he is doing."
Había, en general, un aura de pánico en el set. Bob Shaye estaba seguro de que había tomado la decisión equivocada con respecto a la producción, entonces vino al set y miro todo con una gran expresión de estar malhumorado.
He was getting bored, so I gave him your bathing suit. Did I do wrong?
Se estaba aburriendo, así que le di tu traje de baño. ¿ Te parece mal?
Because I'm pretty sure he was murdered. * in between the lines * * there's a lot of obscurity * * I'm not inclined to resign to maturity * * if it's all right * * then you're all wrong * * but why bounce around to the same damn song? * * you'd rather run when you can't crawl *
Porque estoy bastante seguro de que fué asesinado. ¿ Que estás haciendo aquí tan pronto?
He was laying in the wrong direction anyway.
De todos modos lo está colocando en la dirección equivocada.
His lights were off and he was driving the wrong way.
Porque el camión venía sin luces y por la mano contraria.
Not even once was he wrong about a score.
Y ni una vez se equivocó en algo.
I was holding on to this pathetic hope all the way here. Maybe you were wrong about Trinity.
Me he aferrado todo el viaje a la patética esperanza, de que tal vez estuvieras equivocada respecto a Trinity.
Well, I finally realized that I was doing this all wrong.
Bueno, finalmente me he dado cuenta, que lo estaba haciendo todo mal.
At the last moment, he decided to go alone because it was wrong.
En el último momento decidió ir solo porque estaba muy mal.

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