In that order Çeviri İspanyolca
4,603 parallel translation
Senator Meyers says he's looking forward to putting his campaign in gear and working on his marriage, in that order...
El senador Meyers dice mirar hacia adelante y trabajando en su matrimonio, en ese orden...
So you're gonna lay low, stay off their radar, get better... in that order.
Así que vas a recostarte, mantenerte fuera de su radar, mejorar... En ese orden.
Though not necessarily in that order.
Aunque no necesariamente en ese orden.
Nazis, car salesmen, serial killers... in that order.
Nazis, vendedor de autos, asesinos en serie... en ese orden.
We put the letters in that order, it's O-R-I...
Ponemos las letras en ese orden, es O-R-I...
In that order.
En ese orden.
It's a story, created long ago by genies, to make people believe that you did not need to seek out a bottle in order to someday have what you desire.
Es una historia, creada hace mucho tiempo por genios, para hacer creer a la gente que no era necesario buscar una botella con el fin de tener algún día lo que deseas.
In order for that to happen, Ms. Hampton, you cannot speak to anyone, including your sister, about this investigation or your father's involvement in your mother's death.
Para que eso ocurra, míster Hampton, no puede hablar con nadie, incluida su hermana, sobre esta investigación o de la implicación de su padre en la muerte de su madre.
True, but if you refuse to abide by this gag order, you will be charged as a co-conspirator in a case that exposes many powerful people to prosecution.
Cierto, pero si rechazas acatar el secreto de sumario, serás acusado de co-conspirador en un caso que expone a muchas personas poderosas a la acusación.
I have ordered a review of our security measures on Capitol Hill and throughout the federal complex in order to avoid another such incident, and can assure the American people that we will remain vigilant.
He ordenado revisar nuestras medidas de seguridad en Capitol Hill y en todo el complejo federal para evitar otro incidente así, y poder asegurarle al pueblo estadounidense que nos mantendremos vigilantes.
Yes, I am, but I didn't need for Titus to die in order for that to happen.
Sí, así es. Pero no necesitaba que Titus muriera para eso.
Well, Captain, I understand that, uh, congratulations are in order.
Bueno, Capitán, entiendo eso pero, uh... felicitaciones todo está en orden.
This means that many of the traits that pertained to the writer himself, were used in the activities of the character, in order to be able to talk more easily about things that troubled him.
Esto quiere decir que muchos de los rasgos que pertenecían al escritor mismo se usaron en las actividades del personaje, de cara a poder hablar más fácilmente de cosas que le preocupaban.
If he can't keep his own house in order, that's not good for either of us.
Si él no puede mantener su casa en orden eso no es bueno para ninguno de nosotros.
And my mama always said that in order to be a true friend, you have to see the ugly to appreciate the good.
Y mi madre siempre dijo que para ser un amigo de verdad, tienes que ver la fealdad para apreciar la bondad.
But in order to do that, we need to identify the source of his rage.
Pero para poder hacer eso, tenemos que identificar el origen de su rabia.
But I would hope you wouldn't need to be told that in order to avoid having the same thing happen to you.
Pero esperaba que no necesitase que le contasen eso para evitar que le pase a usted lo mismo.
And then I explained that you're about to be redeployed to Afghanistan, and I may or may not have mentioned, in no particular order, tornado, hurricane, and dialysis.
Y le expliqué que estabas a punto de ser reubicada en Afganistán, y puede o no, que mencionara, si un orden concreto, tornador, huracanes, y diálisis.
Our holy order believes that truth is the great light in the universe, apart from all the suns, obviously.
Nuestra sagrada orden cree que la verdad es la gran luz del universo, aparte del sol, obviamente.
But in order to collect food, you have to find it and that led to an improvement in swimming.
Pero para recoger los alimentos, hay que encontrarlos, y eso dio lugar a una mejora en la natación.
In order to be able to produce this, you need to have limbs that stick out to the side and which can be swung forwards and backwards rather freely while you're flexing your body from side to side.
Para poder producir esto, necesitas tener extremidades que sobresalgan hacia los lados y que puedan girarse hacia delante y hacia atrás con libertad mientras flexionas tu cuerpo de lado a lado.
