I was there Çeviri İspanyolca
52,161 parallel translation
I saw these symbols on his face when I was there... and also on the cloth.
Vi estos símbolos en su rostro cuando estaba allí... y también en la tela.
The first day I was there, they started burning my skin.
El primer día que estuve allí, empezaron a quemarme la piel.
Clary knows I was there.
Clary sabe que estuve allí.
I was there.
Estuve allí.
I was there.
Yo estuve ahí
I was there when the Martians invaded in 1938.
Estuve allí cuando los marcianos invadieron en 1938.
No, I was there.
No, yo estuve allí.
I was there!
¡ Estuve allí!
Not for nothing, but I was there after your mother was killed when no one else was.
No es por nada, pero estuve ahí después de que tu madre fuese asesinada cuando nadie más estuvo.
My friends needed me and I was there for them.
Mis amigos me necesitaban y estuve ahí para ellos.
Yeah, I know, I was there.
Sí, lo sé, estaba allí.
And I guess there was no box to check for "vendetta," right?
Sí. Imagino que no había dónde indicar "venganza", ¿ verdad?
I moved away because there was nothing left for me there.
Me mudé tan lejos porque ahí no me quedaba nada.
I wish there was less painful transfer of power in Bratva.
Ojalá fuera menos doloroso transferir el poder de la Bratva.
Before I got there, he was making deal with American businessman, some secret sensitive shipment.
Antes de que llegara ahí, él estaba haciendo un trato con un empresario estadounidense, algún envío delicado y secreto.
Oh, Rene, there was a time when I would have loved to hear you ask me that, but, no, I am not firing you.
Rene, había una época en la que me hubiese gustado oírte preguntarme eso, pero, no, no te estoy despidiendo.
There I was thinking you didn't know what an apology was.
Y yo que pensaba que no sabías lo que era una disculpa.
- There was the chin-up part I think we could work on.
- La parte de las dominadas creo que deberíamos trabajarla.
I did what I did... Because there was a part of me- - a bigger part than I would like to admit- - I enjoyed it.
Hice lo que hice... porque había una parte de mí... una parte más grande de lo que me gustaría admitir... que lo disfrutaba.
I figured nobody would believe there was barber shop on island.
Imaginé que nadie creería que había una peluquería en la isla.
There was this woman and... And I had sex with her.
Había una mujer y... tuve relaciones sexuales con ella.
Mom and I used to go there when I was a kid.
Mi madre y yo solíamos ir cuando era una niña.
Look, I was worried that if the Downworld found out, there'd be widespread panic.
Estaba preocupado de que si el Submundo se enteraba, cundiera el pánico.
I've made my fair share of mistakes with guys and... I was afraid to put myself out there.
He cometido bastantes errores con los chicos y... tenía miedo de sacarme a mí misma de allí.
I was back at the lake, drowning, and... there were these two swords coming at me.
Estaba de vuelta en el lago, ahogándome, y... había dos espadas que venían hacia mí.
If you weren't with him that morning, if you were sleeping it off and he was out there on his own, I need to know that.
Si no estaba con él esa mañana... si estaba durmiendo por haber bebido... y él estaba allí afuera por las suyas... necesito saberlo.
I just wanted to know what Protogen was working on there.
Solo quería saber en qué estaba trabajando Protogen allí.
You know, there was a time not too long ago, I would've been rooting for Eros over those missiles.
Hubo un tiempo, no hace mucho, que habría alentado a Eros en vez de a esos misiles.
Lying there, on my death bed, all I could think about was...
Acostado allí, en mi lecho de muerte, todo lo que podía pensar era...
I got this from someone who was there, someone I trust.
Me enteré de esto por alguien que estuvo allí, alguien en quien confío.
Well, if you want to test it out, there's... this gig at my work i was telling you about.
Bueno, si quieres probarlo, hay... este trabajo del que te estaba hablando.
- I was over there yesterday.
- Estuve allí ayer.
There was something in the photos that I can't explain.
Había algo en las fotos que no puedo explicar.
I was ready to fight you guys, but then, on the way home, it occurred to me there might be a better way.
Estaba dispuesto a enfrentarlos, pero camino a casa se me ocurrió una solución mejor.
I sort of knew that it had the potential of being a lie, but I was giving myself the benefit of the doubt that there was a version of events where it wouldn't be a lie.
Yo como que sabía que tenía el potencial de ser una mentira, pero, me estaba dando el beneficio de la duda. Que había una versión de los acontecimientos donde no sería una mentira.
Um, he swerved, and there was a big crunch, and the world started to roll and spin, and I thought... fuck.
Se desvió, y hubo un gran golpe, y el mundo comenzó a rodar y girar, y yo pensé... ¡ Carajo!
And there was the lighthouse, the one I'd been looking for.
Y ahí estaba el faro, el que había estado buscando.
I used to work there. I was a pilot.
Solía trabajar ahí, era piloto.
All my life... I felt like there was someone inside of me, someone stronger and... and smarter.
Toda mi vida... he sentido como que había alguien dentro de mí, alguien más fuerte... y más listo.
I couldn't understand what there was to smile about.
No entendía por lo que podría estar sonriendo.
See, I didn't claw my way to the top only to find out there was someone above me.
- Mira, no escalé mi camino hacia la cumbre sólo para darme cuenta que había alguien por encima de mí.
Wait, when I saw the future, there was a news scroll on TV.
Espera, cuando vi el futuro, se produjo un desplazamiento de noticias en la televisión.
Harrison Wells was always there for me, so I guess in some weird way, I just... I want to be there for Harrison Wells.
Harrison Wells siempre estaba ahí para mí, así que supongo que de una extraña manera, yo solo... quiero estar ahí para Harrison Wells.
I knew there was a good guy inside of you somewhere... one that the rest of us would like to see a little more often.
Sabía que había un buen tipo dentro de ti en algún lugar... uno que al resto de nosotros nos gustaría ver un poco más seguido.
There was nothing I could do.
No había nada que pudiera hacer.
Some guy was pitching his version of my script when I went down there.
Un tipo estaba contando una versión de mi guion cuando entré ahí dentro.
So, I was wondering if maybe there's another night we could do it.
Así que me estaba preguntando si quizás pudiéramos hacerlo otra noche.
He was already gone by the time I got there.
Ya se había ido cuando llegué.
Kai almost gutted you, and I was standing right there.
Kai casi te destrozó y yo estaba justo delante.
You remember where I told you to hide if there was a monster?
¿ Os acordáis de dónde os dije que os escondierais si había un monstruo?
I mean, there was that one girl.
Es decir, había una sola chica.
i was there too 26
i was there that night 19
i was there for you 17
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was there that night 19
i was there for you 17
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was here 250
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i wasn't thinking straight 33
i was just kidding 166
i wasn't thinking 181
i wasn't 1177
i wasn't born yesterday 35
i wasn't expecting that 35