It could be anything Çeviri İspanyolca
614 parallel translation
Well, it could be anything from a pair of crutches to the American flag.
¿ Cómo disfrazarán la bomba? Podría ser cualquier cosa desde un par de muletas hasta la bandera.
It could be anything from a pair of crutches to the American flag. - MacGyver?
Puede ser cualquier cosa, desde muletas hasta la bandera...
- It could be anything.
- Podría ser cualquier cosa.
I never dreamed it could be anything like that.
Nunca pensé que sería algo así.
- Take two men and find out. It could be anything.
- Toma dos hombres y averigua qué es.
I never imagined it could be anything like this.
Jamás imaginé que fuera así.
It could be anything.
Podría ser cualquier cosa.
The way you play, it could be anything.
Así como lo tocas, podría ser cualquier cosa.
It could be anything, anywhere.
Podría ser cualquiera en cualquier lado.
It could be anything.
¡ Podría ser cualquier cosa!
Even if this were true, and I'm willing to believe it might just be true... how could I possibly do anything?
Incluso si esto fuera cierto, y estoy dispuesto a creer... que podría ser cierto... ¿ Cómo podría hacer algo?
well... that's reassuring not for me, my dear not at all you see, my dear Frau Peters you as a mother must want to avoid anything that might harm your daughter's good reputation don't you think it would be better for both of you... if you and your daughter could move to another province of our beautiful and large homeland?
Bueno es tranquilizador. No para mí, querido para nada. Mire, mi querida Sra. Peters...
But would it be asking too much of you to keep your opinions to yourself in the future, because I'm not interested in anything more you could possibly say.
¿ Pero sería pedirte demasiado que te guardes tus opiniones en el futuro? No estoy interesada en nada de lo que tú puedas decir.
Can't anything stop me any more than it could stop my father... from saying he believed in Joseph Smith even if he knew he'd be killed for it.
Igual que no pudieron impedir que mi padre dijera... que creía en Joseph Smith, aunque sabía que lo matarían por ello.
The check's just made out to the company, so it could be for anything.
El cheque está a nombre de la compañía así que podemos usarlo.
How much cheaper could it be? We're not paying anything now.
No podría ser más barato que ahora, que no pago nada.
Going to no good, he will be burned just the same just exactly the same for you could not doing anything about it
No servirá de nada, lo quemarán antes de que lo desentierren. ¿ Dónde es?
It might not be anything, and, then again, it could be just what you're looking for.
Podría no ser nada, pero podría ser lo que buscas.
I mean, when we got together finally, the first time... I never imagined it could be different or we could bust up or anything... but now I'd always be thinking about it.
Al principio de estar juntos, jamás pensé que pudiésemos llegar a este punto.
I know i could. It mightn't be good or anything, but i know i could.
Sería un papel sin importancia, pero podría conseguirlo.
That's wax, how could it be anything else?
Eso es cera, ¿ cómo puede ser otra cosa?
If you could have anything... an-y-thing... what would it be?
Si pudieras tener cualquier cosa, cualquiera. ¿ Qué eligirías?
It could be just anything you got laying around the office.
Puede ser cualquier cosa que tengas por la consulta.
It could be almost anything.
Cualquier cosa pudo ser.
It's easy to believe anything. Even how a beautiful girl like you could secretly be in love with a guy like myself.
Se creen fácilmente cualquier cosa, hasta que una hermosa chica como tú se haya enamorado, en secreto, de un tipo como yo.
It leaves me free to imagine whatever I want. You could be anything.
Me da la libertad de imaginar lo que me plazca.
Anything can be done. Of course it could be done.
Cualquier cosa puede hacerse y, por supuesto, eso también.
If anything happens to that girl, it could be serious for you, Amelia.
Si algo le sucede a esa chica, podría ser muy serio para ti, Amelia.
It could be practically anything.
No tengo ni idea.
If these particulars were brought out in a trial... as undoubtedly they would be... and it was then suggested that Mrs. Rath was so old... so nearsighted that she would sign anything you put in front of her... don't you see what that could lead to?
Si estos hechos salieran a la luz en un juicio... lo cual sucederá, sin duda... y se sugiriera que la Sra. Rath era tan anciana... tan corta de vista, que habría firmado cualquier cosa que Ud. le diera... ¿ se imagina lo que pasaría?
If this is it, as large as a monstrous creature we looking for I doubt whether anything that ever lived could be as deadly.
Si esto es así, tan grande como una criatura monstruosa que busca Dudo que cualquier cosa que haya vivido puede ser tan mortal.
