In that Çeviri İspanyolca
491,141 parallel translation
Okay, but you and I both know that you don't exactly look like you belong in that neighborhood.
De acuerdo, pero usted y yo sabemos que no parece exactamente alguien que pudiera vivir en ese barrio.
She's in that building right there.
Está en ese edificio.
He got torn up by wolves in that movie.
Le despedazaban unos lobos en esa peli.
That I could take back those things you saw in that sensual video.
Poder deshacer las cosas que viste en ese vídeo para adultos.
Which means that I'm locked in.
Lo que significa que estoy encerrado.
At the PGR's hangar at the international airport in the City of México, on board that ANX-2226 of the Mexican Navy.
En el hangar de la PGR en el aeropuerto internacional de la Ciudad de México a bordo de ese ANX-2226 de la Marina Armada de México.
I'll see that everything is set to land in Cancún.
Yo me encargo de que no haya pedos para aterrizar en Cancún.
Go teach them who's in charge so that they won't forget it.
Darles una buena lección para que no se les olvide quién manda.
I mean, nothing like that has ever happened to me, and I've done some pretty suspicious things in the street.
Es decir, jamás me ha pasado nada semejante, y eso que he hecho cosas bastante sospechosas en la calle.
We can't leave the children that are in our care. - Right.
No podemos dejar a las niñas solas.
Just explain the deep-rooted institutionalized racism that remains pervasive in this country to this day.
Explícales el profundamente arraigado racismo institucional que sigue estando generalizado en este país hasta hoy día.
Look, I get that the guys in our precinct wouldn't profile me, but it still happened only one precinct over.
Escuche, sé que los compañeros de nuestra comisaría no me hubieran parado, pero aun así sucedió, solo que en otra comisaría.
Which is why you need to keep pushing forward in your career, so that you can change the system.
Que es por lo que tiene que seguir haciendo carrera, para poder cambiar el sistema.
It's always been her plan to be the youngest captain in the history of the NYPD, but if she doesn't pass this exam, she's gonna have to wait another three years to take it again, and that'll disrupt her entire life calendar.
Su plan siempre ha sido ser la capitana más joven de la historia de la Policía de Nueva York, pero si no aprueba este examen, tendrá que esperar otros tres años para repetirlo, y eso interrumpirá su calendario de vida por completo.
I knew you would say that, which is why I've asked these officers... to do their paperwork in here while you take the test.
Sabía que dirías eso, por lo que le he pedido a estos agentes... que hagan su papeleo aquí mientras tú haces el examen.
Anyway, can you please just look up every file that's been logged out in the past 20 minutes?
De todos modos, por favor, ¿ puedes mirar los archivos que se hayan abierto en los últimos 20 minutos?
That's just what the kid's gonna want, to play in a serial killer's dumping ground.
Eso es justo lo que el niño va a querer, jugar en el descampado de un asesino en serie.
That's bad news for you,'cause you're trapped in here with a psycho.
Eso son malas noticias para ti, porque estás atrapado aquí con un psicópata.
A place with so many stains that the new ones just blended in.
Un lugar con tantas manchas que las nuevas pasan desapercibidas.
Okay, I called some precincts, and it turns out that while we were at wine club, there was an attempted break-in at 100 Charming Avenue.
De acuerdo, he llamado a algunas comisarías y resulta que mientras estábamos en el club de vino, hubo un intento de robo en el 100 de la avenida Encanto.
All right, sir, I'm sorry that I got in the middle of your family business, but I'm afraid I have to get in the middle of it again.
De acuerdo, señor, siento haberme inmiscuido en sus asuntos familiares, pero me temo que tengo que inmiscuirme de nuevo.
- Come on, I'll buy you a drink that doesn't have any pills in it. - Okay.
- Vale.
He didn't know jack, but we surprisingly noticed that there was a camera in the room.
No sabía ni jota, pero hemos notado, para nuestra sorpresa, que había una cámara en la habitación.
Again, "meat fork" is fun, but under no circumstances should anyone say that in court.
Una vez más, "el tenedor de carne" es divertido, pero bajo ninguna circunstancia nadie debería decir eso en el juicio.
Prosecution claims you stole $ 26 million, but they can't trace that money to you in any way.
La acusación sostiene que robaron 26 millones de dólares, pero no pueden asociar ese dinero con ustedes.
How long has that been in there?
¿ Cuánto tiempo la llevabas ahí?
There's a document in here that looks to be fan fiction for the show "Madam Secretary."
Aquí hay un documento que parece hecho por un fan de la serie "Madam Secretary".
Now, it's come to my attention that, uh, some people in this, uh some people in this, uh...
Ahora, ha llegado a mi atención que, algunas personas en esta... algunas personas en esta...
It's come to my attention that some people in this room do not believe in my skills as an obstetrician.
Me ha llamado la atención que algunas personas en esta sala no creen en mis habilidades como un obstetra.
So, in this demo, I'm going to prove that I'm capable of safely delivering this baby doll with exactly zero damage to this metorical womb.
Entonces, en esta demostración voy a demostrar que soy capaz de recibir con seguridad a esta muñeca con exactamente cero daños a este útero metórico.
You know, like in The Breakfast Club how that janitor is the eyes and ears of the school.
Como en El Club de los Cinco con el conserje que era los ojos y oídos del instituto.