In medieval alchemy, these are the five elements that make up the universe, but there's an order of importance...
En la alquimia medieval, estos son los cinco elementos que forman el universo, pero hay un orden de importancia...
And she had the courage to name them all to Moscha in just that order.
Y tuvo el valor de nombrárselos a Moscha en ese orden.
This knife that I was told belonged to Declan Porter- - the one that Charlotte said she used to sabotage my car in order to kill me- -
Este cuchillo que dijeron que pertenecía a Declan Porter el que Charlotte dijo que utilizó para sabotear mi coche con la intención de matarme.
We are part of an ancient order sworn to fight the darkness that hides in Sleepy Hollow.
Somos parte de una antigua orden que juró combatir la oscuridad que se esconde en Sleepy Hollow.
However, it's quite possible that the craft that he made to escape this flood was actually a spaceship, and that he went into space in order to escape the flood and into orbit around our planet.
Sin embargo, es muy posible que la nave que construye para escapar de esta inundación en realidad fuera una nave espacial, y que salió al espacio con el fin de escapar del diluvio y orbitar alrededor de nuestro planeta.
- And what if I told you that in order to pay your salary, we'd need to take on more cases that actually paid?
- ¿ Y si te dijera que para pagar tu sueldo necesitaríamos más casos que den dinero?
It was the time that he battled his daddy's other dumb sperm in order to make his way to his mama's dumb-ass egg.
Fue la vez que se enfrentó a los otros espermatozoides tontos de su padre para llegar al óvulo tonto de su madre.
Genghis Khan was known to disappear for days and climb the most sacred mountain of Asia in order to commune with Tengri, who imparted to him not only battle plans but spiritual capability that made him the amazing leader that he was.
Genghis Kan solía desaparecer durante días y subir a la montaña más sagrada de Asia para conversar con Tengri, que le daba no solo planes de batalla, sino capacidades espirituales que le hicieron el increíble líder que fue.
wisdom teachings to us in order to make that healing possible.
más sabias, para hacer posible esa curación.
But in order to do that, you'd have to make the whole world sick, right?
Pero para hacer eso, tendría que hacer enfermar a todo el mundo, ¿ no?
La doctrina del Nuevo Testamento de salvación por Ia fe es ampliamente enseñado y comprendido actualmente, pero durante Ia oscuridad de Ia edad media era más fácil convencer
AI mismo tiempo, Roma estaba cavando el suelo para Ia construcción de Ia magnífica nueva basílica de San Pedro.
A man so loyal that he vows to enroll in driver's school and get his license SATSUKI KIRYUIN in order to drop off and pick up Satsuki Kiryuin!
Satsuki Kiryuin para llevar y traer a Satsuki de la escuela a casa.
In light of the public outcry, with many prominent leaders speaking out against my client, we are concerned that department brass may encourage the IAB to... sacrifice Officer Montero in order to keep the peace.
A raíz del clamor popular, con muchos líderes importantes hablando contra mi cliente, nos preocupa que el jefazo del departamento pudiera animar a Asuntos Internos a... sacrificar al agente Montero para mantener la paz.
You've got to get them in the Right order on that combination Box.
¡ Lo hace!
I'm just reading'em out loud in the order that I'm seeing'em.
Solo los estoy leyendo en voz alta a medida que los voy viendo.
I know that's a tall order, but you never got back to me about the gas leak in their apartment.
Se que es mucho pedir, pero nunca me has respondido sobre la fuga de gas en su departamento.
It has a goal in life : move forward and don't bump into anything. But it has to figure out what to do with its wheels in order to achieve that.
Pero lo interesante de ahora es que hemos reemplazado esos ordenadores por cerebros biológicos.
Are you suggesting that someone as bound by routine such as yourself has never crossed against the traffic lights in order to keep to a schedule?
¿ Estás sugiriendo que alguien tan limitado por la rutina tal como a ti mismo nunca ha cruzado contra las luces de tráfico con el fin de mantener un horario?
That's why I came up in order to see, didn't I?