If I could make it up, like he'd never come between us, if I could prove to you I wasn't scheming to steal anything, so everything would be the same between us, if I could do it, you'd love me again, wouldn't you?
Si pudiera arreglarlo, como si nunca hubiera existido entre nosotros, si pudiera demostrarte que no tenía intención de robarte nada, si todo pudiera ser como antes entre nosotros, si pudiera hacerlo, ¿ me volverías a querer?
I cried when I heard it. Could anything be better?
Lloré cuando lo oí. ¿ Podría haber algo mejor?
Well, could be, but I've never seen anything like it before.
Bueno, podría ser, pero nunca he visto algo así antes.
Could be my imagination but it won't hurt anything to check around outside.
Puede ser mi imaginación pero no herirá a nadie revisar el exterior.
Mrs Massingale, if I could force you to do anything, which obviously I cannot, it would be to go home, and stay home, where all decent women belong.
Sra. Massingale, si pudiera obligarla a hacer algo, cosa que no puedo hacer, sería a irse a casa y a quedarse allí, donde deben estar las mujeres decentes.
Could it be anything to do with that?
¿ Que otra cosa podria ser?
The problem is it could be anything.
Podría ser cualquier cosa.
If they knew that the sun was dying, it could be anything up to mass suicide.
¿ Cómo es posible que desaparezca todo un planeta?
And now for the first item this evening on the Menu, the team have chosen as a little hors d'oeuvres an item and I think we can be sure it won't be an ordinary item in fact the team told me just before the show that anything could happen, and probably would
Y la primera escena del menú de hoy... Nuestro equipo ha escogido un pequeño entremés de entrada. Seguro que no será una escena cualquiera.
I told him I didn't know anything about it, and what I did not know, I could not be held responsible for.
- Que no sabía nada y por eso no puedo ser responsable.
Could it be you was having a quick shufti through his pockets... to see if there was anything worth lifting?
¿ Es posible que usted estuviera revisándole los bolsillos... para ver si encontraba algo de valor?
It would be interesting to see what four people could do, if given the equipment, who didn't know anything about it, and told to get on with it and do something.
Sería interesante ver lo que cuatro personas harían, si les diesen el equipamiento, y sin saber nada de él tuvieran que comenzar a usarlo.
Anything can happen now, with the Americans at the gates of the city, it could be total chaos.
Dentro de poco los Americanos estarán en las puertas de la ciudad. Habrá un caos total.
Miss Montana, if you could do anything for mankind, what would it be?
Miss Montana, si pudiese hacer algo por la humanidad, ¿ qué haría?
Now, if anything does happen, Mr. Handford... it could be blamed on your country.
Ahora bien, si algo sucede, Sr. Handford, su país será el culpable.
And what has become of me... amid this appalling collapse - this shipwreck... which I believe was necessary, and which it could even be said that I have worked for, since it is certainly true that I have avoided working... at anything else?
¿ Y de mí, qué ha sido... en medio de este naufragio desastroso... que me parece necesario, y al que incluso cabe decir que he contribuido con mi trabajo, ya que lo cierto es que me he abstenido de trabajar... en cualquier otra cosa?
It could be a shadow, anything.
Podría ser una sombra, cualquier cosa.
Martin, it could be anything.
- Marty, podría ser cualquier cosa.
And even if it weren't, even if you fell in it, how could you say anything about how it was going to be used tomorrow, if it was on the verge of being used in a way that you couldn't possibly dream of?
E incluso si no lo es, incluso si se cae en la cuenta, ¿ cómo se podría decir algo acerca de cómo irá a ser utilizada mañana, si estaba a punto de ser usada en una manera que jamás se hubiera soñado?
If you could have anything that your heart desired, what would it be?
Si pudieras tener lo que más quisieras, ¿ qué pedirías?
it could kill you 25
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be 318
it couldn't be helped 24
it could be worse 106
it could work 74
it couldn't be 61
it could have been worse 50
it could go either way 16
it could happen 61
it could be you 17
it could be 318
it couldn't hurt 20
it could be fun 40
it could kill him 17
it couldn't 27
it could happen to anyone 28
it could be anybody 30
it could be anywhere 59
it could be him 22
it could be nothing 33
it could've been worse 30
it could be fun 40
it could kill him 17
it couldn't 27
it could happen to anyone 28
it could be anybody 30
it could be anywhere 59
it could be him 22
it could be nothing 33
it could've been worse 30