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I really didn't know Çeviri İspanyolca

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I didn't really know what the eye was any more..... but I was damned if I was going to let it go for £ 34 and a banana milkshake.
No sé realmente lo que fue del ojo pero me arrepentiría si lo dejara ir por £ 34 y una malteada de plátano.
I wasn't in college yet then and didn't really know what I wanted to do.
En ese momento no estaba en la universidad. No sabía realmente qué quería hacer.
Rebecca, I don't feel like I ever really talked to you... because, you know, you didn't let me.
Rebecca, creo que nunca pude hablarte porque, tú sabes, nunca me dejaste.
But tonight are the United States Pornography Awards... and I know you didn't really like the idea of me going... but I feel like we've grown so much since then.
Pero hoy son los Premios de Pornografía de Estados Unidos, y sé que no te gustaba la idea de que yo fuera, pero creo que hemos crecido mucho desde entonces.
You know, i gotta say, that ring didn't really go with your whole look.
Sabes, debo decir, que ese anillo no iba mucho con tu estilo.
Dad, I really didn't know.
Papá, en verdad no sabia.
Lewis is alway doing nice things for me it was a chance i could do something nice for him a favor for a friend it's OK, Cleo, i understand we all know you like Lewis but, you really need to tell him that he didn't catch that fish
¿ Tenía que ser un pez tan grande? Lewis siempre hace cosas buenas para mí. Era mi oportunidad de hacer algo por él.
I really didn't know.
Realmente no lo sabía.
I didn't really think. I just followed the Doctor and... They don't even know where I am.
No lo pensé bien, sólo seguí al Doctor y ni siquiera saben dónde estoy, mis padres.
You know, I really didn't expect to see you again.
La verdad, no esperaba verte otra vez.
I never really prepared anything that didn't involve a microwave or boiling w you know?
Nunca prepare nada que tuviera que ver con un microondas o hervir algo, sabes?
I really didn't think you want any houseguests after the whole, you know, garrity thing.Don't take it personal, bro.
Realmente no crei que quisieras invitados despues de todo, ya sabes, la cosa de Garrity. No lo tomes personal.
Oh, yeah, you did. He's taking her on the plane back to the United States, and that's really where the story begins. If i didn't know any better, I'd say you're worried about me, Jack.
Y pronto descubrieron que no estaban en una isla normal no imaginable de ninguna forma
I didn't even really know him that well, but what I realize is, it's really affected me.
No lo conocía mucho pero me doy cuenta de que me afectó mucho.
- I didn't know it was bad. - Really?
- No sabía que era malo. - ¿ En serio?
I mean, it's just that... You know, Pam and I are still dating, so, and, I just mean that things are going really well, so I didn't want to see you.
Bueno, es sólo que, ya sabes, Pam y yo seguimos saliendo, y las cosas nos van muy bien, así que no es que quisiera realmente... verte.
You know, i really didn't mean anything i said
ya sabes, en realidad no pensaba nada de lo que dije.
I've met doctors who said when they first came out of medical school, they didn't know what to do. It was really overwhelming.
Conocí a doctores que cuando por fin salían de la escuela de medicina no sabían que hacer.
I didn't really know the currency, so I thought a million might cover it.
Desconocía el valor del cambio, y creí que con un millón estaría cubierto.
Didn't really know what the hell I was supposed to do.
Realmente no sabía qué demonios se suponía que debía hacer.
Oh, yeah, yeah, you know, my parents died when i was pretty young, so i didn't really know them.
Oh, sí, sabes, mis padres murieron cuando yo era niña, así que no les conocí realmente.
She attended a handful of Hearts Wait Club meetings, but I didn't, I didn't really know her.
Ella acudió a unas cuantas reuniones al Club de los Corazones en Espera, pero yo no, yo no la conocía muy bien.
I don't think we were welcome, really, somehow. I mean, one of my greatest regrets in life is I didn't go and see him, you know, after he was dead.
