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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Let's try it

Let's try it Çeviri İspanyolca

1,941 parallel translation
So let's just try to avoid them, but if you already have one, you should disclose it to HR.
Entonces, intentemos evitarlos, pero... si ya tienen uno, deben comunicárselo a RR. HH.
Angel will let it go till the last second. He's gonna try to save the guy's life.
¿ Se lo decimos a Calzones?
Let's try it again.
Probemos de nuevo.
Well, we don't have much time, so whatever the connection is, let's try to figure it out before the cruisers get here.
Bueno, no tenemos mucho tiempo así que sea cual sea la conexión, intentemos averiguarla antes de que los cruceros lleguen aquí.
Let's try it on.
Me lo voy a probar.
- Let's try and make it 10.
- Probemos y hagámoslo con 10.
OK everyone. There's probably still evidence in there. Let's try and leave it intact.
Bien, todos, probablemente este ahí todavía la evidencia, entonces intentemos dejar todo intacto.
Well, you know, " Tying her up didn't do it for me, so let's try the bin bag. No, that's not working, either.
Bueno, ya sabes, atarla no me sirvió, probemos asfixiando - - no, tampoco funciona.
Let's try a candle, see if it gives us any guidance.
Probemos con una vela, a ver si nos da algo de claridad.
But, I mean, I hate, sort of... trying to write a song, and if it's not coming, "Oh, come on, let's try this..."
Pero... si la inspiración no llega, intento algo distinto.
Let's try it one more time.
Vamos a intentarlo una vez más.
Very well, let's try it.
Muy bien, intentémoslo.
Let's give it a try, huh?
Probémosla, ¿ eh?
- Come on, let's try it.
- vamos, intentémoslo.
- Yeah, let's try it!
. - Si, ¡ Intentémoslo!
It doesn't make sense. Let's give it a try.
No tiene caso.
Let's try it?
¿ Vamos a intentar?
Yeah, let's try it like that.
Sí, probemos así.
It's time to let someone else try.
Es hora de dejar que otro trate.
Let's try it.
Hay que probarlo.
Let the engine try. She's got to do it.
Deje que el motor lo haga.
Let's try it. Ready?
Probémoslo. ¿ Listo?
Let's try it again. Five, six, seven, eight.
Probémoslo otra vez.
OK, let's try it all.
Bien. Probémoslo todo.
No, it's sweet. Capucine, let's try an experiment.
Capucine, déjame probar un experimento.
Now, let's try it again.
Volvamos a intentarlo.
Now, let's try it again, but this time Tony already has the money together.
Lo haremos otra vez, pero ahora Tony tiene el dinero listo.
Come on, let's try it again.
Vamos a intentarlo de nuevo.
Let's just try and keep it real simple.
Vamos solamente a relajarnos y dejarlo fluir.
It's not Betty. Let's try!
... porque la Betty no tiene nada que ver...
Come let's try it...
Ven, vamos a intentarlo...
Let's try putting it on this rope pulley.
Intentemos ponerlo en esta polea.
Let's try it again.
Prueba de nuevo.
Let's try it.
Vamos a intentarlo!
Let's try the second last bar, and try to play it a little bit boring.
Veamos cómo va el penúltimo compás y trata de tocar más despacio.
Let's give it a try.
Bueno, intentémoslo!
Let's try it!
Let's try it.
Okay, let's try it out.
Hagamos la prueba.
All right, let's try making a drawing of it
Bien, vamos a tratar de dibujarlo.
All right, let's try it again.
Muy bien, probemos de nuevo.
Ok, Paul, let's try that again and take it from the top of the chorus, please.
Vale Paul... empecemos otra vez desde antes del estribillo, por favor
- Let's try not to blow it this time.
Vamos. - Traten de no arruinarlo esta vez, ¿ sí? - Gracias.
Well, I think it is you, it's you or Connor... right, let's just try that again, please, from the letter C.
Bueno, yo creo que eres tú, o Connor... bien, sólo vamos a intentarlo otra vez, por favor. Desde la letra C.
It'll give out. All right. Let's try synchronized cardioversion.
De acuerdo, intentemos la cardioversión sincronizada.
- All right, let's try it with the Doppler.
- Vamos a probar con el Doppler.
Let's try to imagine it.
Tratemos de imaginarlo.
Let Mickey try it. He's helping us.
Dejemos que Mikey lo intente
You know, it's not that easy to change who you are, but it helps when people let you try.
Mirad, no es nada fácil cambiar quién eres. Pero ayuda cuando la gente se esfuerza en ello.
Let's try to catch it.
Intentaremos pescarlo.
- Let's try it on inside.
- Vamos pruébatelo aquí adentro.

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