Okay, now, the stuff that I put up there on top is a little bit cooler than what was already in there, so I would give it a couple of minutes to settle.
Vale, la que estoy poniendo arriba está un poco más fría que la de abajo, así que yo la dejaría reposar unos minutos.
He also told me that there might be a little tension in here, seeing as, uh, what had happened the last time we had seen each other... my death on the operating table at your presence and such.
También me ha dicho que podía ser que aquí estuvieseis un poco tensos, dado lo que pasó la última vez que nos vimos... mi muerte en la mesa de operaciones contigo delante y tal.
Well, thank you for putting that in our heads.
Bueno, gracias por traernos eso a la mente.
Well, I'm sure someone's already been in there deeper than that, Lois.
Bueno, estoy seguro que ya alguien ha estado ahí y más profundo que eso, Lois.
Well, I guess I haven't seen that mongoose in a while.
Bueno, supongo que no he visto esa mangosta hace rato.
Happy saw Ryan Duckling wearing a tux like that in a movie poster.
Happy vio a Ryan Duckling usando un esmoquin como ese en un afiche de película.
And I went back in and crossed paths with the greatest engineer that I would ever know.
Y regresé y me encontré con la mejor ingeniera que haya conocido.
Yeah, if you could just take a number, I'll help you with that in a moment.
Si pudieras solo tomar un número, te ayudaré con eso en un momento.
But based on ground temperature readings and smoke rising from cracks in the earth, it's believed that this fire is heading for a subterranean telecom cable responsible for all communications west of the Mississippi.
Pero basado en las lecturas de la temperatura del suelo y el aumento de humo en las grietas de la Tierra, se cree que ese incendio se dirige hacia un cable de telecomunicaciones responsable de todas las comunicaciones del oeste del Misisipi.
The polyether polyol mixes with the diisocyanate, which mixes with the sugar in the Fruity Moons that dissipates at an even rate when the marshmallows dissolve, creating an expanding foam that clogs the coal vein's air pockets,
El poliol poliéter se mezcla con el diisocianato, que se mezcla con el azúcar de las lunas frutales que se disipa a una velocidad pareja cuando los malvadiscos se disuelven, crean una espuma expansiva que obstruye las bolsas de aire de la veta de carbón,
Well, we better think of something that will,'cause if the fire reaches the nuclear depot, the whole county goes up in a fireball.
La espuma no funcionará. Bueno, es mejor que pensemos en algo, porque si el fuego llega al depósito nuclear, todo el país se convierte en una bola de fuego.
Turns out they're owned by a shell corporation that is a subsidiary of the very telecom company that hired them in the first place.
Resulta ser que son propiedad de una corporación intermediaria que es filial de la empresa de telecomunicaciones que los contrató en primer lugar.
That'll create a glass barrier in the middle of the coal vein, cutting off the fire from the depot.
Eso creará una barrera de vidrio en medio de la veta de carbón, cortando el fuego del depósito.
Walter, for the sake of your lives and for the sake of all skinny little nerdy kids who no one ever thinks will grow up to land a super-hot wife, get through that damn cave-in.
Walter, por el bien de tu vida y por el bien de todos los pequeños niños nerds quienes no piensan crecer en una Tierra super caliente, debes atravesar esa maldita cueva.
But we can use that old coal bin to strike the cave-in like a battering ram.
Pero podemos usar ese viejo vagón de carbón para atravesar la cueva como un ariete.
In the spirit of staying positive, I found a bunch of connecting flights that work, and if they can just get through that rubble tout suite, they should be able to get to the wedding on time.
Con el ánimo de permanecer positivo, encontré un montón de vuelos de conexión que pueden funcionar, y si ellos pueden tomarlo, entonces deberían de ser capaces de llegar a tiempo a la boda.
I'm getting a little dizzy, and can only assume that carbon monoxide from the fire burning out above me is making its way through cracks in the shaft's ceiling.
Me estoy sintiendo un poco mareado, y solo puedo asumir que el monóxido de carbono del fuego de arriba está siguiendo su camino a través de las grietas en el techo del pozo.
Now, either you two tie the knot in a kick-ass, impromptu ceremony that I put together while you were all flying back, or you can sit here and miss another great party.
Ahora, tampoco se han tomado muy en serio esta increíble ceremonia improvisada que logré mientras estaban todos volando de regreso, o puedes sentarte aquí y perderte otra gran fiesta.
Earth's surface is gonna handle that in a matter of minutes.
El suelo se encargará de eso en unos minutos.
His arm and all surrounding muscles have been pinned, and that results in a buildup of deadly toxins- - creatine kinase, myoglobin, purines- - so if we just free his arm, those toxins circulate through his body,
Su brazo, todos sus músculos circundantes están clavados, y eso resulta en una acumulación de toxinas mortales, creatina quinasa, mioglobina, purinas... así que si liberamos su brazo, esas toxinas circularán por su cuerpo,
in that case 1880
in that sense 36
in that time 35
in that way 47
in that order 61
in that room 17
in that moment 131
in that respect 17
in that place 16
that 10639
in that sense 36
in that time 35
in that way 47
in that order 61
in that room 17
in that moment 131
in that respect 17
in that place 16
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
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that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's me 2273
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's me 2273
that's my baby 48
that is 2872
that's my line 54
that's my man 51
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20