Una de las cosas que más me arrepiento en la vida es que no fui a verlo después de muerto.
Other than the usual command dinners I didn't really know Capitain Reynolds on a personal basis.
Aparte de las comidas oficiales habituales Realmente no conocía al Capitán Reynold de forma personal
Now, if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.
Ahora, si se disculpan, como sé que van a hacerlo... podría convencerla de que no era en serio.
He would cover my head, so I didn't know where I was, but it didn't really matter.
Él había cubierto mi cabeza así que no sabía dónde estaba. Pero eso no importaba.
But I didn't really know where Vidigal was.
Pero entonces, yo no sabía adonde era la favela Vidigal.
But I really didn't know.
Pero... de verdad no lo sabía.
I really didn't know where my brother was.
De verdad no sabía dónde estaba mi hermano.
Pardon me, but I didn't know we really carried these.
Perdone, pero no sabía que vendíamos estos.
I didn't really know what to bring.
No sabía qué traer.
AMBER : I don't really know, but I thought that code they printed didn't look very Christian.
En verdad, no lo sé, pero el código que publicaron no me pareció muy cristiano.
I'm really sorry. Honestly, I didn't know.
Honestamente, no sabía nada.
I wanted to do it at the end of the day when there was nobody here. I really didn't want everybody in this office to know that the new girl has got a big crush on the boss.
Y quería hacerlo al final del día cuando no hubiera nadie porque no quería que todos en la oficina supieran que el jefe ha cautivado a la chica nueva.
( AUDIENCE APPLAUDING ) Didn't know what I was letting myself in for, really, to be honest.
Honestamente, no sabía en qué me estaba metiendo.
I never... I didn't really know how, the...
Yo nunca... yo no sé cómo...
Okay, I know we didn't plan this, and, you know, neither of us really thought it was gonna happen, but life is like that, you know, you can't plan for it.
Mira, sé que no planeamos esto, y ninguno de los dos se lo podía esperar, pero en la vida no se puede planear todo.
I was trying to make like a really heart... but I didn't even know how to draw a heart, so I cut it... and it came out, like a star.
Yo estaba intentando hacer un corazón... pero no sabía cómo se pintaba, así que lo recorté. Y me salió como si fuera... una estrella.
But I didn't really know who I was, where I fit in, who I was gonna be.
Pero realmente no sabía quién era yo, adónde encajaba, o quién iba a ser.
Really, Nanny, I don't know why you didn't leave all this downstairs with Manuel to store.
En serio, Niñera, no sé por qué no dejaste todo esto abajo para que lo guardara Manuel.
'I didn't really know where I was going, but that wasn't important. 'I didn't want to lose her.'
No sabía muy bien adónde iba pero no quería perderla.
I didn't let him know anything really.
Lo siento, realmente.
You know what, I didn't get a really good chance
Creo que voy a preparar un té de relajación.
I didn't make a mistake, William. You know how different your life would be- - lf l would have married you? William, I have a really good life.
no cometi ningun error, William tu sabrias lo diferente que hubiera sido tu vida si... si me hubiera casado contigo... tengo una vida realmente buena
I didn't really know I was an alcoholic until recently.
Realmente no sabía que era alcohólico hasta hace poco.
Oh really I didn't know.
Oh, realmente no lo sabía.
You know, I didn't tell you this today yet, but you look really beautiful in that mask.
Todavía no te lo dije, pero la máscara te queda hermosa.
I didn't know about the beer, but I really wanted to ride a freight train.
La cerveza me daba igual. Pero sí quería subirme en un tren de carga.
I didn't really get to know her.
Realmente no la conocía.
I didn't really know her.
- En realidad no la conocía.
The trial was a very confusing time for me, because I've never been through a trial before. I didn't know what was really going on.
El juicio fue un tiempo muy confuso para mí... nunca había estado en uno, Yo no sabía lo que estaba pasando.

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