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He was nice Çeviri İspanyolca

1,730 parallel translation
But he was nice.
Pero era bueno.
- He was nice.
- Era amable.
He was nice.
Era agradable.
- Yes, he was nice.
- Si, era bonito.
He was nice but my mom didn't marry him. - No?
Era agradable pero mi mamá no se casó con él.
He was nice.
Fue amable.
He was nice.
Es simpático.
He was nice.
Él era amable.
Because he wanted to sleep with me, he was nice to me.
Como se quería acostar conmigo, me trataba bien.
I understand you liked him as a man because he was so nice to you and all that.
Entiendo que te guste porque el fue bueno contigo.
We were just saying, what a nice ceremony this was, Old milt he left a great family behind.
Estábamos diciendo que fue hermosa la ceremonia del viejo Milt. Dejó una gran familia detrás.
He wasn't very nice to us, was he?
No fue muy agradable, ¿ no?
I thought he was a nice guy.
Lo creí buena persona.
I said he was wearing a nice tie.
Que llevaba una bonita corbata.
Well, don't you think it'd be nice if reverend devoted part of the eulogy to his life after he was married?
Bueno, no crees que estaría bien si el reverendo dedicase parte del discurso a su vida después de su matrimonio?
He was a nice bloke.
Él era un tipo agradable.
He was so nice.
- En tu tiempo ya estaba muerto.
He was a nice man. 1796, this was the Cabinet Room.
En 1796, esto era el Consejo de Ministros.
I got the full critique while we were shopping. He was pretty frank. Brutal, but, uh, in kind of a nice way.
Tu hermano me abrió los ojos cuando fuimos a comprar, es muy sincero rudo, pero de una forma agradable
Sometimes you forget to appreciate moments then suddenly you're back into your normal life trying to remember what it felt like when he looked at you a certain way or, I don't know, brought you a cookie that was all nice and warm from the snack bar.
a veces te olvidas de disfrutar de esos momentos y de repente vuelves a la normalidad y tratas de acordarte de ellos pero sólo te acuerdas de cosas raras Como cuando te compró una galleta de la cafetería porque estaba calentita y recién hecha
It was actually kind of nice to help somebody out. - I don't know if I did anything, but- - - You were willing to try.
Ha sido agradable sentir que podía ayudar a alguien aunque no sé si lo he hecho... pero lo has intentado eso es suficiente para mí
He was a nice man.
Era un hombre bueno.
He was always nice to Esteban.
Siempre fue amable con Esteban.
It was the first ad I saw in the phone book, and they seemed nice but... By the time I saw the doctor, he said I was past 24 weeks. And that it was too late.
Pero cuando tuve la cita con el médico me dijo que ya estaba de 24 semanas y que era demasiado tarde.
He was just trying to be nice.
Intentaba ser amable.
He was born in Ardwick, not the posh bit, but nice enough, so he won't be stealing your purse to buy crack!
Nacido en Ardwick, no en la parte elegante pero es bastante educado, así que no les robará la billetera para comprar crack.
Antwon was some Iraqi National Guard general, we'd wait till he was all tucked in bed having a real nice dream, and then cluster bomb his ass.
Si Antwon fuera un general de la Guardia Nacional iraquí... esperaríamos a que estuviera completamente dormido... y le meteríamos una bomba en el culo.
"He was a very nice human being, he was a lawyer, you know, but with lawyers there's good lawyers and bad lawyers."
Fue un hermoso ser humano, era abogado, pero hay buenos y malos abogados.
He was a nice fellow.
Era buena gente.
He was so fucking nice.
Fue malditamente linda.
He was really nice.
Era muy amable.
It was nice the way you asked the guy which hand he jerked off with.
Me ha gustado cómo le has preguntado con qué mano se masturbaba.
He was pretty nice.
Era un tipo amable.
He was always a nice kid.
Siempre fue un buen chico.
We just thought he was a nice guy and interested in what we were doing and that kind of thing.
Nos pareció un tipo muy agradable... e interesado en Io que hacíamos y ese tipo de cosas.
Mr. Zebra thought he was gonna take a nice drink.
El Sr. Cebra pensó que iba a tomar un rico trago.
He said, "Right before I cut his throat I was thinking how nice he was."
Dijo : "Justo antes de cortarle la garganta, estaba pensando en lo amable que era".
" He was a nice soft-spoken gentleman.
" Era un caballero de voz suave.
" I thought he was a very nice gentleman.
" Pensé que era un caballero muy amable.
Oh, that wasn't very nice. I was never rude to you!
Eso no ha sido muy amable, yo a ti no te he insultado!
He was actually really nice.
Él fue realmente muy agradable.
He was a very nice man.
Era un hombre muy agradable.
He was trying to look nice for you.
- Porque quería que lo vieras bien vestido.
He was always trying to be fair and nice to all of them...
Trataba de ser siempre justo y amable para todas.
Mlonir was a very nice guy He was Bengali like me
Monir era un gran tipo. Era bengalí como yo.
But... when he passed, we had a nice service for him... and my little cousin, or niece... she was about this high, and she came up to me, said, you know :
Pero... cuando falleció, le hicimos un gran funeral... y mi sobrinita, o nieta... Ella era así de alta, y vino hacia mí, y dijo, sabes :
He was moving too much and it was impossible to make a nice tattoo.
Se movía mucho y era imposible hacer un buen tatuaje.
You know, it's funny you say that, because I remember thinking as he was kicking me in the face, "Hey, this guy is pretty nice."
Es curioso que lo digas, porque recuerdo que pensaba'este chico es muy bueno', cuando estaba pateando mi cara.
I feel sorry for the guy, he was really nice.
Lo siento por el tipo, era muy majo.
Well, bye then... lt was nice...
Bueno, adiós entonces... Me lo he pasado bien... saluda a todos en casa...
This is nice. For most of the production, O'Toole did her scenes with Christopher Reeve when he was portraying Clark Kent.
Durante la mayor parte del rodaje, O ´ Toole hizo sus escenas con Reeve cuando interpretaba a Clark Kent.

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