Por eso se me ocurrió al fin de ver, ¿ no?
That's why the Chairman, in order to prevent that, he is trying to split it fairly for the two of you.
Es por eso que el Presidente, con el fin de evitarlo, él está tratando de dividir bastante para los dos.
I was coming into the dealership that morning. I only pretended I was coming in so they wouldn't know I was getting a court order forcing them to turn over all of their books.
Fingí que iba para que no sospecharan que pediría una orden por los libros.
Is it possible that the stories of giants, sea monsters, and other strange beings on Guadalcanal are really accounts of extraterrestrials who appear as frightening creatures in order to scare off anyone who might discover their secret alien bases?
¿ Es posible que las historias de gigantes, monstruos marinos y otras extrañas criaturas en Guadalcanal sean realmente relatos de los extraterrestres que buscan aparecer como criaturas aterradoras con el fin de asustar a cualquiera que pudiera descubrir sus bases alienígenas secretas?
That's something you do in the car, not something you order on a menu.
Eso es algo que usted hace En el coche, No algo que usted ordena En un menú.
In order to confirm counsel's attendance today, we ask that you call the names of these members of counsel.
Con el fin de confirmar los abogados que asisten hoy, le pedimos que llame a los nombres de estos miembros del consejo.
This photo is from a year ago, where Chairman Park personally build a research institute in Uzbekistan. and likely that he was planning to develop weapons on the basis of 4000 tons of force in order to increase toxicity and failure of defense... the latest type of chemical bombs.
Esta foto es de hace un año... cuando el Presidente Park personalmente... construyó un instituto de investigación en Uzbekistan... y parece que planeaba desarrollar armas químicas... sobre la base de cuatro mil toneladas de fuerza... para poder incrementar la toxicidad y la incapacidad de defensa... la más avanzada bomba química.
I'm asking if you came to greet me in order to thank me for that.
Estoy preguntado su viniste a saludarme a fin de darme las gracias por eso.
Where did the Confucian hierarchical order ( that young must honor their elders ) go in this Eastern country of courtesy?
¿ Dónde el orden jerárquico de Confucio ( que el joven debe honrar a sus mayores ) van en este país oriental de cortesía?
In order to find the answer to that, I need to catch the culprit.
Para encontrar la respuesta, necesito capturar al culpable.
I started working for that loan shark in order to survive.
Empecé a trabajar para ese prestamista para sobrevivir.
in that case 1880
in that sense 36
in that 47
in that time 35
in that way 47
in that room 17
in that moment 131
in that respect 17
in that place 16
order 688
in that sense 36
in that 47
in that time 35
in that way 47
in that room 17
in that moment 131
in that respect 17
in that place 16
order 688
orders 163
ordered 48
orderly 54
orders are orders 26
order in the court 34
order up 62
order bride 19
order arms 19
in the real world 60
in the morning 1802
ordered 48
orderly 54
orders are orders 26
order in the court 34
order up 62
order bride 19
order arms 19
in the real world 60
in the morning 1802
in the meantime 2026
in the kitchen 217
in the middle of the night 158
in the name of the father 223
in the criminal justice system 149
in the middle of nowhere 42
in the darkness 43
in the afternoon 211
in the beginning was the word 18
in there 594
in the kitchen 217
in the middle of the night 158
in the name of the father 223
in the criminal justice system 149
in the middle of nowhere 42
in the darkness 43
in the afternoon 211
in the beginning was the word 18
in there 594
in the ass 21
in the basement 109
in the flesh 166
in the beginning 230
in the house 117
in the first place 155
in the end 1091
in the name of jesus 26
in the name of god 118
in the old days 114
in the basement 109
in the flesh 166
in the beginning 230
in the house 117
in the first place 155
in the end 1091
in the name of jesus 26
in the name of god 118
in the old days 114
in the future 338
in the bathroom 154
in the 715
in the dark 154
in the past 316
in the woods 135
in the room 59
in the city 96
in the back 227
in the bathroom 154
in the 715
in the dark 154
in the past 316
in the woods 135
in the room 59
in the city 96
in the back 227